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Oh, I think that I've found myself a cheerleader

"Cheerleader" Omi

I felt a hand lightly shake my shoulder and I groaned, rolling over and pulling the covers over me. I thought the person had left but then the covers were ripped off of my body and the cool air kissed my skin. I curled up in a ball, pulling my pillow over my head. "Alex. " I didn't respond. "Alex, get up. We're going to be late." I stayed quiet, feeling myself beginning to drift off again. That is until I felt icey water hit my body. I shot up, looking around for the culprit. I spotted Malia and stared at her. I growled at her, irritated, but I got out of bed.

I stepped into the bathroom with my towel and looked in the mirror, checking to make sure that all of my bullet wounds were healed. They were. I took a quick shower, washing away all the blood, sweat, and dirt from yesterday's activities. I finished cleaning myself up and wrapped a towel around my body and another around my dripping hair. I tossed my dirty clothes into my hamper and headed back into my room to get ready for the day. I slipped on some undergarments and a par of volleyball shorts and began searching through my closet for something cute, I felt the need to look a little cute today. I mean, I had a reason anyways. Well two reasons. Liam. And the dead pool was now gone, I think that those are good enough reasons. I finally found a simple black dress with some cutouts in the sides, I blow dried my hair and combed through it before lightly curling it and then twisting it up into a partial bun, leaving hair hanging. I applied moisturizer, foundation, and a little concealer before swiping some mascara, eyeliner, and lip balm on. I slipped on a jean jacket and my platform-peep toe heels and did a once over, cute....but it was missing something. I scanned around my room, before my eyes settled on what I was looking for. I walked over, grabbing the pink necklace and clasping it around my neck. I grinned and grabbed my phone and my backpack, heading down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a water from the fridge and an apple, kissing my father's cheek and heading outside to my car.

I tossed my bag into the passenger seat and got buckled in, starting the engine. I pulled out of my spot out front and began the drive to Liam's. I pull up out front and honk the horn once. I wait a few minutes and out comes Liam. He get's in the passenger seat and grins at me, leaning over and pecking my cheek. "Good morning to you to." I laugh a little, pulling away from the curb and heading in the direction of Mason's.

"Good morning princess." He chuckles. I pull up in front of Mason's and look at him, batting my eyes.

"Li....." I stick my bottom lip out a little more. "Can you geo get him?" He rolls his eyes, huffing but get's out of my car and jogs up to the front porch of the house. I grab my phone, scrolling through my Instagram feed. I hear the doors open and close from my car and stick my phone back in the cup holder.

I arrive at school and find an empty parking spot. I hop out, grabbing my bag. Once the boys are out of the car, I click the button, locking the doors. Liam comes up next to me and grabs my hand, I look at him smiling. We head up towards the front of the school. "Thanks for the ride Lex." Mason grins. "Your car is so much better than the bus."

"It's no problem Mas, I don't mind. Stiles and I used to take the bus so I know how you feel." I laugh. Liam and Mason headed off to weight training and I headed off to my first period. I sat down in my desk and pulled out the previous nights homework and my notebook, beginning to copy down the notes that were up on the board.


Later that night, Stiles, Malia, and I were all in Stiles' room studying and doing homework. Malia was laying on my brother's bed, Stiles was seated at his desk, and I was sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed. I was struggling with my current math situation. "Hey Stiles? You did good in Geometry right?" He nodded, not looking up from his papers. "Do you think you can give me a hand with some of this? I'm really confused."

"Yeah sure. Give me just a second. " About a minute later he was seated next to me and was helping me to grasp the concept and figure out how to solve the problems. I thanked him and he got back up and continued working on whatever he was doing before. I put away my math work and then continued to work on my English essay that was due tomorrow. I got about 6 lines in when my dad walked in.

"Alright. Everyone stop what they're doing. I'm treating all of us out to dinner. Whatever you guys want." My head snapped up.

"" I began but Stiles cut me off.

"I don't think a man in your debt should be treating anyone to anything." I bit down on my lip. He was right.

"Well uh there's one debt we no longer have to worry about." He pulls a folded paper out of his pocket. I hop up walking over and taking it from him and scanning the letter. "It's a letter of apology from Eichen House, apparently they've decided to forgive our debt due to uh-uh-well." I looked at him. "You and Lydia almost getting killed by the groundskeeper."

"They can do that?" Malia asks, a slight smile beginning to form.

"They can do it. They did it."

"I have never been so happy that I've almost been murdered." I shoot Stiles an alarmed look.

"Well we're not out of it yet but....we're gonna be okay. And at least for the moment I can afford to take my two troublemakers and their partners out to dinner. Lex why don't you invite Liam?"

"He can't." I frown. "Our friend Mason and him are having a 'bro night' and playing video games tonight."

"Oh well that's okay. Another night." Stiles shuts his book. "Malia? What's your favorite food?"

"Deer." My eyes widen and my dad looks at Stiles and I.

"Pizza! She likes pizza." I correct, lookin at her. See flashes me a sheepish smile.

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