Strange Frequencies

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The next morning I'm in the library with Scott and Stiles coming up with our plan. Scott smoothes out the map of the city.

"So we're back to telluric currents?" My brother stares down at the map watching Scott as he draws on the map with a green marker.

"If the Dread Doctors didn't like coming into Eichen House because of them maybe we can use them to protect Hayden." Scott explains.

"Okay so besides Eichen, where's the strongest convergence?" Stiles asks. Scott grabs a red marker drawing an x.

"You're standing on it."

"So the plan is to hide her in the high school? For how long?" I frown, there was no way they could keep her here forever and Hayden wouldn't go along with that. 

"If we have to, all night." Scott answers. "Liam convinced Hayden not to say anything to her sister yet." I frown looking down at the floor. I understood he was the best option but something about it was unsettling to me. I hadn't talked to Liam at all over the last two days and I was confused. "She's working a double tonight, thinks Hayden's staying at a friends."

"But it's just a school though, it's not exactly a fortress." My brother frowns, pointing out the other flaw in this plan.

"Lydia's got an idea for that. Remember how Vallack quoted Tesla?"

"Frequency and vibration." Stiles answers. 

"She thinks he wasn't just saying that to sound smart. She thinks maybe it was a clue."

"To do what?" I ask, confused by where this was going,

"Disrupt their frequency." Scott leans towards us, his voice lowering. "Parrish took three cell phone jammers from the station. He thinks he can broaden their range of frequency...It's a long shot, but it's the best we've got right now." 

"So what do we do now? Where do the others fit into this? Malia? Kira?" I ask.

"I'm going to meet Kira to fill her in and bring her back with me. I know she's going through something but we need all the help we can get." Scott answers. Scott takes off leaving Stiles and I to come up with mini parts of the plan and some back up strategies. We make a list of all the things we know about the Dread Doctors abilities and start to come up with a full plan.


Night falls and Malia and I meet Parrish and Lydia in the parking lot. Parrish sees us walking out and him and Lydia get out of the car meeting us at the trunk. I stare into the car at the three devices.

"We're betting our lives on these?" Malia voices my thoughts. Grabbing on of the satellites.

"I think we're betting Hayden's life on them." Lydia retorts.

"Yeah well I'm glad I brought my gun." He hands a satellite to me and one to Lydia before closing the trunk of his car. We get inside the school and split up; Malia, Lydia, and I going to place the satellites in our set places. Parrish follows me as we head to the locker room where we are setting up our base of operations. Parrish get's the satellite set up and I help Malia to move a locker in front of the doors in the back while Hayden and Liam block the other door.

"Alright, Malia you're in the hall way. Parrish you're out front. Alex you'll be down the hall a bit to give us a head's up and be the middle man of everyone." I nod my head following Malia and Parrish into the school. I slide down the wall taking a seat on the floor resting my head against the wall. And now we wait.  

Hours go by and still nothing. But then I hear it, the thud of boots hitting the ground. I rise up to my feet and listen. There's a faint buzzing sound filling the air. I walk down the hall towards the next hallway listening. I hear a clang from the hall down my left and turn creeping down the hallway after whatever made the noise. I round a corner and see what looks like a woman curled up in a ball. "Hello?" I call out. The sniffling stops but they keep their head in their knees. "Hello?" I call out again now standing in front of the person. The figure let's out a sniffle. "Are you ok? What're you doing here this lat-" My words are cut off as the woman's arm reaches out yanking my leg out from under me. I land on my back, my tailbone crying out in pain. Before I can even process what just happened the woman is on top of me pinning my arms with her knees. "Mom!?" I cry out. Her eyes are black staring down at me, lips curled in anger.

"Don't look at me. Don't you look at me." She snarls. "You always look at me. With those eyes. Why must you always look at me?!" She yells into my face. 

"Mommy it's me." I cry out.

"Shut up!" Her hand strikes across my face. "You're just another little monster. I can tell by your eyes. I can see the monster in your eyes." Her hands come down scratching at my face. I scream out in pain, my face burning from the scratches she inflicted.  "Monsters can't exist here. I have to protect the kids." Her hands shoot out gripping tight to my throat. I choke for air trying to fight against her weight to knock her away but it's no use.

I jolt up with a gasp my lungs fighting to bring air in an out fast enough.  I roll onto my side trying to drag my body up from the cold tiles. I bring myself up to my knees and then finally my feet. Footsteps hurry down the hall and I turn my head to see Malia running down the hall.

"Alex?! Alex they're here. Where are the others?" She pulls me along to the locker room where we find Scott and Lydia.

"Where is he?" I look around the room, eyes searching for the other people who should be here. "Where's Liam Scott?" 

"They took them." Lydia whispers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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