A Promise to the Dead

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I think that I found myself a cheerleader

        The next morning I rolled off of my bed, landing on my feet. I shut the alarm off and groaned, rubbing my eyes. I headed over to my window and opened it  a little. It wasn't very warm. I shut the window, latching it and headed over to my closet in search of something suitable for the day. I found the perfect outfit. I headed into the bathroom and combed through my hair, it was kind of wild today but it didn't look too bad. I applied some moisturizer, mascara, and lip balm and decided it was good enough for today, I wasn't really in the mood to put on a bunch of makeup. I grabbed my shoes off the rack and slipped them on, lacing them up.  I grabbed my phone and my bag and hopped down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed an apple from the bowl and took a bite. "Stiles! I'm leaving! I'm going to go pick up the boys, I'll see you at school." The door clicked behind me and I walked out into the cool morning, unlocking my car and climbing in. After picking up the two freshmen, we headed off to school. We arrived at school just in time for the bell to ring. And so begins another boring day of high school...

        After school ended I headed off to the locker room, meeting up with Stiles and Liam. I didn't see Scott? I hugged Liam and he pecked my forehead. I gave my brother a hug and focused on their conversation. "I haven't seen him all day." Liam was worried. I entered the locker room, not looking around. Eye focused on my shoes as I walk.

"Everything's fine. I got a text this morning. He said he might be a little late." My brother reassured.

"How late is a little late? Is he always late? We're playing Devenford Prep again and this time it's an actual game. H-he shouldn't be late." I tried to shush him noticing Coach was right there but it didn't work.

"Who shouldn't be late?" He asked. I shut my eyes, sighing. Shit. Here we go.

"Scott and Kira." Liam answered. Damnit Liam be quiet.

"They might be slightly late."I tried.

"W-wh-wh- slightly late. Is still late. What're they doing?" I bit my lip. uhhhhhh.....

"They're doing something that is going to make them slightly late." Stiles scratched the back of his head.

"What could Scott and Kira be doing right now, that's more important then playing in the first game?" I bit down hard on my lip. We all stared at him, giving him a look but he didn't seem to understand.

"Aw coach." I rub my forehead.

        It was almost time for the game to start and Scott and Kira still weren't there. I was starting to get worried. I sat down with my boyfriend and brother and watched Coach walk over. UH oh. "Little Stilinski!?!" He yelled.

"Yes Coach?" I groaned.

"Can you play lacrosse?" My eyes widened and I looked up in shock.

"Well-uh-I-uhm" I stuttered.

"Well! Can you? Can you hold a stick and use your legs to run around on the field?"

"Yeah. Sure. I know how and have helped the boys train before."

"Good. Because Yukimora and McCall still aren't here. There's a uh feminine supply of equipment and uniforms in the girls locker room in the back." He tossed me his keys. "Go change! Now!" He tweeted his whistle and I quickly turned around, jogging off in the direction of the locker rooms.

        I found the equipment and uniforms coach was talking about and grabbed what I figured would be the right sizes. I headed over to my locker and unlocked it. I stripped out of my current clothes and set them in the locker along with my phone and bag. I shut it and locked it after grabbing some spanx and a sports bra. I slipped on the equipment and uniform and rolled my neck.  I jogged back to he field and saw Coach waiting. He handed me a stick and took the keys from me.

"Go warm up." I nodded, running over to the boys, sticking on my helmet on my head. I jogged across the field and over to the goal where my team was throwing shots at our goalie. I scooped up a ball and threw it, into the goal. I turned around to get back in line and saw that both of the teams were looking at me. I looked down concerned that I had forgot pants or something but I didn't. I was confused. I stepped next to my brother.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" I asked.

"Because very few girls play lacrosse and I would guess it's because about 2 thirds of your legs are visible. " I blinked in surprise.


        Coach had me sitting on the bench for a little bit in hopes that I wouldn't have to go in. But we were doing really bad. I watched my brother get knocked down time after time and each time I winced. Finally Coach had enough at half time. "STILINSKI! Switch to defense! Greenburg get off the field! Little Stilinski! On the field! If you don't make a difference I'lll.....somehow see to it you don't make varsity next year!" I rolled my eyes, jogging onto the field and to the middle. The whistle was blown and I quickly scooped up the ball, sidestepping an incoming player and taking off towards the goal. I dodged back and forth between players, lunging and leaping. Until I was close enough I whipped the lacrosse stick, sending the ball soaring.....straight into the goal. YES! I could hear Coach cheering and I jogged back over to the middle, hearing Coach yell out at everyone. "That's my girl! I've always had faith in her! My favorite Stilinski. Do it again!!!" I laughed. The whistle was blown again and this time a Brett scooped up the ball and managed to get around me and started running towards our goal. I noticed Liam just standing there. What was he doing...  Brett scored a goal and Coach stared yelling at Liam. "LIAM! Move!" On the next ball, Liam got the ball and was dodging players..

"Come on babe." I mutter. But let out a gasp when Brett shoulder checks him and Liam's body goes flying. Oh god. He lands in a heap and I wince at the thud. I was going to jog over but notice Brett standing over him; they were talking. I kept my distance, instead scanning the area for any sign of Scott or Kira. But there was none. The game continued and I was able to score another goal but we still lost the game.

        After the game was over I headed to locker room and took the gear off, taking a quick shower. I changed into some spare clothes I had in my locker and tied my hair up into a bun. I gathered all my stuff and took it out to my car. I grabbed a pair of boots that were in the back and slipped them on, lacing them up. I jogged back into the school and towards the locker room. I could hear two people talking. I stopped to listen.

"....because of Scott...and Alex. He saved me, all of us. And Alex..Alex blocked a bunch of bullets that would've hit me and my sister if it hadn't been for her...We would both be dead. Do you know how lucky you are?" It was Brett.

"What do you mean?" Liam asked.

"Scott's a true alpha. That means he didn't get his powers because he was born with it, he didn't get it by stealing or killing it from someone. He earned it. Your not strong just because you can lift a lot of weight now, your strong because you endure. Satomi calls it strength of character. Your lucky to have him. Your also lucky to have her. I see how you look at her. How you can calm down just looking at her, having her touch, talking to her. She's your anchor. She's one of the few things in this world that will help you through this, one of the few who can calm you down and keep you sane and from killing someone. You better treat her right. She's an amazing girl and if you let her go someone else is going to be quick to scoop her up and take her away. " I chose this time to enter the locker room ,walking towards them. Brett leaves, leaving me and Liam alone.

"You ready?" I ask. He nods, getting up. He slings his bag over his shoulder and wraps an arm around my waist. After I dropped Liam at home I got  a text from Stiles saying there was an emergency and to head to Derek's. I rush up the stairs when I arrive and enter the loft, seeing it torn apart. "What the hell happened here?" I slap my hand over my mouth when I notice my dad. Whoops.

"Kate took Scott and Kira to Mexico." I'm told.  GREAAATTTTT

Little Stilinski *LiamWhere stories live. Discover now