Dreamcatchers P2

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The next morning Stiles tells me we need to hurry up and get to school because they think they know who the next victim is. After shoving my feet into some sneakers and yanking Stiles' flannel over my hoodie I tumble out the door and climb into the jeep. The way to Malia's is quite, when we pick her up her and Stiles begin talking about her driving lesson last night. I stare down at my phone screen looking at the text from Liam.

LiLi: are you and Stiles almost here?

          I think he took it better than I thought

Me: Or he's just in shock? His best friend did just tell him some life changing secrets/

        We had to pick Malia up, driving last night didn't go to well.

          They'll fill you in

LiLi: So now there's another homocidal teenager running around? 

Stiles whips the jeep into a parking spot and the car jerks to a stop as the engine switches. I grab my bag slinging it over my shoulder as we head over to the small gathering our friends are standing in. "...trouble sleeping. It's a real disorder, with night terrors." 

"Well considering no one can find her." My brother enters the conversation leaning against Malia.

"Look. I know we're all tire and miserable" My eyes drift over to the newest addition to the crew who's eyes are trained on Kira "well except you." Scott acknowledges Mason.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He looks around the group. "This is all just mind-blowing." His gaze falls back onto Kira "You're a kitsune! I don't even know what that is!" I can hear his heart pounding in excitement or maybe even a little fear.

"Liam, we said you could tell him. That doesn't mean invite him to the inner circle." My brother snaps. I shoot him a look and he holds a hand up in defense.

"I'm in the inner circle?!" Mason gasps. Everyone's gaze turns to me and a frown stretches across my lips.

"Uhh not exactly.." at his crestfallen expression I can't hep but to speak again. "But eventually yeah you could be!" I nod feeling better about my words and looking over at Scott for reassurance. But his eyes are trained on Kira. There's some no's and a groan from Malia in disagreement.

"Look, back to Tracy. She's a long wolf" he gestures around the group, "we can find her." Scott guarantees.

"One lone killing wolf, you mean." Malia interrupts.

"Ehh- she only killed one person you know." Stiles looks up from the police reports from last night. "The other two...They were mauled. Okay so what do we do when we catch her?"

"I say we put her down." Malia answers confidently. My head whips around and I shake my head rapidly.

"Uh we are not killing her okay? I know her! Okay? Lydia knows her! Tracy- she's not a bad guy. The answer is always killing people." I frown at the girl. The others look at me and then back at each other. "Right?" I ask. No one makes eye contact or says a word. 

"Intense." Mason's voice breaks the awkward air and I roll my eyes at him, knowing he was going to stir the pot.

Scott sighs. "Look let's just focus on catching her first. We'll figure the rest out later." I wring my fingers against each other trying to ease my nerves. The bell rings and we have to break up the brainstorming to head off to our first periods. After first period I get a text from Lydia telling me to meet her on my way to PE by her mom's office. I respond and begin walking to my destination.

I see Lydia looking around, phone in hand. I speed up walking closer. "What's up? I've only got like a minute to spare I can't be late or coach is gonna have my ass." I groan.

"We found out why Scott couldn't find Tracy last night-"

"So they found her?? Is she okay? Is she in custody?"

"They haven't found her yet but they know somewhere else she was last night." She flips her phone screen to me and shows a destroyed office with blood splatters across a desk and wall. "She kills her therapist last night."

"Oh wow...I mean I hate the doctors as much as anyone but I don't think I could do that...So what's the plan now?"

"Your dad wants us to lay low, but you know your brother. Once school is out we are gonna meet and split up to cover more area." I nod my head agreeing with the logic, beginning to walk towards the locker rooms.

"Text me with any news. I'll see you at lunch!" 

I've just started my second lap of warms ups on the field when a voice rings in my ears. It's Liam. "-an you hear me?"My eyes dart around and I focus my attention over to the gym doors where he's peaking around the corner. "Scott told me to get you..it's Tracy...she's here. She showed up in our history class." I change the direction of my run towards the building jogging past coach.

"Coach I just gotta go to the bathroom I'm having some real feminine issues!" I blurt hurrying past him. I follow Liam and we rush around the school and back to his history class. When we get  to the classroom Scott and Lydia are peaking in through the window. "What's going on?" I keep my voice quiet, trying to get a peak into the class.

"She's in there. We need to figure out how to get everyone else out of that room." Scott's eyes dart around landing on the fire alarm next to Liam. I shake my head about to argue but the loud screeching bell is already echoing through my ears. I cover my ears to clear the ringing and look to Scott. The hall begins to fill with students coming out of their classes and the history class trickles out. I catch the door with my foot and we all rush into the classroom.

Tracy is sitting in a desk in the back row, the top of her desk snapped in half. Low growls erupt from her chest and her head snaps up, her glowing yellow eyes meeting mine. They flicker towards the doorway where the new girl is walking with Kira's dad to the emergency point. Her heartbeat increases ten fold and the smell of fear begins to fill my nose. I glance around at the others. "Tracy?" I call out, her eyes are no longer glowing but she's still frozen staring into the doorway. "Tracy can you hear me?" It seems like she can't her focus never wavers. I walk closer to the girl reaching my hand out. "Tracy?" Her hand flies forward and latches onto my wrist. I go to pull my arm from her grasp but the grip is tight-almost painful. "Tracy I need you to let go." Her grip doesn't loosen in fact I think she squeezes harder. I wince trying to pry her hand away from my own.

"Tracy." Scott's voice fills the room. She stands from the seat. "Tracy." I can hear her heart pounding against her chest, the smell of fear still burning my nose. What was she so afraid of? Was there something we weren't seeing? I feel a burning on my wrist and look down to see her nails have broken skin and are drawing blood. I refrain myself from pulling from her grip in fear of hurting the girl. "Tracy. Let her go." Scotts command seems to do nothing to her. My wrist is now dripping in blood, I grab onto Tracy's hand one more time to try and free myself from her grip. 

"Let go." I growl. With no change on the horizon I snap her pointer finger and middle finger backwards with a loud snap. A cry of pain leaves her lips as she stumbles back away from me. I step back out of her reach and closer to the others. She grasps tightly to her wrist looking up at us with a wild look in her eyes.

"They're coming" she whispers, a tear escaping from her eye in pain. "They're coming for all of us." Her body falls forward and a scream is heard from the doorway. I whip my head over and see Hayden standing in the doorway staring at Tracy who's now got mercury dripping from her lips. I fall down to the floor and roll her onto her side.

"Tracy?!" I yell out, her eyes are unresponsive. The pool of silver at my feet smells disgusting. I feel for a pulse on her neck and wait. Come on. Come on.....There! "Scott! Scott we gotta go her heart rates slowing." I struggle to get her up and Scott quickly scoops her up and hurries toward the door. I stumble after Scott pushing Hayden towards Liam. "Liam stay with her. I have to go, we gotta get her to a hospital!" I call, hurrying after my brother and Malia who are holding the door for Scott. I jump into the passenger seat glancing back at Scott who's holding Tracy upright. As soon as my door shuts the tires peel against the pavement and Stiles is speeding us towards Deaton's office.

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