Breakfast with the Dunbars

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The next morning your alarm is going off at 6am. With a groan you roll over clicking off the alarm going off on your phone. You roll back over and snuggle deeper into the pillow. A moment later the incessant beeping blares through your room again as the device vibrates against your side table. You roll over turning it off and sliding out of the bed, stumbling into the bathroom.

(I can't remember if I gave Alex her own bathroom or not but if I did I'm taking it away and making her and Stiles have a jack and Jill bathroom)

I flip on the lights, rummaging through a drawer pulling out a brush and straightener. I plug in the straightener, turning it on. While that's powering up I yank my hairbrush through my hair, removing any knots from the mess it was. After I brush it out I moisturize my face before applying some mascara and filling in my eyebrows. I start to straighten my hair when the door leading to Stiles' room opens and he stumbles into the room.

"Morning." You mumble, clamping the straightener down and dragging it along the section of hair.

"Morning." He shuts the door to the toilet section and I hear a video playing on his phone before her emerges to wash his hands. "Deputies got a disturbance call at the high school." He grabs his tooth brush and wets it. I straighten the next section watching him. "They found eight holes out on the baseball field last night."

"Eight?" You say, shocked. "There's eight more chimeras??" He spits into the sink.

"Well eight that we know of. Plus a few dead ones." 

"Great." I mumble, unplugging the straightener from the wall. "Why are you up so early anyways?"

"I'm picking Malia up and we are going down to the station to try and touch base with dad." He calls over his shoulder slips his shoes on. 

"Gotcha." I exit the bathroom picking out something to wear for the day. I had to put in a little more effort seeing as today I was having breakfast with Liam's parents since we had a reverse half day and didn't start school till later. I finally settle on something I think that even Lydia would approve of. I adjust the clothes in the mirror giving myself a once over with a nod. I grab my stuff heading downstairs to get into my car. I drive down the road and make my way to Liam's neighborhood. I park my car in the driveway and exit the vehicle heading up to the front door, I raise my hand knocking lightly. A few moments later the door opens and Mrs. Dunbar is before me with a wide smile stretching across her face.

"Alex! Good morning!" She greets me.

"Good morning m'am. How are you?" I follow her into the kitchen where Mr. Dunbar is grilling bacon on the stove.

"Morning Alex." He waves over his shoulder.

"Hey Mr. Dunbar." I greet.

"Liam's upstairs he should be down any minute." He flips over the bacon sizzling in the pan. Mrs. Dunbar grabs a bowl with some fruit in it placing on the table.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I ask, feeling bad that I haven't helped them at all.

"If you wouldn't mind setting the table?" She decides. Flipping a pancake onto the stack in front of her.

"Of course." You smile, grabbing the stack of plates from the counter and placing them onto the table for everyone. You then grab the napkins and silverware to finish setting the table. I hear footsteps before Liam's scent washes over me and he steps into the kitchen.

"Morning." He greets sitting down at the table as his step dad brings the bacon over. I take a seat beside Liam and across from Mr. Dunbar. Mrs. Dunbar joins us at the tabe setting down a platter with pancakes and waffles on it. "This looks great mom. Thanks." Liam grabs a pancake placing it onto his plate before setting a waffle on your plate. You smile at him, cheeks warming at the the realization that he remembered your comment about your breakfast preferences.

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