I Never Got to Tell Him

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The scars of your love remind me of us
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless
I can't help feeling
We could have had it all

Rolling in the Deep, Adele

I look around  from my spot against the cement pillar. Malia is sprawled out across Stiles' lap, Scott is sat on a crate, and Kira is pacing. Which is really starting to annoy me. "You know. This is where it all started." Stiles' voice breaks the silence. "That's where the money was." We look at the safe. "117 million in barer bonds."

"How do you even change barer bonds into cash?" I ask weakly.

"The bank, I guess. He just let it sit here the whole time, collecting dust. You know barer bonds are basically extinct?"

"Why does it matter?" Kira asks, from her spot beside Scott.

"You know how many problems that money could solve?"

"For you?"

"For me, my dad, and Alex. The Eichen House and the MRI, those are crushing him. Alex wants to go play volleyball over the summer with some college coaches and that's not going to be cheap."

"Mom does this thing. She writes down all the items in our budget, how much they cost. Then she adds it all up and figures out how long we have till we lose the house." I look down at my lap, upset. I hate to hear all of this, to know that my family is struggling so much to get by and there's nothing I can do. Scott get's up and stands over near the door, listening; stiles walks over to join him. 


"They're looking for us. Someone's going to have to go out there." I watch Kira handle Malia tiredly. I lay down on the ground, with an old blanket I found under my head. I'm so cold. A violent shiver wracks my body and I close my eyes. I think of all the good times I've had and all the things I never got to do or say with Liam. I feel something slipping down my face, I'm crying. I feel someone standing in front of me. I open my eyes, slowly.

"Stiles?" I choke out, everything is hurting me. Every sound around me is echoing loudly through my skull. 

"I'm going to go out there. Whatever this is, it's worse for you guys. Which means it's another assassin."

"You'll be back right?" My voice is weak.

"Yeah. Of course. I would never leave you."



"Your the best big brother and I love you." Another shiver courses through my body.

"I love you too." He kisses my forehead before leaving, he must have already said goodbye to Malia. I feel the tears slip faster down my face, I choke back a sob. I curl my body into a tighter ball and try to muffle the sound of my sniffs. Eventually I stop crying. Of everything. Liam. Lydia. My dad. Mama McCall. How I never got to go on a date with Liam. Going to a school dance with Liam?  I hear the crumpling of paper and the patter of something hitting the ground, my eyes snap open. Only when they open there's only darkness. 

"Scott?" I cry. "Scott I can't see anything." I choke out. I scramble around trying to find something to help me sit up. Another shiver wracks my body.

"Malia?" Scott asks.

"I c-can't see." she gasps. "I can't see anything." I try to stand up but just fall forward. I feel around, grabbing onto a shelf and tiredly pulling myself up. I can hear everything but I can't see anything. Scott and Kira can't see anything either. I try to walk but I trip over something and fall into something. I try to stop to the fall but can't grab anything. I try to breathe and it feels like someone is choking me from the inside. I start to cough harshly and feel my body shake.

"Scott? Scott I'm scared." I whimper. "I-I never got t- to tell him how I feel." I cry.


"Liam. I-I never got a chance. " I whimper.

Suddenly I hear Stiles yelling for us. But his voice is echoing in my head, I can't understand what he's saying. I feel my eyelids grow heavy and collapse against the floor, coughing violently. I spit something out and can only hope it isn't what I think it is. It's getting harder and harder to breathe.  I hear a shatter and smell something powerful before I feel something strange happening. I roll over onto my side, curling into a ball trying to regulate my breathing. I hear something moving and then Stiles. I open my eyes and look up towards the ceiling. I can see again. Another fit of coughs come over me and I force myself into a sitting position, tucking my head between my knees. Malia leaves after discovering that she's a Hale and that Stiles has been hiding it from her, which made me cry.

Once we are all good to go, we head up to the main hall and start searching for our dad. We found him and I jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. He hugged me close and Stiles was smooshed against me. "Let's get out of here." I nodded and we headed outside, fighting against the sea of people.

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