Mom? Mom Please

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"I have to go
And leave you alone
But always know
Always know
Always know that I love you so
I love you so
I love you so, oh
Goodbye brown eyes
Goodbye for now
Goodbye sunshine
Take care of yourself"

"Goodbye Brown Eyes" by Avril Lavigne

"I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age"

"Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons

I sit next to my 12 year old brother, who's feet are tapping and he's fiddling with his thumbs. I stare at him, I was only 10 soon to be 11. But that didn't matter. What mattered was that my mom was in a hospital room and her chances of making it were very small. The door next to me opened and my brother and I looked over. The doctor stepped out of the room, looking at us sadly. He walked over, crouching down in front of us. "Hi kids." Doctor Moronaie sighed. " I think you two should go see your mother. She wants to talk to you two separately. I don't think she'll be awake for much longer. she's very tired." Tears welled up in his eyes, I felt tears start to well up in my own tiny eyes. But I used my sleeve and wiped them away. I had to be a big girl for mommy. 

"You can go first Alex." Stiles nodded. I got up out of my chair, walking slowly over to the door. I grabbed the handle and pushed open the door, entering the room. Unprepared for what I was about to see..... There was my mother, Claudia. She was laying in her hospital bed and she looked very sick, having a bunch of tubes and wires and ivs stuck into her. She smiled a little at me. Even though she was sick she was still the prettiest mommy I had ever seen. 

"Lex. Come here." My mom beckoned me over. I shuffled over, sitting down in the cold plastic chair pulled up next to her bed.

"Hi mommy. How're you feeling?" I asked.

"I- I'm gonna be honest..the pain is worse and I just- I don't know how much longer I am going to last hun."

"I don't want you to leave me.." I choked out. I felt someone grab my hand and looked up from my lap. My mother's hand was bony and thin, it was so different then it was a few months ago. She had lost so much weight and her skin was white like paper.

"I know. I know. And I don't want to leave you...I wouldn't if I had a choice..." She paused, wiping away my tears. "Now, there's some things you need to know. Okay?"

"Okay." I sniffed.

"Now...There are going to be some changes coming your way soon. These changes are going to change your life. However, once these changes occur you mustn't let anyone find out or tell anyone. Now, I'm going to give you this, to help you out." She unclasps the necklace she wears every day and slips it around my neck, redoing the clasp.

We talk for a while longer before she kisses my forehead and gives me a hug. "I love you my darling. So so much. Never forget that. Now, tell your brother to come in." I nod, hugging her again, whipping tears from my cheeks. I leave the room, stepping back into the hall. I walk in front of my brother and tap him on the shoulder.

"Mom wants you." I whisper. He jumps up, going into the white room.

Thirty minutes later I hear boyish yells and loud beeping coming from my mom's room. I cover my face with my hands, peaking through my fingers as doctors rush down the hall and into the room....

"...Alex....Alex? Can you hear me?" I felt something tap me on the face. Slowly, my eyes open and I look around. Kira was standing with her sword raised and ready and Liam was offering me his hand. "Alex. Alex get up." he helped me up and swayed from dizziness. I looked around and saw the berserker slowly advancing towards us.

It ran at us and Kira swung her sword slicing and it clashed against the berserker's amour, sparking flying. Liam snuck around behind him and climbed up onto a metal cage, jumping onto the berserkers back. It reached one hand back and grabbed Liam's jacket, throwing him off and into a cage. He went down and slumped onto the floor.

"Alex. Take Liam. Get out of here! Run!" I shook my head growling.

"I'm not leaving you here." I claw and scratch at it, ducking and moving out of the way. I miscalculated a dodge and it's arm rand across my face, knocking me down. I panted, trying to gain my breath. Rolling onto my back I watched in terror as the berserker raised it arms and went to bring them down. I closed my eyes bracing myself for the blow.

But it never came. I opened my eyes, peaking up. The Berserker was gone. I looked around and saw Kira helping Liam up. I slowly pushed myself up, wincing at the pain. I wobbled over to them and Liam wrapped his arm around me, holding me to him. "We're okay." I whispered. Kira realized the time and took off to go wake up Scott. Liam and I headed back into the hospital and started towards the morgue. But I could hear gasping and smelt blood. "wait." I put a hand on Liam's chest stopping him.

I rounded a few corners and found Melissa and Mrs. Yukimora. Momma McCall was trying to stop the bleeding from Kira's mother. I rushed over trying to help. "Liam! Go get Kira!" I demanded. He nodded, rushing off around the corner. I placed my hands over Melissa's applying pressure. "Melissa. You need to let go and call an ambulance. She's not healing." She slowly retracted her hands and walked over to the phone on the wall, dialing numbers. "Does it hurt? Can you feel yourself healing?"

"Yes." Her voice cracked. " No. After Kira took over being a Kitsune, my powers weakened and I have very little healing ability left. I won't be able to heal myself."

"Alright an ambulance is on the way. It should be just a few minutes, you'll be fine." She kept glancing down the hall, towards the morgue. I knew she wanted to go see if they brought Scott back. She was worried.

"Go. See your son." Kira's mother commanded.

"No..I-I can't leave you."

"You need to see your son. I'll be fine." Melissa looked hesitant but she quickly jogged down the hall, disappearing from our view.

Kira rounded the corner shortly after, sliding onto the floor next to us. "Mom." she gasped, looking at all the blood.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." A few minutes later paramedics arrived and got her out of the building, Kira following behind them. I slowly got up, exhausted. I walked down the hall and towards the morgue, bracing myself for whatever I was going to see.

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