Novel Approach

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The next morning I'm at the school early for a morning practice to prepare for the upcoming game. After practice I meet with Lydia and Malia in the halls where Malia is talking about the book she just read and how she didn't understand it. 

"Should we all read it?" I ask, joining the conversation swinging my hair over my shoulder.

"Kira's on it. She's in the library now where she's making copies for each of us." Lydia answers walking ahead of Malia and I towards her locker where the others are supposed to meet us. I wince thinking about the scene that had occurred here last night. Even if there was no signs of the events from last night the thought of what my brother went through last night here makes my skin crawl. We reach Lydia and Malia's locker and Malia opens hers switching out the books in her hand.

"Stiles couldn't find anything on the author. He thinks it's a pen name." Malia states shoving her locker closed with a slam. Lydia flips the book over reading the back of the book.

"In a small New England town, teenagers are taken in the night and buried alive." Lydia locks eyes with me a glint in her eyes. "Days later they emerge transformed, wreaking havoc and spreading terror-"

"Sounds familiar." I frown, texting Liam I would grab his copy and bring it to our next period together.

"-commanded by an ancient order of parascientists known only as the Dread Doctors." Lydia concludes looking up from the book to Malia and I. "How does it end?" She asks Malia.

"It doesn't. This is supposed to be volume one." Malia answers.

"Oh let me guess...No volume two?" Lydia retorts.

"I think we're living volume two." Malia shares.

"So the real question is what?" I ask.

"Is this a novel? Or someone's prediction?" Lydia voices, staring ahead at the passing throng of students. Kira meets us in the hallway and gives us each our copies of the book she had made, I take Liam and Mason's copy.

"Where's Scott? I thought he was with you?" I ask, wondering where the alpha had slipped off to.

"He's talking to Theo. He wanted to see if Theo had heard about any of this I guess." Kira shrugged. I nod, not convinced by the logic and a little confused as to why she thought Theo would know anything.

"Alright. I gotta get to my next period, I'll get these to the others." I wave heading off down the halls to my next period that I shared with Liam. I sit down in my desk and leave Liam's copy face down on his desk. I still have a few minutes before the bell so I  flip open the booklet and begin to read.

' Acknowledgments: For providing scientific perspective and invaluable insight this book is dedicated to Dr. Gabriel Valack.' 

Why did the name seem familiar? Had I heard it somewhere? I couldn't put my finger on it. I continued to read the booklet only making it through the first page before I had to put it away and start taking notes.

After school I see a text in the group chat.

Lyds: Going to Eichen to speak with Valack, he must know something if the book is dedicated to him.

Idiot: I'll come with

Me: Is that a good idea? 

Lyds: I thought you were sick

Malia: You said you weren't feeling well tho

Lyds: You don't have to go there

Idiot: Malia's not going 

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