Burns and Gunshots

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There's a fire starting in my heart
Reaching a fever pitch, it's bringing me out the dark
Finally I can see you crystal clear
"Rolling in the Deep" Adele

        We pulled into the parking lot at the police station, and by we I mean my brother, Lydia, and I.  I jumped out of the jeep and walked in.  Looking around I noticed no Deputy Parrish, which was odd. He was always here. He was always fun to hang around with when my dad's here late. I shrugged it off and went over to my dad's office. "Hi Dad!" I smiled, giving him a hug. He smiled.

"Hi sweetie. What're you doing here?"

"Stiles and Lydia need to talk to you. I just came along to say hello and to get a cup of hot chocolate." My dad laughed and the said duo entered, I exited the office and my dad shut the door. I started the microwave and waited, I heard a door open and turned. My dad looked around, before asking an officer where Parrish was, the officer answered with "haven't seen him". Hm. I grabbed my hot chocolate and took a sip. It's so odd for him to not be here.

        I go and sit down at Parrish's desk, knowing he wouldn't mind. I pulled out my phone and replied to a text from Liam. I  hear doors open and look up, my eyes widen and I can feel my cheeks heating up when a very naked and burned Parrish enters the station. "What the" I mutter. The officer sitting in front of me looks up and jumps to his feet.

"Holy.." He jumps up trying to grab his gun out of his holster. He must be an assassin. I set my drink down and back towards my dad's office. I have to warn my dad and get help. Parrish slams the guy into the wall and gunshots go off, I duck and watch scared. I do not want to get shot today. "You'redead?" Parrish throws him into the ground and my dad comes out of his office with his gun at point.

"Hey!" Parrish punches him across the face and a gunshot is fired, the bullet piercing into my dad.

"Dad!" I yell, rushing forward to catch him.

        I watch in terror as Parrish continuously punches the other officer across the face. Flinching. He get's knocked out and Parrish sits up breathing heavily. I look down at my dad. "Dad? Are you ok? Stiles! Stiles?! Call an ambulance. Lydia call Scott and tell him to meet us at Derek's." I grab some spare clothes from the locker room and toss them to Parrish. "Um can you put these on? We uh- need to take you somewhere." He nods and grabs the clothes, I turn around and hear him walk away.

        He comes back out dressed and ready to go, with most of the black gone. He just looks a little singed now. Alright that is definitely not human. Lydia and I head out to my brother's car. Lydia get's in the back, and I put in the keys. Peeling out of the parking lot and off towards Derek's.  We get there and I hop out, gripping the keys. I run up the stairs and up to Derek's loft. "Derek!" I yell, hearing my voice waver. I feel some tears escape. "Derek!" I yell entering the loft. I see him run out of a room.

"What?! What? Lexi? What're you doing here? Are you hurt?" He rushed over.

"No. No, not me. It-it's my dad. Derek my dad just got shot." I whimper. He wraps me up in a hug and shushes me.

"It's gonna be ok. He'll be fine, your dad's tough."

Lydia and Parrish appear and we break it up. Parrish explains the situation shortly after Scott arrives.

Derek grabs Parrish's arm and examines them. "He covered you in gasoline?" Parrish nods.

"It's the hair and the nails right? The parts of him that are essentially dead." Lydia is confused.

"Well they should be gone. " I respond.

"I was set on fire." Parrish seems shocked. "All of me should be gone."

"Not if you're like us." Scott announces, arms crossed.

"Like you?" Oh right...he doesn't know. He's in for a reallllll long night.

"I don't think he's like us." Derek and I speak at the same time.

"Then what is he?" Lydia asks.

"As far as I know, I have no idea." Derek shrugs.

"But you knew about Jackson and Kira?" I'm confused now.

"This is a little out of my experience. There might be something in the beastiary. Did you try Argent?"

"I don't know where he is." Scott seems upset by this.

"OK, wait. Hold on. What's a beastiary? Actually that's not even my first question. Just..just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia?" We all look at her, in shock. "Are you all psychic?" I burst into laughter but stop when I get glares from Derek, Scott, and Lydia.

"Psychic?" Derek asks,


"Not exactly." I give a half smile.

"Okay, then what are you?" he seems a little scared now. I give a little smile flicking out a handful of claws.

        We spend the rest of the night explaining everything to Parrish before Lydia drops me off at home. But I can't fall asleep, all I can think about is my dad, in the hospital. With a gunshot wound. And how we are in debt and how are we going to pay for this...Then I jump out of bed, I have an idea. I pull out my computer and starts researching. A few hours later I find it. I close my eyes thanking the heavens. I print out the forms I will need and fill them out. Maybe things will finally start to settle down in the normal, human world of my family.

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