Is it Really Over?

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Band-aids don't fix bullet holes

Night soon fell and everyone was beginning to get more and more anxious. Satomi's pack was all herded into a little 'lounge' area we had created using chairs, a couch, some desks, and lamps. Everyone had they're few belongings stowed away under a desk and now we just had to wait. I looked around and took everything in. Derek and Braeden were talking in one corner, Chris and Satomi were talking about how they met not far from where I was, Kira and Scott were standing close together and talking in another corner, and all the others were alert and either standing or sitting down.

Suddenly a beeping begins. "They're coming." Chris announces. Everything is silent. But then a metal can starts flying through the air. Braeden turns and yells at everyone.

"Get back!" Smoke comes out of the cans and I begin hearing gunfire, I dive off the desk I'm on and crouch down, peaking over it to look. I shove Lori under the desk and look at her with a 'don't move look' . (I should just through out that she is in like a little semi torn down like office, with several desks and some holes in the walls) I look up again and through all the smokey haze I can see that there are at least a dozen of them, all wearing masks with little lights attached and they are just rapid firing. I spot Chris behind a column, he catches my gaze before jumping out and shooting.

I spotted Kira fighting off a hunter but another was sneaking up behind her. I ran forward, knocking the hunter out of the way. I jumped up, kicking the gun away and stepped on the man's wrist, snapping it. I cringed, feeling awful. I was able to knock the man out and Kira was able to knock out her hunter. "Thanks." She breathed. I nodded, looking around.

I spotted Brett trying to protect Lori but another hunter was heading their way. I quickly ran towards them, kicking the hunter in the back of the knee, knocking him down. He rolls over and grabs my leg pulling me down. I roll away, jumping back up and kneeing the hunter in the gut and then punch him across the jaw, shoving him into a wall. I hit his head and he falls unconscious. I look over at Brett and Lori, making my way over. "Are you guys okay?" I ask. They nod, Lori is terrified.

"Alex! Watch out!" Brett goes to lunge for me but he's too late. I hear the shots being fired. I cry out feeling one, two, three... bullets enter my body. The fire ceases and everything stops and it's quiet. I feel myself getting dizzy and then I fall forward. Brett catches me and lays me on my back. I cry out, feeling pain erupt in me. I can hear vibrations coming from multiple phones. I fumble for my phone trying to get it but I cant. I feel Brett grab it as my vision starts to blur.

"Is it over?" I choke out.

"It's over. " My eyes start to slowly close, I try to fight it.

Scott's POV

I walk around and see all the bodies, I scan over and see none of us were dead.

"Is it over? Really over" Kira asks me. I stop and look at her. I nod, still a little unsure.

"Alex? Alex! Open your eyes!" A voice cries out. My eyes widen and I run off, following the noise. I come to a halt, taking in the sight in front of me. I see Alex's pale body, laid out. Her head is the little girl's lap and Brett is shaking her. I slide over. Taking in all the blood around her and seeping out of her sweater and her jeans. I lift her up, taking off outside, her heartbeat was beating too slow, far too slow. The bullets must have had a type of poison that would affect her in them. I rush out into the parking lot and Kira drives us to Deaton's. We arrive and I rush in, setting her on a table. I step back as he flips her onto her stomach and cuts the back of her shirt open.

"Scott I think you should inform her brother of her situation" Deaton looks at me. I nod, going off to call Stiles. I tell him what happened and he freaks out but says he is on his way. I enter back into the room and see Deaton has removed the bullet from her shoulder and the one from her side and another from right above her knee. She is hooked up to an iv that has a greenish liquid in it. "Kira would you mind switching her into these?" He holds up a pair of loose shorts. Where does he get all this from??? She nods, taking them from him. Deaton and I leave the room and I lean against the wall, tilting my head back and closing my eyes. Is she going to be okay? God Stiles was going to kill me.. and then Alex.

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