Night Prowls

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I found the room where Melissa sometimes crashes, that she claimed as her own and search for the bag of clothes I had left here. I found it tucked into the corner and stripped out of my current clothing, putting on the much warmer wool leggings and thick sweater, slipping an oversized jacket that looked like Scott's on. It was really cold. All the sudden the ground started shaking and things were falling over. I braced myself the best I could and waited it out. What the hell? An earthquake in August? What is going on?

Once the shaking stops I step outside but I can't find Liam. I'm about to call him but I hear my name being yelled. I whip around and see Liam sprinting towards me. "We we have to go. Scott's in trouble!"

"What? What're you talking about? He just left."

"I just heard Parrish talking to your dad about how he was attacked and the guy was looking for Scott." I blink. What in the name of the moon?

"Alright let's go, my jeep is in the parking lot! They're all heading to the school. If this guy is going after Scott that's where he and every other student is going to be." We race down to my jeep and speed off in the direction of the hospital. Looks like the scale is tipping.

We skid into a parking spot and jump out, I begin sniffing the air trying to catch Scott's scent but the rain is washing it out. No.. Come on.

"I can't smell anything but the rain!" Liam calls. That's when I hear it, growls and what sounds like the clashing of bodies. I take off in the direction it sounds like it's coming from. I see Kira and Scott and something else. It's a huge man- werewolf- but he has these glowing blue claws. They're huge. What is he? I rush forward, leltting out a growl, I jump on the man's back wrapping my arms around his neck, squeezing. He stumbles back a step but reaches back and grabs my jacket collar ripping me off of his back and throwing me into the wall. I slide down, hitting the ground hard. I'm trying to see straight when I hear a loud growl. Oh thank god, Liam is here. I'm finally able to see again except it's not Liam who is here fighting the man, it's another wolf. This one I had never seen before. The wolf with the glowing claws throws the younger new wolf away from him and goes back to Scott, who is struggling to stand. I wobble up onto my hands and knees, using the wall as a support system, I have to get up. Have to help Scott. The wolf picks up Scott by his neck and stabs his claws into Scott's stomach. I let out a roar, slashing the wolf across the back and I reach to grab his arm but he removes his claws from Scott, tossing him to the side. He turns towards me, grabbing onto my hair and slamming me against the wall.

"Stupid girl. Trying to play the hero, now you'll die along with the alpha." He growls, shoving his claws into my stomach. I feel shocks coarse through my body and feel as though I'm losing strength and maybe even power leaving me. I try to fight against his grip but I'm getting tired. Someone jumps on the wolf's back and he releases me turning to fight. I slide down the wall, my head falling against the cold wet ground. My eyes fighting to stay open. So tired..

Stiles' PoV

Malia, Liam, and I race down the stairs to see Scott falling to his knees. After the wolf runs off I look around where is Alex. I see another figure off to the side, bent over something. I look closer and see a pair of gray nikes that look all too familiar-where have-

"Alex!" Liam roars, rushing over pushing the figure away from my sister. I rush over, falling to my knees. Alex is laying in a pool of her own blood, the blood is seeping out of her stomach and creating a pool around her. I see her eyes fluttering, struggling to stay awake.

"Alex. hey wake up!" I slap her cheek lightly but nothing. "Alex! Wake up! " I demand, this can't be happening. We have lost too many and I can't lose her. Not my baby sister. I slap her cheek harder and still nothing I go to smack her again and her hand lashes out, gripping my wrist and stopping me from the assault. I look down and see those blue eyes open. She let's out a stangled cough.

"Don't you dare, didn't I teach you better than to pick on someone who can beat you up?" She jokes, her voice sounding scratchy. We help her up and turn to the unknown figure. He looks oddly familiar but I just can't figure out where I have seen him before.

"You don't remember me do you?" He asks walking towards us. "I guess I look a little different since the fourth grade."

"Theo?" Scott questions. The kid nods his head. I space out after that trying to remember where I had heard that name. I make Liam take Alex home and 'Theo' leaves. Where was that name? How did we know him? Theo...Theo....Theo Rachin! His sister died a while back, she froze in the river in the middle of the winter.

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