Free Fall

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I wrap the towel tightly against my body stepping out of the shower onto the soft green mat protecting me from slipping on the tile. I dry myself off a bit more before heading into my room to get changed. I changed into some black sweats and a black sweatshirt that smells like Scott. I hang my wet towel back up and drag a brush through my hair before returning to my bedroom. I sit down on my bed and grab my phone checking the messages.

From Big Bro

Lydia and I at the hospital, she's hearing a sound that's triggering a memory but not the full thing. 

To Big Bro

Let me know what you guys find. Be safe. I'm at home with dad something happened at school but we can talk about it later.

I respond to the first message before checking the one from Scott.

From Other Brother

are you ok? Theo said you went home early, was it a memory?

To Other Brother

I'm fine. it was nothing.

I stare at my phone before typing up a new message and hitting send.

To Wolf Boy

Hey, what're you up to? I missed you today at school, feel like I barely saw you.

I drop the phone beside me, standing from the bed and grabbing my homework out of my backpack, beginning my math homework. An hour goes by and I've finished up almost all my homework. I check my phone and see there's no messages from anyone and can't tell if it's a good thing or not. I decide to text Scott.

To Other Brother 

Is everything okay? I haven't heard from anyone and lately that's not a good thing. 

I send the text before slipping on a pair of socks, I pace around for a minute before grabbing a hair tie and pulling my hair into a braid. My phone begins to ring and I hurry over hitting answer.

"Scott?" I hear movement on the other end.

"Yeah. It's me, look we think there's another chimera at the hospital. My mom, your brother, and Lydia are there right now and they could be in danger." I stand from my bed hurriedly slipping my feet into shoes.

"What? Where are you? Where's Malia?" I ask, grabbing my keys from the floor and hurrying out the door. I head down the stairs trying not to slip as I hurry to the front door.

"Malia is with me and Theo, we are on the way to the hospital." I hear some background sounds that sound like a var turning on and Malia in the back. 

"Okay-" I can't even finish my thought as I'm cut off. I lock the door behind me trying to get to my car.

"No! Don't go there stay where you are. Stiles will kill me if something happens to you." Scott demands.

"What?! Scott that's my brother I can help."

"No Alex. Stay home." He disconnects the line and I stare down at my phone angrily. There was no way. He didn't actually think that I was going to stay at home while they all went to try and find the chimera before it hurt anyone. I yank open my car door climbing in, I turn the key in the ignition, reversing the car out of the driveway and onto the road before taking off toward the hospital.

I skid into a parking spot at the hospital shortly after I left home and quickly exit my car locking it heading towards the entrance. I stick my keys in my pocket and realize I didn't even grab my phone it was still in the car. I hurry down the hallway heading towards the elevators. I can faintly smell my friends so I know I must be the last to arrive. I wait patiently for the elevator to come and pick me up. I tap my foot anxiously knowing that my friends could be in danger and I'm just waiting for the elevator. The doors finally open and I step inside picking the floor I know Melissa usually works on, knowing Scott would try to find his mom for information and to get her safe.

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