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"Alex. Have you noticed any strange things happening to you? Or around you, lately?" I thought about the past few weeks.

"Umm..Yeah, actually. The other day, when I was at practice and was serving and hitting. I noticed that I seemed to have a lot more power than I used to. I figured it was just gaining more muscle. But then later that night, when I got home and after taking a shower. When I passed a mirror, my eyes looked purple. I thought it was just lack of sleep but then it happened again the other day." I realized.

"That's interesting...Purple you say?" I nodded slowly. He got up and dug around, grabbing his laptop out of a cupboard and typing some things in. "Hmmm...Alex, you don't happen to have any jewelry given to you since you were a child right? Something you've always had and always wear?"

I looked down, realizing that I was always wearing something. "My pendent. My mom gave it to me when I was little. She told me to always wear it and never take it off." I realized. "Why?"

"May I see it?" I nodded, unclasping the necklace and taking from around my neck. I hand it to him and stared at him. Deaton examined the necklace, sniffing it and tossing it lightly in his hand. He made a strange noise before placing it on the metal table in front of him. "Alex. I'd like to make a small incision in your arm and see what your healing rate is. Is that alright?" Deaton asked.

"Of course." He got up, grabbing a small scalpel. He crouched down in front of me. The others edged forward, getting a better look. He slipped the tool into my leg and I winced. He pulled it in a small line and pulled it out, setting it down. We watched as the skin quickly healed over. What the hell. I gasped. "Scott and Derek and the others. They don't heal that fast."

"Interesting. The abnormally fast healing rate, hints towards a few different creatures. But I would need more result to really understand and figure it out." Deaton seemed to be talking to himself. He sat back down and became absorbed on his computer. I stared down at my hands, they were shaking. I could hear Stiles tapping his fingers quickly against an arm chair, Lydia filing her nails, Malia chewing some gum, and the cars speeding by in the street. I grabbed my head, clutching it. It was all too loud. Suddenly the clicking of the computer keys grew louder and I cried out. Falling down. Liam went to help me but Scott stopped him.

Deaton slowly rounded the table and walked over towards me. "Alex?" I nodded. Wincing in pain. "What do you hear?"

"Everything. I can- I hear everything." I gasped, my head pounding.

Deaton gets up rummaging around in his cupboards for something. He pulled out a jar, containing a purple flower. He pulled on some gloves and pulled out the flower. He walked over, standing over me. "May I have your hand?" The noise had resided. I slowly offered my hand up to him. He grabbed it and placed the flower into my hand. I hissed at a searing pain in my hand. He pressed the plant harder into my hand and I cried out at the burning pain in my hand. I thrashed around, crying out at the pain. I thrashed around when I suddenly felt a horrible pain go through my head. I opened my eyes and growled? I looked down at my hand and saw claws at my fingertips. I growled, lunging towards the man in front of me. I felt arms wrap around me and hold me in place.

"Calm down, babe." A voice breathed.

Once I calmed down, I slumped against Liam. Breathing lowly. "Your a werecheetah. "

Little Stilinski *LiamWhere stories live. Discover now