Chapter XIII

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The Marquezes are now on their last day in Singapore they decided to spend their last day at the hotel. The cousins are messing around in the pool and doing their own lives. The men are drinking beers and hards while the women are drinking wines.

" please tell them na kakain na tayo for late lunch. Ang aga nilang naginoman" Imelda instructed her assistant. They just got out of her room. The assistant nodded and went to them at the poolside.

" sir kakain na daw po sabi ni madam." the maid infromed them. The marcos siblings were looking at each other for a minute " patay sabihin mo manang ha na tubig lang ininom natin" Bong told her Manang Imee to lie , he knew, they knew they will get reprimanded by their mother for drinking at this hour.

" at talaga ako pa ang sinabihan mo? Gusto mo mataga ng itak?" Imee rolled her eyes on her brother. She also doesnt want to received the fire of their mother.

"Pambihira manang, tayo namang lhat mapagalitan. Ikaw nga lang magsabi sige na na manang kong maganda" bong pleaded his sister. Imee didnt mind him.

" ako na, ako na magsabi kay mommy na naglasiyahan lang tayo. Kayo naman parang sino yung kaharap natin. Nanay lang naman natin" Irene told them and walks toward their mother

She first gave her a morning kiss and hugged her. " ang aga nyo atang mag inoman. Gusto nyo bang maunahan ako?" Imelda asked seriously.

Irene chuckled, " mommy once in a while lang po iyan and besides we are on a vacation just let everyone enjoy our kast night here na lang, pwede po ba yun?" She asked her, side hugging her mom.

Imelda ticked her tounge " may magagawa pa ba ako? Oh sha shaa tell them na kakain muna tayo ang im gutom na" she told her daughter and went first to their buffet table.

Everyone followed directly when Irene made a wave for them to signal that it is now good and let all have lunch.

" ayonn manok oh tig isa isa na tayo" borgy screamed seeing the friend chickens, there are a lot. literally a lot of it.

"This feels heaven omg ang shereepp" Eliza took one of it and dip it to ketchup.

"You are eating na and hindi pa tayo nag prayer. You wait for your lola's signal muna" irene whispered to her daughter and wiped the ketchup near her lips.

"Ay hehe sorry po na carried away lang" Eliza chuckled cutely.

"Oh since ikaw kumain ng mauna eliza. Ikaw na mag lead ng prayer and ask for forgiveness for eating the food without sayibg grace" imelda told her granddaughter. Napakamot na lang si eliza sa kanyang nagawa habang tunatawa ng tahimik ang kanyang mga pinsan.

After praying, the cousins immediately got their fried chickens, they seems to murder the chickens. They are a big addict to fried chickens.

" eto oh, more ketchups for you, anak. seems like kulang pa ata yang 1 bottle of ketchup sayo" Greggy handed Eliza another bottle of ketchup.

" thanks dad, alam mo talaga ah" she smiled and winked at her father.

" oh do you want me to ask more chickens pa ba? Seems like inubos nyo ang walong bowl ng fried chickens" Imelda chuckled looking at the empty bowls.

The cousins looked at each other. They are having their eye conversation. " ah as the CEO and founder of marcoses cousins, lowla. We are requesting for three more bowls of fried, if permitted" borgy seriously said. He seems like he is talking about a business matter.

Imelda smiled, " as you wish my dears". She told her assistant to have as what her apos wanted, asap. She also told her assistant to add five bowls of chicken at lunch.

Minutes later, the fried chickens were served. Crispy and hot as it is. Everyone giggled and attacked the chicken immediately.

"Mommy aren't you spoiling them too much? Baka pag uwi natin ng pilipinas they'll have a wings na" bong, whispered to his mom.

" just let me, kids. My grandchildren are my happiness" Imelda told her children, gazing at them. Afterward, she looked at her grandchildren happily eating frieds while having their own worlds.

The three just nodded. They want their mom to be happy as much as they can give her happiness like how their dad does it to her and one of their mommy's happiness is their children, her grandchildren.

Irene then thinks of something, she wanted to invite her daughter for a bond yet she is shy to ask her.

"Eli, anak. Can i ask you for a mother and daughter date?" Irene suddenly spoke which made everyone look at her.

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