Chapter XXX

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Eliza and Jeanna are the ones assigned in the nurse station. " besh, ano daw ang sabi ng head bat tayo pinapatawag?" Eliza asked her best friend but it seems like Jeanna isn't listening to her. She keeps on looking at her phone typing on something.

Eliza took a peck at what she is doing and her jaw dropped to see what it is " hoy jeannaa bakit nasayo iyan?" She slapped Jeanna's back.

" bakit nasayo ang sim number ko. Hoy gaga anong katarantaduhan anv ginagawa mo jang, ipapakulam na talaga kita" eliza slapped her again, this time mas malakas na ito.

Jeanna groaned, " aray ansakit nun ha uupakan kita jan. Bessy, remember tinapon mo ang sim mo edi kinuha ko sa basurahan tapos nun ayun textmate kami ng parentals mo" she smirked and looked again on the screen

Eliza's eyes widened. " jeannaaa sinasabi ko sqyo ipapakulam na talaga kita. Anong bang mga sinasabi mo jan pag yan talaga hayysshh!!" She sighs out of irritateness.

" beshywaps kalma ang blood pressure. Pero im just remindinh the meds of your mother noh and reminding your dad somethings sila lang kaya nagbibigay ng mmk sayo wagka" Jeanna laughed. She then give the phone to Eliza.

Eliza raised her brows, " oh bat mo sakin binigay yan? Anong gagawin ko jan, ikikiss ko ba?" She asked sartisically.

Jeanna looked at her in disbelief, " deh wala now na alam mo na, sayo na yan, hindi ko dinelete lahat ng messages ng parentals mo. Read all of it baka it will change your decision in staying here for good" Jeanna tapped her best friend's back and walked away.

Ngayon, tinutukan na lang si eliza and Cellphonem she dont know what to do with the thing. " hay nako jang palagi mo talaga akong linalagay sa kapahamakan. Tarantado ka talaga" Eliza screamed in her innerself.

Eliz is busy writing notes on her table when the phone tinged, she looked at it and it was a message from Irene.

I'm sorry.

"I'm sorry." She read on her mind. She scrolls up the past messages and this is how she really greeted since the day she left back to Cambridge, She says sorry to her. " aish, sorry sorry tapos pag nakuha na naman ang loob wala na balik na naman sa dating ugali" she ranted. Eliza's heart has now slowly been slowly hardened.

Minutes later, another ting then notified, again it is from her mother.

"How are you?" Eliza read it. " how are you mo mukha mo" she rolled her eyes, reading the message.

" lay, tinatawag na daw tayo ni head. Kammoonn bebegurl" Jeanna called her friend's attention. She is holding a cup of tea.

Eliza looked back and nodded. " tong cellphone na to tunog ng tunog. Naiinis na ako ha" eliza sounded off pissed at the messages she just read.

" edi i mute mo. Ginagawa mo na namang problema ang hindi problema. Want mo turuan kita paano mag mute ng phone?" Jeanna chuckled answering her sartistically.

Eliza rolled her eyes. " gusto mo ibato ko to sayo. Aisshh hali kana nga baka maging dragon na naman yung si head. Allergic pa naman yun sa mga young nurses" she then pulled Jeanna's hands going to the office.

The two knocked twice before opening the door. " come on, take a seat" the head told them. The two followed and sit in front of the table, oppositely with each other.

"As per request, the Philippines are in need of nurses. Specifically, the Makati Medical Hospital for 2 months and as I checked on your biodata you two are coming from the Philippines specifically in Makati so you two will be there effective tomorrow" the head informed them while signing their papers.

The two exchange their glances with each other. " sh-shut upp!" Eliza uttered out of shock.

"I beg your pardon shut up?" The head raised her brows to Eliza.

" i i i mean uh I'm sorr-"

" uh miss shut up doesn't really mean shut up in states we usually said that as woww gee whizz it's an expression" Jeanna catches Eliza. She directly uttered. (Wew princess diaries yaern)

" oh, I see. Here are your papers and your plane ticket. When you arrived there. Go to the admins' office and tell them you are the head and don't make any mess there. We trusted you two as being one of the best youngsters in here." The head bossily said and let them go out of her office.

"Pambihirang buhay naman to oh ginagago ba nila ako! Tapos sa makati pa GSHFAGA!!" Eliza irritatedly said when they went out.

" beshy chill baka sign na talaga to ni Rold ay este ni Lord. Tsaka bat kaba matatakot dun e nandun si ate jo tong to baka libre pa- oh shoott!" Jeanna then realizes what will happen.

" mismo jang mismoo!" Eliza tsk. She'll probably meet her mom there.

" oys papunta pa lang tayo sa exciting part" Jeanna smirked at eliza whose now looking grumpy. " ang pangit mo. Hali kana nga mag empake na tayo baka kung hindi natin to sinusunod mabababaan pa tayo ng sweldo or worst baka mawalan ng trabaho" jeanna made an essay to her and walks out first.

" pashneyang buhay naman oh gusto ko na lang maging hotdog na may cheese" Eliza rolled her eyes. Screamed in irritatedness in herself.

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