Chapter XXIX

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A month passed, and Eliza's number is still messaging them regularly. Checking on them and asking how their day was. It also have Irene's number so most of the time, Irene spend her day talking to it.

Irene is sleeping soundly in the master's bedroom. It is already 10 am when she woke up and Greggy already left for work. She felt nausea when she woke up so she run immediately to the bathroom to puke. Even if she is already in the second trimester, her morning sickness and pregnancy cravings are still in there.

She looked at the clock as she wiped her lips with a towel only to find out it is already 10:08 am. "Hindi pa pala ako nakakakain. Kumain na ba yun before going work?" She asked herself, thinking of her husband. She thought of calling him, she wanted to hear his voice.

"Hello love, good morning!" greggy greeted her on the other line.

Irene smiled widely upon hearing his voice, "Greg, I miss you" her mood suddenly changes. "Can you come here sa lunch and bring me a pizza with a lot of chocolates?" she requested.

Greggy on the other hand was thinking, "pizza and a lot of chocolates, ano daw" he thought.

"Oh bakit hindi mo ako kinikibo? Ayaw mo na ba sakin kasi ang taba taba ko na? Sige na iwan nyo na lang akong lahat total sanay naman na akong iwan kahit ang sakit sakit." Irene cried, she pursed her lips.

"N-no no i am thinking kasi hon of the food youa re requesting para hindi ko makalimutan. I will be there before 12. Hintayin mo ako ha. I love you" He replied calmly. Since it is already their third baby, Greggy knows how Irene work's during her pregnancy. Even if it is very hard and weird for him, it is still manageable and goes with the flow for him.

Greggy can now hear her wife's giggles and happiness, "yiiiee thank you so much love, sige I'll hangup this na. I will tell nana sonya na dito ka kakain. I love youuu" She energetically said and ended the call.

Irene stroked her bump for a while talking to her child in her tummy. "Anak, daddy will come home later. He will join for us this lunch. Huwag kang maging makulit, baby ha" she told the baby as if it will answer.

When Irene goes out the door, she saw a picture at the floor. She took it and examine at it, it was Eliza's. "Why is this in here?"

Irene then changed her direction going to Eliza's room. When she opened the door, she saw a very clean room, the maids cleaned it and remove all her portraits and things to San Juan. "Bakit niligpit nila lahat ng gamit ni eli, anong meron" she wondered.

Irene decided to call Manang Sonya to clear all her overthinking. "Pinaligpit ni gregorio ang mga gamit ni Elay, rene. Pinadala sa kabilang bahay. Sa kwarto kasi ni Eliza ang nursery ng magiging anak nyo" Sonya explained.

Irene's eyes widened. She don't know what to feel. Among all the places in their house to be the nursery, why was it her daughter's room. "Manang bakit hindi ka po nagsabi saakin? Hindi pwede yun. Baka uuwi ulit si eliza dito ng biglaan i wont allow her to sleep in the guest room" she is nearly crying.

"Rene, hindi na babalik si Eliza. Siguro, oo babalik sya pero sobrang tagal pa nun. Sa ngayon mag pukos ka muna jan sa anak nyo. Hali kana kumain ka muna ng agahan." Sonya informed and reminded Irene the reality.

"Babalik kasi sya, babalik ang eli ko" she teared. She is still hoping that one day her daughter will be back in her arms again, her leaves will be back in her tree. "Iintayin ko na lang po si greggy sa kuwarto dito po sya mananghalian" She plainly said and went back in their room.

After an hour, Greggy arrived. He expected Irene on the sala but instead, no one greeted him. "Manang, si irene ho? Natulog ho ba ulit?" He asked Sonya in the kitchen.

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