Chapter XXXV

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" j-jang" Eliza mumbled when she saw Jeanna outside the room scrolling on her phone.

Jeanna turned off her phone and looked at her with no emotions. Eliza took a seat beside her " j-jang sorry na patawarin mo na ako please. Promise aayusin ko na po talaga to. Kahit mamatay man ang daga dito sa hospital bukas" she gave her pinky finger.

Jeanna looked at her and pouted, " promise mo iyan ha? Hindi mo na aawayin si tita irene? Kawawa na naman kasi ang kamay nya napuno na ng tusok ng desxtrose" she said. Eliza nodded " pinky promise po" Jeanna chuckled and twirled her pinky finger to Eliza's.

" thank you and im sorry ja, I'll fix this promise. " Eliza hugged her friend. She is happy that even with her change of attitude, Jeanna never left her. Worst to best she never leave Eliza's side.

" so ano ba Plano mo? Maybe I can help" Jeanna asked Eliza when they separated their hug.

" babawi ako kay mommy yun lang. I'll ask the head if pwede ba akong maging full time nurse nya" Eliza says her plans on how she should catch up her shortcomings to her mother.

" ay ako na ang bahala kay head, sagot ko na, pumunta kana sa roo. Ng mommy mo. Hinatid na namin sya doon andun na din ang daddy mk. First day of work mo sakanila ngayon kaya shoo shoo umalis kana" she pulled Eliza going to the hally way where irenes rooom is located.

" si head nurse ha. Salamat labyuu sabay tayong kamain ng dinner mamayaa!" Eliza shouted as she runned gling to irene's room.

Eliza knocked thrice before she opened the door. She saw irene sleeping while she is holding Greggy's hands who is also sleeping.

She took out her phone and took a shot on them. " ang kyot nyo" she uttered and storied it in her Instagram. She also mentioned her parents in her story.

Eliza then went back out of the room. She will be going to the station of logged out for her lunch break.

Greggy woke up when his phone tinged. He looked at it, it was his Instagram, and was shocked at what he saw.

margaretheeeeemara mentioned you in a story.

He rubbed his eyes and wore his eyeglasses. "margaretheeeeemara mentioned you in a story" he reads again. He then clicked the notification and it diverted to Eliza's story. It was him and irene holding each other's hand, their wedding ring sparkled on the shot.

Greggy looked around but can't see any signs of Eliza's presence. He stood up and looked at his daughter outside the hall but she isn't in there.

He gets back into the room and looked at the clock. " oh almost 12 na pala. Baka kumain lang siguro yun." He thought.

" love, what do you want to grab for lunch?" Greggy tries to wake up Irene. he draws her nose and pecks her on her lips.

" I'm not hungry Greg, milk will do, love" irene replied. Her eyes are still closed.

"Love you need to eat. Remember baby needs to eat too gutom yung anak natin" he rubs on Irene's bump. She needs to eat for her medicines and vitamins but Irene isn't minding him

A knock was then heard by them. " come in" Greggy shouted in his calm voice.

" good noon parentals! I bought lunch for you dad, oh and for mommy naman i'll spoon feed you po. Dad catch" Eliza greeted them.

Greggy was just staring at his daughter, he can't utter any word in his mouth. He doesn't know how to react. " daddy catch oh" Eliza carefully threw a lunch box to Greggy, agad namang sinalo ni greggy.

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