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Irene is in the labor room, alone. While Irene is still sleeping, Eliza went out to process something. The Marquezes are already on their way. Greggy is already at the airport.

Irene felt that she wanted to pee so she roamed her eyes and look everywhere but she can't find Eliza. She decided to get up all by herself because she can't stop her peeing already and went to the comfort room.

just time, Eliza went into the room and found an empty room, "Mommy? Mommy where are you?" she keeps on searching the area but found no steps from her mother. She was just startled when she heard a loud scream from the cr. She rashly opened the door and saw Irene slumping on the floor crying.

"Mommy, what happened? Nadulas ka ba?" She's worried, Irene shooked her head which made her relieved, " i wanted to pee ate pero bigla lang syang sumakit... Aray!" Irene gripped Eliza's arms that left its scratches, "aray showta sakit nun ha" she thought.

Eliza asked assistance from her fellow nurse for Irene to get back in her bed, she first cleaned her inners and changed her clothes since it was very wet. she also put her mom a diaper, so that they can have walks while Irene is in active labor. "I'm sorry" Irene sobbed, bowing her head as Eliza helped her to sidely lie down.

Eliza looked at her, "Mommy, no need to be sorry and alam ko nahihiya ka sakin, i can feel it but telling you ma, araw araw kong nararanasan at nakikita ang mga ganyan. Sige, you want ba na I'll call other nurse na lang to assist you para mas maging comfortable ka?" She suggested, she just wanted her mom to be comfortable while laboring.

"No, no stay with me. I need you. Just don't check and look at my ano, just let the other nurse do for my ie" She bit her lips and held Eliza's hand. Irene saw the scratches on her arms and was about to say sorry again when Eliza cut her off, "oh sige mag sorry ka ulit sakin mommy, iiwan na talaga kita dito" She chuckled.

As the clock ticks, the frequent Irene felt its contractions. "Ja, paki suyo naman ako sa bola, please" Eliza asked Jea who was about to take an IE. She nodded and went back immediately along with the ball, the big and small one.

"Oh ayan, kompleto na yan beshywaps. Kinakabahan ka anoh?" jea whispered, teasing Eliza. She nodded, "eh gaga di ko nga alam bat ako kinakabahan palagi naman tayo tumutulong sa pag papaanak. Nakakaloka" She helped her in IE. Irene felt that someone touches her down there so she slowly opens her eyes and saw her daughter and her friend talking. She's quite tired so she went to sleep again.

"oh malapit na, di aabot ng umaga, ate kana beshy. Totoong ate na, ikaw okay ka lang ba, how are you feeling?" Jea asked her.

Eliza smiled at her friend's care. she is lucky to have her. "don't worry i am fine. very much fine" she winked at her. Jea just laughed and tapped Eliza's back before going out.

Irene, woke up from her sleep when she felt the pain, again. Eliza took the ball and rolled it on her back, which helped her to calm down.

"Irene anak, kumusta?" Imelda approached her when Eliza signaled to them that She's awake. Only Imelda and Imee are in the room, the rest are in the Private room. "Mommy, ang sakiitt..." She whispered.

Imee gave her an ice cube, to avoid her throat from drying, "tiisin mo yan, nasarapan ka e." Imelda elbowed her eldest, " hindi ka nakakatulong remedios".

Eliza chuckled at the scene she just saw, "ayan kasi mama, tigang ka na din ata. Don't worry Sabihan ko si papa mark . nandito naman ako magassist" Teasing her aunt while rolling the ball at the back of Irene, she's multitasking.

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