Chapter XVII

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Today is already their flight. Eliza didn't sleep at her parent's place. She even locked herself with Imee instead of irene. On their way to the Airport, everyone in the family can feel that there is something wrong but they just keep on denying about it.

"Rene, are you and Eli okay? I can feel the cold between the two of you, anak" Imelda looked at her daughter whose looking deeply outside the window.

Irene gazed at her mom, "ye-yes, mommy we are doing good, I guess" she smiled and look back at the window.

Imelda cupped Irene's face and make it look like her. "Anak, look at me nga in my eyes" Irene followed what her mom had said. "Are you sincere this time? Or you are doing this just because of responsibility?" Imelda asked her seriously.

Irene bowed down. "I-I am sorry mommy. I just wanted to fill my responsibility to her. Look mom i am really trying my best but parang ayaw pa ng tadhana na mangyari to. Siguro tadhana na namin ang nagsabi na ipaghiwalay kami" she cried, covering her face.

Imelda looked at her daughter with disappointment but she just can't do it for as a mother it is her role to console and lead her daughter to the right track. "Rene, don't just listen to your heart. I know anak matalino ka, gamitin mo to" she uttered, pointing at her heart.

" do you think mommy I can win her back?" Irene asked. Imelda nodded and smiled at her. "Nothing is impossible as long as you are doing it sincerely, Anak. I know her as my apo but i know that you know Eliza more as she is your daughter, she comes from you" Imelda uttered and kissed her daughter's cheeks.

When everyone arrived at the airport, Imee gave them their tickets, and as expected Eliza's seat is between her parents. "This is weird" she thought.

After just an hour of waiting, their flight has been called. Greggy helped her to bring her luggage which she was happy to give to her father. The whole trip to manila was as quiet as the cemetery. No one dares to talk. Irene wanted to speak with her daughter but she wanted her to have some space she respects her.

Eliza on the other hand thinks that her mom hated her for not talking nor gazing at her. " well, welcome to my life of being the temporary slash second choice" she thought.

Greggy is just doing his own thing inside the aircraft. Even if he is on leave he still works online. He is doing a report on the plane until they arrive in the Philippines.

The moment the crew told them that they are now landing in Manila. Eliza felt relief, she feels suffocated in the place. "Phew, sa wakas makakauwi na din ako" she closed her eyes, and sigh in relief.

Irene looked at her daughter before everything will last. She stares at her as if she won't see her for the next five years. She is certain that Eliza won't go home with them in Forbes.

"Eli, hindi kaba sasama sa parents mo to go home?" Imelda asked as eliz assisted her to hop in the car.

She shook her head. "Lola no po. I will be joining you sa house until magsasawa kana sakin" she jokingly replied, leaning her head to Imelda's shoulder. Irene was just silent, she expected it after all. "Oh, I see. But did you ask for your mom and dad's permission apo?" she asked and looked at Irene who's now bowing her head.

Eliza looked at her dad first before her mom. "Uhm will it be okay po na kay lola muna ulit ako mag stay?" she shyly asked for permission.

"Ye-yes ana-anak. It is okay lang. We will visit you there na lang. Take good care of your lola ha" Irene smiled faintly, trying to stop her tears from falling. She hugged her daughter tightly. "I'm sorry" she whispered.

Eliza was just standing, " i cant be soft for this. Bato ka eliza. Bato ka. Hindi ka pwedeng maging malambot, baka abusuhin kana naman" she reprimanded herself in her mind. She slightly pushed Irene. "Ah yes, po. Aalis na po kami. Bye po dad, ingat sa pag drive" she said before closing the van.

Irene and greggy are just looking at the van until they can no longer see it in their peripheral vision. "Come on now hon. You need to rest" Greggy said and wrapped his arms around Irene's waist as they make their way to their car.

Days become weeks, and Irene distant herself from her daughter but she never let her feel that she is forgotten by her mother. Irene keeps on messaging Eliza or even sends flowers and her favorite chocolates to her daughter. There is also the rare time that Eliza replies to her message with an emoji and sends her a cupcake.

On a late-night, Greggy messaged Irene that he couldn't come home for the following days because he need to operate and really look for their new project this is a big project for their company and if approved this will lead to a good partnership.

Irene, on the other hand, is having a hard time sleeping. Her head hurts so much. She don't know what to feel. She felt nausea and wanted to throw up. She then thought that it might be because of overwork for she also keeps herself busy from work.

Morning came, and Irene's world turned upside down. Her eyes become blurry. Her head hurts so bad that it was like being thrown by stones and her stomach like she is being stabbed a gazzilion times. Despite her weird and unexplained feelings, she managed to call for help from her husband.

Irene managed to call help from her emergency calls. She called the number twice and it answered. "Love, please help me. Parang nilalagnat ako, nanghihina ako"

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