Chapter XXXIII

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"She's back here again as a nurse and not as a marcos araneta. Not as my rainbow" irene mumbled.

Everyone gazed at her. " what are you saying irene? Ay I mean what do you mean?" Imee asked her sister. She's also confused.

"She's back again manang and the most painful part was the way she unremember me as her mother and started calling me ma'am" irene started to sob. It hurts her. " my treatment to her all these times had been backed to me. Ang sakit sakit pala" she cried uncontrollably.

Greggy went to her and hugged his wife. " we will win her back, again. Hmkay? Just take it, easy love. I will make a way" he whispered and kissed Irene's temple. Greggy then went out.

Imee looked at Greggy walking out. " i'll go and follow him wait for me here" she whispered looking at everyone and ran going outside.

" greg, wait. What are you thinking? greggy kung ano man iyan pigilan mo ang sarili mo" Imee asked as she is chasing Greggy. He walks fastly.

Greggy stopped when he heard Imee at his back. " manang, ill talk to their head, i wanted Eliza to be back in us again. I want her to be the private nurse of Irene." He firmly replied and walked again.

"Greggy are you out of your mind? " Imee disagrees with his plan. She knew Eliza too well. The more pipilitin, the more aayaw and knowing his brother In law, he is willing to do impossible things just for his loved ones

Inee harshly holds Greggy's arms. "Look oh, i know her greg. Kausapin ko muna sya, pag pumayag edi good at kapag hindi then we will talked to the head in a mannered and professional way" Imee suggested . She wanted the best for her sister's family.

Greggy thinks for a while. He sigh, imee is right. " just promise me manang you'll convince eliza. I can't just let irene suffer too much from what she did to our daughter". Greggy is aware, he is aware of all of Irene's hurtful and harsh words to their daughter but he can't just make a word to her, he loves her so much.

Imee tapped Greggy's back. "Let me be in charge of this greg. Alagaan mo muna ang kapatid ko" she remarked and walked gpibg to the nurse station.

Eliza and Jeanna are eating weakly at the nurse station. They shared their food at a one mid big lunch box. " bes ansakit ng ulo ko. Nakakaloka parang lalagnatin pa ata" Eliza complained. Her head hurts but it is manageable.

"Luh mag papa confine kana beh baka ano na yan. Baka may pamangkin na ako" jeanna stated, chewing her food. Eliza lately feels dizzy and sometimes vomits.

Eliza then threw a fork to her. " gaga paano naman ako mabuntis. Ano ako, si mama mary?" She rolled her eyes put down her utensils. She's now done eating.

Jeanna gets on the fork on the floor. " baka di tayo sure diba. Want ko na din ng baby e. Di ko mahingi hingi kay ate jo nbsb kasi yun" scratching her head.

" nurse eliza, can i talk to you?" A voice of a woman interrupted them. The two looked up at once and saw Imee in her poker face.

"Kaya mo na yan. Parang mangangain na ng tao ang mama mo" jeanna mummbled and kept their foods. " good day po senator. Yes po pwede nyo pong mahiram si nurse marg." She nervously chuckled and went to their lobby.

"May i?" Imee asked her niece again. It is just her and Eliza in the nurse station.

Eliza nodded and gave her a chair. " what happen to you?" Imee looked at her in her eyes but Eliza keeps on avoiding

"Eliza anak. Look at mama. Hindi na ikaw ito, nasaan na ang eliza na minahal at inaalagan ko" Imee looked at her, she's tearing already.

Eliza then looked at Imee. It is her first time seeing her mama crying, it makes her weaker. " mama sumusuko na ako. Ayoko na. Masakit na mama" she started crying. she burst out her pain to the person she trusted the most.

" alam moba mama akala ko na okay na e. Sabi ni ate jo hinahanap na ako ng mommy. Her pains haunt my guilts pero nung sinabi nya sakin ma na pinagbintangan nya akong bumalik parq saktan sya. Mama ansakit sakit nun at kailanman hindi ko iyon masisikmura" eliza essayed. She bit her lips.

" now if gusto mo akong lumuhod sa harap nya at maghinhi ng tawad sa lahat ng pasakit ko sakanya. Then, i am so sorry mama but i will never say my pardon to someone who doesnt even care nor love me in my whole existence" she firmly said and closed her writings

Imee was left shocked by her niece's words. It strikes her. She was speechless. Eliza deserves to be free but she can't just let her sister and unborn niece suffer. " bu-but anak--"

"Mama please masakit ang ulo ko huwag ngayon. Pahingain nyo na ako at pagod na ako" eliza cutted her off and excused herself.

Imee has no choice but to tell the breaking news to greggy. Matamlay itong naglalakad pabalik sa kuarto ni Irene.

"Manang, how was it?" Greggy stood up and greeted Imee when he saw her opening the door.

Imee smiled lightly and shook her head. It is her signal that she failed.

Greggy tsk and sigh in dismayed. His daughter has become the dark version of herself. No one can please her. "She really chose me. " he tsk. Knowing Greggy, he will do everything just to get back his daughter even if it is against on her will. As a father, he will be a man who puts power on her.

"My love, i know what you are thinking. Please wag mong ituloy. I am the one who started this kaya ako ang mag aayos nito." Irene interefered them.

Greggy locked back, he wont agree to what Irene uttered. " hon, no. Baka anong mangyari sa inyo ni baby"

"Irene you can't just go to Eliza and do baby talks to her to please your daughter. After all, may isip na sya alam na nya ang ginagawa nya" imee looked at Irene. She also is against of what Irene proposed..

"Ina ako. Alam ko ang anak ko. Now, i am not asking your permission. I am just informing you my plans. I know my child because I am the one who bore her" irene uttered strongly. Her dextrose has already been out to her earlier so there won't be any cables attached to her.

" do not ever follow me. I am giving you a warning" irene looked at them sternly and slowly walks out of the room. She went to the nurse station to ask where Eliza is and the nurses pointed her to a lab near the nursery.

As irene slowly walks going to the lab, she saw eliza walking palely assisted by Jeanna. " eliza anak" Irene called their attention.

The two looked up at once and saw irene walking toward them. " what are you doing here maam. Youre supposed to rest" Eliza asked her coldly and guided Irene back to her room.

"Baby, I need you. Ate we need you" Irene uttered holding Eliza's hands tightly.

Eliza stoped and looked at Irene. " maam i dont know what you are talking about. Tama na ho iyan mkakasama yan sa pangalawa nyo" eliza said highlighting the word pangalawa. She is erasing herself as the second daughter of Arañeta.

Irene looked at her daughter with weary eyes. " Eli please be back to mommy. Mahal na mahal ka ng mommy, anak. Baby, please hindi ikaw to ibalik mo ang dating eli ko" irene tore but Eliza just smirked at her.

"Maam matagal na pong patay si eliza. Pinatay na po sya ng sarili nyang ina. Remember, pinagtabuyan siya ng sarili nyang pamilya? Her pain and suffering let her die. " eliza stated. Nanghihina nman si Irene sa sinabi ng kanyang anak, para itong sinaksak ng kamaraming beses.

" love, mommy is willing to change, I am willing to change myself just for you baby. Please bumalik ka lang sa piling ko. I have been longing for your fondness" Irene is already crying, begging her daughter.

Eliza raised her brows, " i have never dreamed of fondness. I dream to be loved, cared for true ones and hindi ko iyon na kikita sa iyo."

"I dont need you pretentions maam. Now, let me assist you to go back to your room" Eliza plainly said. Jeanna tapped her " bes please tama na baka anong mangyari kay tita at sa kapatid mo" she begged her but eliza isnt listening....

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