Chapter XL

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" eliza, you cant pressure yourself too much, the tumor in your head keeps on growing. It is a toxic one, Eliza. Now if i and jang cant convince you to remove that just let us advise you to tell that to your parents please" dr. Reyes pleaded eliza. Her results just come our today and it found a big tumor on her head, the reason why she keeps on complaining about her headache

Eliza started to sob, " ate please wag nyong sabihin even to my family. I dont want them to suffer on me. Remember the story of cats?" She asked.

Johanna nodded, she is also tearing. " they left when they feel like they are about to die" she cried uncontrollably.

" ate, gusto ko sa time na malapit na akong mawala, i want to be remembered as someone who longs for love. A someone who fighted for love. Please dont give me any medical treatment. I wanted to die, naturally " Eliza remarked and hugged Dr Reyes.

Dr. Reyes shook her head. " no no no elay please jang cant live without her bestfriend. We cant live without you. Kahit lumaban ka na lang para sa parents mo at hindi para sa sarili mo" she pleaded on eliza but eliza's decision is already closed.

A knocked then heard from them. They looked at the door and it revealed Jeanna who's already in her puffy eyes. " bes, please magpagamot ka i cannot live without you" she cried uncontrollably as she ran towards Eliza's direction to hug her.

"bes, matagal pa along mamatay, malayo pa ang four months. kakapanganak pa nga lang ni mommy. Bes alagaan mo ng mabuti ang kapatid ko ha treat her like how you treat me. tell her how crazy we are and how we care for each other" eliza leaves a message to them that made them two cried.

" ano ba yan, buhay pa nga ako iniyakan nyo na ako. Ireserve nyo na lang luha nyopagkatapos ko nang mategi" eliza wiped her tears and smiled.

"Nakakainis ka naman eliza sasampalin na talaga kita" Jeanna sobbed but eliza just laughed at her. " huwag kang umiyak mas pumangit ka" she joked and tapped their back and went out.

Eliza doesn't know what will life leads her. The brain tumor is such a critical condition there is fewer percent who live and survive that cancer. it has already been five months since her results came, and she can already feel that her body became weaker.

" eli anak, can you make a milk for angelique ba anak? Ayaw na nya sa milk ko e" eliza was back in the picture when she heard her mom's shout.

" a-ah opo mommy!" She replied and went downstairs to make milk for her sister. Eliza has become pale and thin as the months move. The couple and the rest of the family have also noticed it and even convince her to stop working but Eliza strongly contradicts them.

" eli nak, ako na jan. Ang putla putla mo na. Nilublob mo na namn siguro ang sarili mo for work. I suggest go and take a leave muna ate or mag resign kana, daddy is still here pa naman to support you. I am the one that should work, not your mom especially not you, our princess" Greggy said from Eliza's back. He has been observing his daughter every step of the day. There are even time he saw her vomitting and losting her appetite that makes him worry more.

" daddy im fine lang po siguro need ko lang ng tulog kaya maputla ako. Please ikaw na lang po magbigay nito kay mommy" eliza lowly replied. She was about to walks back to her room when her world turned around, she got outbalanced. Gladly, greggy catches her. " ay so-sorry dad, nakulangan na naman ata ako sa tulog" she lied.

" are you sure you are okay anak? Perhaps we should go on the hospital na to check you baka iba na yan eliza" He asked worriedly.

Eliza smiled and nodded " I am fine dad, dont worry about me" . She then walks back going to her room.

When eliza reached to her room, she called Jeanna immediately, her head hurts again but Jeanna is out of coverage. So she just left her a message. " jang i i think i can no longer handle it" her last message before she seizured.

Hours passed, Jeanna opened her phone, she just got out from the Emergency room when received tons of missed calls from her friend. She opened her messages and saw Eliza's messaged.

The moment jeanna read it, she rushly gets her car keys, runned and drove off going to Forbes. Goodly, there's no traffic so she arrived to their house several minutes later.

"Tita, tito si elay po?" Jeanna asked Irene and Greggy the moment she opened the front door, she is chasing her breath. She saw them playing with their kid at the couch.

" she is in her room jeanna, nagpapahinga. Why is there anything wrong?" Irene answered her, greeting jeanna.

" tito please call an ambulance like right now!" Jeanna told Greggy and run going to Eliza's room.

Irene and Greggy on the other hand were perplexed they dont know what is happening. " gregg call the ambulance daw! Yaya please paki bantayan si angelique" Irene shouted and ran following Jeanna.

Jeanna were already in tears. When she switched Eliza's knob it was locked. " shit" she cursed and tried to push the door.

Irene, holding the house duplicate keys, rushed went to jeanna crying, trying to open the door. " jea, dear. What is happening ba? Im starting to get worry" Irene asked and excused herself to open the door.

" tita just please open the door" jeanna said trembling, her tears are already racing in her cheeks. Irene just nodded. She is also nervous and her heart started beating so fast. She dont know what emotions she'll out in herself.

The moment the door ticked. They immediately opened the door and saw eliza on the floor, there's a blood on her nose and head, already. She seems like she fall.

" elay!" Jeanna mummbled as she went immediately to her friend. She checked on the pulse but cant find any. She looks around, and she knew. " n-no no noo this cant be eli please lumaban ka" she cried, trying to perform a cpr on Eliza

Irene on the other hand, was left by her spirit, tears are streaming on her cheeks, her hands were cold but she was just standing, looking at her daughter as jeanna performed a cpr on her.

Greggy then went in to the scene. " hon, what is ha--" he stopped when he looked t eliza on the floor, everything on him turned white. Blankly. He saw his daughter, lying on the floor, out of breath while holding her parent's wedding ring. Their promise ring.

There are times that people leave you with their memories. Memories that will last and be remembered forever. Eliza's dream has been fulfilled, she became a nurse and become an elder sibling. She's already satisfied with her life and she knew she's now ready to leave.

Elizabeth Mary Margarethe M. Arañeta. Brain tumor. 11:11 am.

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Hello, It has been a great journey with you, dear friends. This has been Eliza now sleeping in great slumber.

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