Chapter IX

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On the way to the hotel, everyone was sleeping in the oldies van except for Irene who was looking at the window having deep thoughts....

Mary Katherine Charlotte Marquez Arañeta

+ June 27, 2003

"I will and never forgive this baby in my womb for killing my beloved charlotte. I will let you live in a miserable life like what you made me today" she remembers that day, the day she cursed her unborn daughter.

Irene's senses got back when someone wiped her tears, " love, it's okay I am here. You can always cry on me" it was Greggy, her first and last love, Her beloved.

" Greg, please help me. I am trapped from my past". Greggy understands her wife for years already. It isn't easy for a mother to lose a child, and the same as him but he needs to be strong for her wife to cope with pain and struggles.

Greggy has been trying his very best to be a good father to Eliza but because of his Officeworks, he forgets his fatherly role and love for their sole living daughter. He regrets it, he really did but he just wanted to give his daughter the best life. The life of richness is in contrast to what Eliza really wanted.

The two were just hugging each other and having their own world until they made it into the hotel.

"Maam, we've already arrived." The chauffeur informed them.

When the oldies went out of the van they have already seen the Marcos Chua and Araneta kids, teasing each other outside the hotel. They aren't minding on how other people looked at them, they are just doing their things freely like a normal person which they can't do in the Philippines.

"Tama na iyan, you should go with your parents na maaga pa tayo bukas" Imelda told them making her grandchildren stop their childish plays.

" oh tama na daw mga kuya so oano ba yan may utang na kayo saking 6k ha. Natalo ko kayo e" Eliza confidently tapped her shoulder. They were playing the longest word battle and Eliza, as always never failed.

The boys sigh. "Ano ba yan di pa nga tayo nakakauwi ng pilipinas may utang na agad tayo" Matt scratch his nape. He knew that they can never win against the favorite grandchild.

"Hihi babyeee mga ferson mauna na ako ha" Eliza laughed, biting her lips. She was about to follow Imee and mark into their room when her grandmother interrupted her.

" oh my eli, where re you going apo? Your parents room is there" Imelda pointed to the opposite side where she was standing in. She frowned, she doesn't want to sleep with her parents for days. " lola can i just sleep with mama and papa, please?" She pleaded puppying her eyes.

Imelda smiled and cupped her cheeks. "No, go to your parents' room now young lady". Eliza pouted, she thought her grandma will grant her request. But it was in contrast.

Eliza lazily walks toward her parents' room. When she arrived at the door, she first looked at her grandmother, and she begged her with her eyes.

" go on, knock. I love you" Imelda mouthed and walks into her room with the nurses.

Eliza deeply sighs first before knocking on the door. She knocked twice and Irene opened it. Their eyes met but Eliza immediately looked away.

"Oh, come inside anak. I know you are tired na din" Irene gives her daughter a light hug but Eliza just stood up. She wasn't able to move or anything. She feels awkward.

"This is weird, oh g let me get out of this place. It's exhausting" she closed her eyes and sigh deeply before getting inside her parents' room.

Eliza roamed her eyes first around the room and she saw her bags in a corner and beside it was her parents' luggage with a little pink bag. "That was ate's" she smiled faintly. Irene gazed at where Eliza's eyes are and she looked at the pink bag. Irene immediately grabbed it and put it in her back. " oh am I'm sorry this was from my-"

"Hehe its okay lang po. I find it cute nga. You still bring ate's things in your travels po" Eliza smiled, avoiding her mother's eyes.

Greggy, who just come out of the comfort room saw her two roses talking. "My girls seems to have a serious late talk ha. Bukas na lang yan mommy. Let's sleep muna. Our anak might be very tired of the flight na oh" he kissed his daughter's forehead.

Eliza looked at his father and just smiled. " ah there is one bed lang po lala noh. Sa couch na lang po siguro ako matutulog" she was about to walk on the couch when Irene stopped her.

" ah, Baby, the bed is quite very big for me and your dad. You can sleep beside us naman anak" Irene smiled. She hoped that her daughter will say yes.

Eliza was about to decline but she remember what her mama Imee reminded her "Dont be too harsh on your mother, Eliza. She had gone through a lot"

"Ah sige po, ah dito na lang po ako sa tabi. Si daddy na lang po ang gitna" she took a seat in the bed side.

Greggy chuckled. " nagdadalaga kana talaga anak ha. Noon, you keep on telling me na sa gitna ka samin ng mommy mo but ngayon gusto mo na sa tabi. Di ka na ba takot sa ghost?" Greggy joked.

"Daddy let me sleep in the middle na kasi. Im afraid of ghost e. They might get me and stay away from the both of you" the young Eliza is afraid of ghost stories. Every time she remembered a ghost she wanted to sleep beside her parents.

Irene rolled her eyes "greggy patahimikin mo yang anak mo naririndi ako sa boses nya" she whispered to his husband.

"Anak your mommy isnt feeling well kasi kaya dito ka na lang sa tabi ni daddy ha. I will hugged you tight para hindi ka makuha ng mga ghost, hmkay?"

Eliza laughed as she remembers how she was so afriad of ghost back then. "Daddy wag mo nang ipapaalala naiinis ako sa sarili ko nun. Multo kinakatakutan nakakaloka hahahahaha" she laughed so hard that she accidentally slapped her father's shoulder.

"Aray di ako nainform mapanakit kana pala ha" greggy growned. Eliza 's eyes widened. She didnt mean it " ay halaa joke lang po yun dad yung kamay ko kasi nag auto sapak hihihi" she went to his father and hugged her.

Irene was just watching his mag-aama's sweetness. She smiled and remembered how Greggy became both a mother and a father figure to her. "You two stop clingying with each other na. We need to sleep na para bukas full energy tayo" she told the two.

Eliza sleeps beside her parents but she's facing greggy. She immediately fell into slumber because of tiredness. " she definitely looks like you, love. I miss this. I miss her so much" greggy kissed their daughter's temple then Irene's.

"I love you so much. Go take a rest na love" greggy kissed his wife passionately. " i love you too" Irene replied and closed her eyes.

" babawi ako anak. Babawi ako sayo for charlotte"

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