The attack

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Steve's POV.

School day is finally over and I'm wondering which girl I'm going home with today. Will it be Linda, Heidi, Sarah? Maybe Monica?

I snap out of my thoughts as I hear shouting in the hall. It's Jason, of course. He's saying something about that Munson guy. Did he do something again? I swear he's just begging to get jumped at this point. I look around the classroom. Everyone's talking about some party at Sam's. What? AGAIN?? There's no way I'm going there tonight. As much as I want to keep up my appearance, I'd loose too many braincels being around these shitheads two nights in a row.

Okay, I stand up, I guess no girls tonight. With a hardly noticeable frown I walked out of school gates, but I wasn't going home. I turned to the woods, I once saw an abandoned building, so I'm going to try and find it.

After about half an hour wandering in the woods I finally found it. I stepped inside the house and was mesmerised. As old and unkept it looked from the outside, the living space was absolutely beautiful. The antique lamps, cushion sofas and fluffy rugs made my jaw drop. I walked further into the house and when I almost reached the stairs I felt my back slam against the wall and something sharp press along my neck. I shut my eyes hard, fearing what I will see if I open them. When after a few seconds nothing happened I slowly opened my eyes.
-MUNSON?- I shouted. Right there in front of me with a knife to my throat stood Eddie the freak Munson.
- Well what the fuck did you expect huh, some evil spirit? No, no, it's me. Tell me where are the others, huh?- It was strange, he looked like he was the one with a knife pressed to his neck.
-What!? What are you talking about? Why the fuck were you hiding there!? And why did you jump me!?
-Yeah? You think I don't know? Tell me .Where. Are. The others?
-Just let me go man, I truly have no idea what you're talking about!- He looked at my eyes curious looked around once more and unwillingly got away from me. I gasped for air and almost fell to the floor. He looked at me weird and stretched out his hand. What is the problem with this guy? He's acting as if he didn't just almost slaughter me with his fucking knife. I smacked his hand away from me. He looked genuinely hurt.
-Sure, if you want to choke on the ground I'm not gonna disturb you.- He slurped out.
-Dude, are *coughing* are you high??- He giggled.
-And what if I am Harrington? Huh? That's none of your business.- he said. Is he trying to be funny or something??
-Are you kidding me? You just held a knife to my throat! Of course it's my business!
-Okay, okay Harrington, I am high, but just a little you know, just a little tad. Why are you curious huh, you want me to share pretty boy~~?-
Wait, did he just call me that? I can't believe his audacity, I was ready to lash out at him, but I wasn't quick enough, as I stood up, I saw him falling to the floor. WHAT? WHAT JUST HAPPENED? IS HE DEAD? I quickly checked if he was breathing. Thank god, he's alive. Fucking druggie, what do I do now? Do I leave him here? Fuck no.

I picked up his backpack which was full of various drugs and alcohol, picked up the passed out freak and headed out the door. Looks like this time I'm going home with a guy.

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