Do you have a death wish?

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Eddie's POV.

I start crying even more. Does he actually care? Questions keep repeating in my mind. Does he actually care? If he does, why? No one was ever nice to me unless they wanted something. He didn't have to look after me, he didn't have to help me or feed me. But he did. Does he want to hurt me? No, no I don't want that to happen again. Maybe he.. Okay, no. He clearly said he's not gay. But then why does he care?

I was right next to my trailer when I raised my head and saw Jason, Sam, Drew and Chad standing at my door. I quickly hid behind a bush, fuck. They're going to kill me. I take a deep ass breath and get ready to "die", because for all I know I actually might. Standing up I make a noise which makes them aware of me. They turn around, eyes glowing in rage.
-Oh, this wasn't a wise choice motherfucker.- Jason grins but I can still see the rage. I hold my head high knowing damn well I'm nothing compared to these four. My face red from all the tears and curly hair wet from trying to wipe them off.
-Aww, has the freak been crying?- Chad mocks me while the others laugh- Do you have a death wish fag?
-Maybe I do idiot.- I respond.
Their faces get longer with confusion. After a moment of silence Jason grins again.
-It'll be even more fun then. Come on guys!- They're getting closer to me while I repeat to myself that everyone will be happier without me, I don't even have anything to live for anymore. "I'm a disappointment, I'm a burden to everyone around me." Sad thoughts keep repeating in my mind. They've almost reached me when I hear a car pulling up into the driveway. Wayne? He's not supposed to come back until tomorrow. When I turn around I see Steve getting out of his car looking pissed. Why did he come back? Did I leave something?
-Hey!; He shouts- The fuck are you doing there!!- Asks looking at the jocks.
- The more important question is what are YOU doing here?!- Drew shouts back.
-We have a project together, and you should leave. You're going to disturb us.- Steve says now right next to me.
-Oh, so Steve Harrington has chosen to hang out with the freak huh? Maybe you're a fag too!- Sam replies and gets angry stares from the other guys, Jason punches him in th arm and whispers something close to his face.
- We'll come back tomorrow freak.- Jason says looking at Eddie. The four guys whisper a bit more and then leave shooting angry glances at the two guys. I stare at Steve's face relieved and annoyed at the same time. If they don't get me now, they'll get me later. What's even the point in waiting?
-Did I forget something?- I ask.
-No. Well, I just wanted to see how you were holding up. I know you just left like an hour ago, but you didn't seem well so I though I'd check up on you.- I grin, Steve Harrington drove to my house to see how I'm doing. Time to act like a god again.
- Or maybe you just missed me Stevie boy!- I say fluttering my eyes at him. He gets nervous.
-And then you wonder why you don't have any friends.- he frowns.
-You like me Stevie. I think that's progress.
-Okay, I'm leaving.
- No, no. Hmm. Okay, I'll stop. Just, just don't leave, please. I really need a friend and a smoking buddy right now. You in?
- Yeah, okey. Sure.- He's flustered again. My face lights up with excitement. I'm gonna smoke pot with Steve motherfucking Harrington.
-Great, this way then.- I say heading towards the front door.- Ladies first!; I say opening the door for him. Steve grunts, but walks in, me behind him. I feel like my heart's going to jump out of my chest. He's straight Eddie Munson. Don't get your hopes up. I snap out of my thoughts when I stumble into the table. Steve looks at me.
-Man you okay?
-Yeah, yep, no I'm totally, totally fine.- I reply flustered. I'm still scared he's going to hurt me, or worse. But. I want to have a friend, so I'll take take that risk.

We're laughing so hard the whole bed's shaking.
-Dude, have you ever been high before?- I ask because I can see the drug's really affecting the guy.
-Well, yes. Two, maybe three times- He replies chuckling.- You know, at parties, with girls and stuff. Sometimes it can get pretty freaky you know.- he's giggling like a little kid. I stare into his dark eyes. I'm risking my life here.
-How do you know you're straight?- I ask with a confused expression on my face.
-Huh. What kind of question even is that?
-No, I mean like, have you ever tried kissing a guy?- His face is dark red.
-Well, no, but..- he does not finish his sentence before I ask again.
-Well, do you want to?
-I- Umm. I am. Interested? In what it ... feels? Yeah, feels like.
-Okay. Well, let's.. try?
-With you? Um, are you gay?
-What? Me? No, no, but I too want to "try it".
-Sure man!- He leans into me laughing.

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