A Kind Act

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Eddie's POV.

I wake up and look around, then quickly sit up. Where am I? Everything around me is clean and bright, am I in some kind of a hospital? What happened? Did I OD again? FUCK. I lay back in bed and turn around seeing another face right next to mine.
-HARRINGTON!?- I yell and everything that happened yesterday flashes back into my mind. Did he take me to his house? Did we sleep in the same bed? I feel my heart beat getting faster. Steve jumps up from the loud sound and looks at me wide eyed.
-Jeez Munson, why the fuck are you screaming? You should be thanking me that I didn't leave you there alone.
-Well, why didn't you?- I asked with a confused expression on my face. Why would he help me?
-My dear Munson, as much as I don't like you, I wouldn't want you to choke on your own vomit in the middle of nowhere.
Steve Harrington cares. My face got a little red and I turned away from him. Someone actually cares.

I woke up a few hours later and realised that I must've dozed of. I look around and notice, that Steve had already woken up and left for school. I don't know wether I should be thankful for him that he didn't wake me up or not. It wouldn't be the best idea for me to go to school after yesterday. Sure it's wouldn't be the first time i got beat up, but this is the first time i genuinely hurt Jason. Him and his little pets would break my bones one by one.

I lay in the giant bed for a few more minutes before standing up and realising I'm without a jacket. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. Did Steve see the scars? He probably think I'm even a bigger freaks now. He certainly won't want to be near me anymore. I look around desperately for my letaher jacket and find it laying on a chair next to a clean desk. I put it on and go downstairs.

There, on the kitchen table is a plate full of wonderful smelling pancakes and fresh fruit. I was shocked. He actually made me food? Does he actually care? No, no, I don't need to get my hopes up. I sit down on a nearby chair and stare into the plate. Why is Steve nice to me? Why did he help me? Even after seeing the scars? Maybe he didn't notice them. I shouldn't worry so much. He's not the one i should be worried about right now.

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