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Eddie's POV.

I'm sitting in the toilet for the third hour. Did the man I almost killed myself for just said he wants to get to know me? It's not anything "I like you" related, but that's something. Right? I know I'm asking for too much, but a man can dream.

I sure as hell don't find his lie funny, but I also get why he lied. I know how scary it is to come out or think someone knows your secret. Also, I know how important protecting your reputation or yourself can be. I know he was scared, I was once too. I am still pretty angry with him, but I do like him. Really fucking bad. So, what do I do? Does he like me back? Is he just being friendly? Does he like me as a friend, or more? Questions keep spinning in my head and I'm too afraid to stand up, because I'm scared I will fall.

I'm feeling sick, but I'm scared to vomit. I don't want to remember, but why can't I forget. Just forget everything that happened and focus on the present. He's not like them. He won't use me like they did. He won't beat me. He won't touch me where I don't want to be touched. He's different. He won't. He....

Eddie's POV.
I got startled by a loud banging on the door.
-Who's in there?- A familiar voice shouts. What's he doing here? What am I doing here? What time is it? Did I pass out?
-Yeah. No, it's just me.- I groan trying to stand up.
-Finally I found you. What are you still doing here?- The voice asks.
He was looking for me?
-Well, umm. I was studying and people were making it hard for me to focus. By the way. What's the time right now?
-It's 17:23. I was looking for you everywhere.
I open the door still kneeling down and see Steve looking worried.
-Are you okay Eddie? You don't look very good.
-Yeah, yeah. I'm okay. Don't worry about me. Wait, why were you looking for me?
-Well, the assignment- he smirks- I saw your car is still parked and you weren't in any of your classes. I was wondering where the hell were you.- I must've lost the time track.
-Did, you were serious? Like, you really want to hang out with me?
-Well, yeah, unless you don't want to come, it's totally fine!
-No, no. I do! I really do.- I start to panic, should I go there?- I do.
-Well, wonderful. Let's go then.
-Alright.- I try to stand up and my vision gets blurry almost immediately, I lose my balance and fall to the ground. Steve tries to catch me, but he's too late and my head bangs into the toilet seat.
-What happening? Are you okay? Are you drunk?!
-No, well a little, but no, I don't know what's happening.
-Are you alright? Maybe you're high. Are you high?- He keeps asking questions non stop.
-No, don't worry about it, I'm fine. It's just the stress.- I respond holding my head trying to get it to stop spinning.
-Okay, that's it, I'm taking you home. You're not okay.- I start panicking again. What will he do to me? What will...
Steve's POV.
Oh god, he passed out what do I do? I lift him up and try to make it look like I'm one arm hugging him, it's hard, but after a few minutes I manage, his head is resting on my shoulder and I can smell a light alcohol and cigarette smell coming from his mouth. He's breathing slowly and steadily.

I leave the backpacks and drag him out of the bathroom to the school hallway and see that it's almost empty by now. I Cary him to my car without anyone seeing nothing. Putting him in a passenger seat I grab a blanket out the back and tuck him in before running back into the school to retrieve the backpacks. Oh god, oh god, I hope he's alright, I don't want him to die. "Oh shut up and just drive idiot" I start to mumble under my nose getting into the car again. "You won't help him by worrying"

A/N (I know the parts about the past trauma can be pretty hard to understand, but the thoughts are mostly really scattered so just bear with me.)

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