CHAPTER 3: Showdown

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I lead the turtles to the storage room where the Family keeps all of its mutagen. The room is locked, only able to unlock with a complicated passcode. I begin to type it in, failing at first. "Hurry up." Raph says and I roll my eyes at him.
"I'm trying, knucklehead. Ace and Looney could be back any minute now."
"Even more reason to hurry."
"Stop rushing her!" Leo snaps. I finally correctly enter the passcode and the door automatically slides open.
"Woah," The turtles stare at it in amazement, "So much mutagen! What do you guys need this much for anyways?"
"It can make us a pretty penny." I shrug. I honestly don't know what we actually use the mutagen for, it's been kept a secret from me for as long as we've had mutagen. Other illicit substances, it makes sense. Addicts will give up their savings for a quick fix. They're desperate and dependent. Mutagen, though, it's not addictive and not in demand from anyone but this one group of identical robot guys. And the turtles I guess. Is it really that harmful? Why is it so important to them? "Do what you need but I gotta get out of here." I turn to leave the room.
"Where are you going, Sugar Plum?" Ace asks. I glare at him.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Why the hell are you letting those enemy freak turtles into the mutagen supply room?" He smacks me in the back of the head in a similar gesture to a mother scolding her child. He squeezes my arm, holding me tight. Leo orders the rest of the turtles to escape, Looney taking his gun and clumsily aiming at the turtles. He shoots several shots, breaking the mutagen containers. He runs into the supply room, turning his back to the glowing green substance in a protective stance and shooting at the escaping turtles. He curses about the containers breaking, liquid gold just spilling away. He screams in rage.
"Don are you fucking kidding me? You lunatic! Stop shooting at them!" I scream.
Ace stuns Raph with a taser, his body falling to the ground and convulsing. "Please, Ace. Please just stop. You're going to kill someone!" My pleas were in vain, funny even. A mob boss doesn't give a shit about killing people, especially not a lunatic like Don or a cold-hearted leader like my brother. I'm so desperate to make them stop, but I'm defenseless. I hang my head and cry.
Mikey shouts for his brother and Leo grabs his arm, forcing him to escape out the window with him and Donnie.
Screams of agony from the mutagen supply room. I snap my head away from staring at Raph to Ace, who's covered in the mutagen and transforming. I stare in horror. I've never seen anyone touch mutagen before, what's happening to him?
"What the f*ck!"
Ace whips out the stun gun and presses it against my skin, zapping me then swinging at my head to knock me out.

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