CHAPTER 5: The Girl Who Saved My Shell

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Ace leaves to get a shipment, allowing me time to make this decision. I go back to picking the lock, more urgently now. The bobby pin slips from my sweaty hand and I curse. I reach as far out as I can to no avail. That was my only bobby pin.
"I got it." Raph insists, reaching his longer arm out to grab it. Within a few attempts, he succeeds, grasping the bobby pin in his hand.
I continue to pick the lock until I hear a shift. We're free! I push the door, letting out a loud creek. I cuss under my breath. Raph helps bring me to the windows near the rooftop. We move quickly, but quietly. He really is a ninja with that speed. An almost maniacal smile breaks loose on my face. I'm free! I'm really free! I breathe in fresh air. It hits differently tonight, the night I'm no longer shackled to the Family.
A sudden pain hits my head and all I see is black.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! Y/N is hurt and it's my fault, I didn't protect her well enough. I carry her bridal style and run as fast as I can, leaping across rooftops to escape.
I reach the lair, still hanging on for dear life to her unconscious body. "Help! She's hurt!" My brothers rush to me, expressing their happiness that I'm alive and confusion as to why I carried Y/N to ths lair.
"She's the enemy's sister! A member of that gang! What if she rats on us?" Leo yells.
"She won't. I promise she won't." I say, staring at him with a mix of sternness and desperation. They look at me confused. Typically, I don't trust strangers like this, especially not people who are supposed to be my enemy.
"She helped us escape when they held us captive. Her brother ordered her to kill me or we'd be tortured and she still helped me escape. She easily could've left me to die. If she was scum like them she would've. She explained to me how bad her situation is there. I don't think she's bad, guys, I don't." I plead with them. Wow, this is so weird for me. Why do I care so deeply for this girl? I stare down at her battered body, tears welling up in my eyes. She's so beautiful, even bloody, bruised, scarred. She's a total badass, too. She took no shit and handled those beatings like no one else I've ever seen. I can't just let her die.
I place her body on Donnie's lab table. He checks her injuries, cleaning her up, wrapping wounds, a bunch of other sciency medical stuff I don't understand. I pace around the room until he tells me to quit it and wait outside. I sit on the ground outside of the lab door, my knees up to my chest and my head in my hands.

"Dude, are you okay?" Mikey asks, putting a hand on my shoulder. I push it away.
"I'm fine, Mikey."
"What's your deal with that girl, anyway? You just met her. Tonight you dudes were fighting and now you brought her to the lair for help?"
"You wouldn't understand." I brush him aside. She saved my life, the least I can do is try to save hers. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself knowing such a gorgeous, smart girl is being so severely abused by her own family because I ditched her. She never even considered leaving me for dead. Ugh, emotions suck.

Donnie informs us that she's stable, but unconscious and not responding to any stimuli, whatever that's supposed to mean. He needs to monitor her at least until she wakes up.

Several days pass and my worries grow every passing moment she lays there motionless. When nobody else is there, I sit by her and just talk. I feel like I can tell her anything. I tell her about my day, my worries she won't wake up, I introduce her to my pet Spike, I talk about my interests, training, and sometimes that I think she's really beautiful. I vent my worries and anger about her gang family. They almost killed both of us and my brothers. This will never be forgiven. Maybe it's easy to talk to her because there's a chance she can't hear me due to being unconscious, maybe because she's so beautiful I'm obsessed with staring at her. Her long eyelashes, perfect nose, luscious lips, soft (h/c) hair, tender skin. I long for her to wake up so we can really talk with each other.
"You talking to your girlfriend again?" Mikey teases, standing at the lab doorway.
"She's not my girlfriend!" I shout.
"You wish! I don't know, Raph. She might be a little out of your league."
"Oh you little! I'm gonna smack the green off of ya!" I shout, lunging at him. He runs away shouting.

Donnie approaches me one late night while I stare at her with cold tired eyes, dark circles beneath them. He stares at me for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Raph, I need you to consider the possibility Y/N may never wake up."
I glare at him, fiery eyes ready to set the room ablaze. I stand, defensively pointing down at him. "Don't you dare even suggest she may never wake up! She's alive, Donnie. And she will wake up to see me again." I insist. Donnie looks at me, pity in his eyes.
"I'm just saying, you've been kind of obsessed with her since she got here. It's sad, I know, but we do barely know this girl. Loss is hard, but don't let it bring you down like this." Is he insane?
"Y/N isn't just some random girl, she's the gorgeous girl who saved my shell. I'll be damned if I let her die!" I exclaim. He blinks, startled. He brings me a glass of cold water to drink, but I refuse. Y/N will wake up.

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