CHAPTER 15: Nightmare

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"Nobody will love you if you aren't a virgin. Men don't want disgusting skanks as wives. They need gorgeous virgins like you."

I whimper, pushing myself into the corner of the room as Looney grows bigger, taller, stronger, towering over me and lecturing me about being an attractive woman and passionate wife.

What if I'm not everything that Raph wants?

Sweat soaks my pillow as I gasp, awakened. Suddenly, I sit up and glance around the room. I'm in Raph's room, away from Looney, safe.

I exit the room to get a glass of water and splash some cold sink water in my face. This recurring nightmare haunting me all night is driving me nuts. Almost as nuts as the idea that everything Looney said might be true.

I stare into the mirror, face slightly wet from splashing it. How do I get this nightmare to stop? I can still feel his hot, foul breath. See his menacing yellow eyes stare at me like a piece of fresh meat. Feel the hard, stinging slap of his hand when I pissed him off.

Staring down at my own hand, I examine my cut. Luckily, it's like a cat scratch. A very light, surface level cut that doesn't even require stitches. Donnie still checked it out and cleaned it off, but said I shouldn't worry unless it shows signs of infection.

I return to bed, laying in Raph's familiar, comfy mattress. My body sweats under the covers, and every time I close my eyes I see him: Looney. Raggedy, unkempt gray fur, hungry yellow eyes, sharp claws, disgusting teeth in his foul mouth that often spits when he yells.

Opening my eyes, I stare at the ceiling, groaning. Will this night ever end? Will the nightmares ever end?

I crawl out of bed and approach Raphael on the couch. Sleeping so soundly, I admire how calm and handsome he looks. I sit beside him, trying not to make any noise.

He stirs and I freeze, anxiety spiking. He rubs his eyes, sitting up. "Mikey, I swear if you tell me you had another pizza-related nightmare." Raph says, yawning. He opens his emerald eyes and upon seeing me, his face softens. "Oh, hey, babe. How's it going? You okay?" Raph asks, gently petting my arm.

I shake my head. He pulls me in to cuddle, resting my head on his plastron. "Tell me about it, babe." He says, gently running his fingers through my hair. I nuzzle his plastron for a moment, thinking.

"Is it true that men only want virgins?" I ask. He stops running his fingers through my hair for a moment before resuming.

"Why would you think that?"

"Looney said you won't want me anymore if I'm not a virgin." I say. He hugs me, holding me close.

"Only assholes think like that," He assures me, "and Looney is the ultimate asshole." I giggle a little. We chat and cuddle for a few minutes before I return to bed. Raph is right, Looney is just an asshole. And I need my beauty rest to have the energy to train tomorrow!


"Goodnight, babe." I say, kissing her on the forehead. She returns to my room, hopefully free from her nightmares.

Looney, that son of a bitch. Y/N's screams when he kidnapped her ring in my ears. The awful things he said to her, it's enough to drive fear in the heart of anybody.

My stomach churns, remembering minutes ago my babe came up to me, sweaty with sad eyes, asking if men only want virgins. She's sixteen and he's a grown ass man trying to marry her for Christ's sake! Looney, that sicko, hurting and threatening her for years.

I want nothing more than to hold her close and tell her everything will be okay. To run my fingers through her soft (h/c) hair, kiss every inch of her body, stare into her gorgeous eyes, and tell her that I love her.

Do I love her? I pause, staring at the ceiling. I furrow my brows, deep in thought. Have I known her long enough to love her? I've never said it out loud, that I may love her. Never did I think I may fall in love with a human girl. That's insane. I've risked my life for her, and now it's my mission to destroy the people who hurt her. Maybe I do love her.

We have to bust their operation, burn that place to the ground, and kill the whole gang. If it's the last thing I'll do, I will burn that place to the ground with the gang inside.

Except for Looney. I must ensure he's eliminated by watching it with my own eyes. I swear, I will be the last thing that Looney sees before dying a bloody, painful death.

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