CHAPTER 20: Mission Impossible

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Author's Note: Dear readers, please do this quick survey about whether you would like Casey Jones to be added to this fan fiction. Here is the link: Should Casey Be Added to "My Gangster"?

Also, I apologize for the inconvenience, but I've updated chapter 19. I reread it and realized I uploaded the wrong version and two paragraphs were missing. If you don't want to reread it, during the date between Y/N and Raph, Raph gifts Y/N a silver heart necklace.


Boom! Crash! Bang! The main superheroes of the cheesy action movie we're watching are in the final battle of the movie, facing the ultimate boss. Eyes wandering from the screen, I peer down at Y/N, adorably nuzzled against my plastron. I smile, my heart filling with warmth. Never before has a girl made me feel so safe and loved. I would protect her until my last, dying breath, and I very well may have to.

I kiss the top of her head, the aroma of her sweet scent filling me with warmth and joy. This is what home smells like.

She stirs slightly before lying still again, drooling a little. I smirk. Even when she's drooling, her hair is messy, and she's in her pajamas, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. "I love you, Y/N. I love you, I love you, I love you." I whisper, stroking her hair.

She loves me too. She spilled her guts to me on the rooftop and told me she loves me. Why only now does she talk about her family? Why so suddenly? My heart aches thinking of her gorgeous (e/c) eyes filled with tears retelling the story of her Papa and Ace. Hopefully, our next date will be much happier. Seeing her smile is one of my greatest joys in life.

"I love you too, Raphael." Her words echo in my mind, making my heart flutter. To lose her would be to lose my joy in life. She would have to rip my heart out of my chest, tear it to pieces, and stomp on it.

Splinter says when someone is young and in love it's passionate, but short-lived, and we shouldn't put all of our energy and focus into it. She is different. Y/N is the best thing to ever happen to me.

My arm still wrapped around her, I squeeze her lightly, wishing we could cuddle like this forever. Is it cruel, though, to expect her to be with me forever? Am I only hurting myself by thinking this love with last forever? Surely, Y/N will want to live a normal life with a handsome human who can provide her dream life. Our relationship is only temporary. My heart skips a beat and I frown.

I can't imagine any other girl loving me. I may be handsome for a mutant turtle, but to the world I'm still a freak. A big, hideous, green freak armed with ninja weapons. She trusted me at the warehouse when I could have abandoned her. I stayed by her side, day and night, while she was in a coma and I was the only one of my brothers she could remember. We've been through hell and we continue to go through hell, but at least now we can go through it holding hands, staying by each other's sides.

If all of that isn't love, then what is? If we are not soulmates, does crap like that even exist?

We will defeat the family. We will burn down that warehouse. And I will kill Looney, ending this for once and for all.


Leo calls everybody into Donnie's lab to go over the mission plan. It's been a few days since he left TCRI with the files of communication and he's been working non stop on decoding it. I only ever see him walking in and out of the dojo for practice with bags under his eyes and a less than enthusiastic expression on his face.

Splinter reminds him a few times a day to sleep and eat, but he usually just pushes him away or lets him leave a bowl of soup on a spare table, away from the lab equipment.

He's invited me to the lab once or twice to ask a few questions about certain language used considering I was a part of the Family for so long. Half of it even I don't understand. I was never heavily involved in communications. Papa didn't involve me in anything when he was in charge. He only taught me some self defense and tried to keep me out of it. Due to me being a target of other gangs, he hired a tutor to homeschool and forbid me from going places alone. I almost miss his suffocating rules. At least with Papa there were rules and order.

"I have good news and bad news," Donnie begins, "The good news is I gathered some information."

"And the bad news?" Leo asks.

"The bad news is most of the files are corrupted and I'm missing a lot of crucial information. We need to go to the Family warehouse and hack their computer system for information."

"No way," Leo says, "It's too dangerous."

"Too dangerous? Since when are you afraid of a bunch of punks?" Raph replies.

"Those punks have beat us every time we fought them." Leo crosses his arms.

"We did beat Looney that one time when we rescued Y/N." Mikey says.

"Actually, Y/N did most of the beating." Donnie says. Ah yes, the night I beat Looney to a pulp. I still get an adrenaline rush just thinking about it.

"Then we need Y/N to join us." Mikey says.

"Oh no, no way." Leo says.

"Yes way! I've been training and you guys need me. I can kick ass and know exactly where they keep all their communications." I say.

"It's too dangerous! You have barely trained. We don't need to save you for the millionth time." Leo huffs, arms still crossed.

Raph crosses his arms as well, staying uncharacteristically quiet. He stares at the corner where the floor meets the wall, brows furrowed in thought. "What if she stays with me?" He says. I raise both brows, eyes widening in shock. Raph actually trying to negotiate allowing me to go on a mission? "Last time we said no, she snuck in on her own anyway. She's stubborn and we know she can help us if we just have her back."

Leo sighs, lightly pinching the area between his eyes where his nose would be, head tilted downward and eyes closed. He pauses for a minute then opens his eyes and looks at his brothers and I, all staring at him in anticipation for his answer. "Fine," I grin, "but Y/N, you must stay by Raph's side at all times and follow orders. The two of you," he points at Raph and I, "must be inseparable. Got it?" He asks. I nod my head yes, still grinning ear to ear.

"You won't be disappointed." I promise. He continues by forming a plan with his brothers and I to break into the warehouse, find the communication files, download them onto Donnie's t-phone, and get out of there without anybody noticing or getting hurt. So, basically mission impossible. This is going to be fun.

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