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I was pacing back and forth with my hands locked from behind. I was waiting for Daria to knock on my door and call me out for dinner.

I glanced up at the wall clock and it was already 8pm.

Why Daria isn't calling me for dinner??

Suddenly there was a knock on my door followed by Daria's voice.
"Miss Nolan, dinner is ready." I grinned.

"Coming Daria." I said in a sing-song way before opening the door and sauntering out.

I made my way towards the dining area and saw king sitting on his usual chair, scrolling down his phone. He was wearing a full sleeved grey hoodie and a sweat pants.

I took a seat across him as Daria entered with the wooden food cart. King kept his phone aside as Daria placed a plate and glass before serving dinner to him.

Okay it's time to open your mouth.

I took a deep breath before opening my mouth.
"Um....uh..a frie-" straight away I was cut off by him.

"I don't talk during dinner or lunch or breakfast." He stated with his eyes fixed on his plate.
"Whatever you have to talk about, you can talk about it after dinner." He didn't even cast me a single glance.

I gulped as I was red again due to embarrassment.

Has he taken an oath to embarrass me everytime infront of Daria..

Bloody jerk..

I silently nodded as Daria served me my food and in pin drop of silence we ate our dinner.

He finished eating before me as he made his way to the lounge, my eyes were fixed on the lounge as I quickly finished my dinner and walked towards the lounge.

He was sitting in one of his sophisticated wooden armchair. I stood near the entrance of the longe before taking a deep breath.

"Um..a friend-.."

"You can have a seat." He pointed towards the couch across him as I nodded and slowly marched towards the couch and sat on it.
"Now tell me." His face was stoic without any emotions in it.

Again I took a deep breath.
"Afriendofminetoldmeaboutthemyfathersdeathbutmyfatherisaliveyoushouldnthaveliedabouthisdeathyouknowithurtedmeverymuchbut--" I was cut off by him.

I was a panting mess, my chest was heaving up and down.
"What are you rambling about?" He raised one of his brows.

"Promise me you don't have any gun over here." I looked around the lounge.

"I don't have any gun over here." He stated but it still didn't convince me.

"Promise me."

He exasperated. "I promise."

"But you said, promises are to break, you won't--" I was again cut off.

"Miss Nolan!!" His voice was stern.
"What is wrong with you.."

What is wrong with you? You enter your house shouting the 'shoot...shoot', shouldn't I be worried and scared about it..

These words were at the tip of my tongue but I didn't dare to put them out.

" I have said you earlier, you are safe here, no harm will touch you and I'm a man of words, no one will point a gun at you. When I say it, I mean it." He said it with that deep British accent.

"Okay." nervously I bobbed my head up and down.

"Now say, what is it?" I took a deep breath.

Compose yourself and don't be nervous..

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