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N   A   O   M   I

"Mom.." I heard her whisper from behind, and I immediately spun around to face her.

I sucked in a deep breath as I saw her face. Her hair was disheveled, her eyes were watery, and her nose was puffed. Her clothes were half torn. There was a dark red mark on her cheek. Someone slapped her hard.

"Nadia.." I lost my breath, seeing her condition. All my tears were flowing down uncontrollably knowing that my baby had to go through all of this.

Again, a sharp pain coursed through me as I collapsed on the ground.

"Mom!!" Nadia exclaimed and limped towards me.

I glanced at her feet, which had a bad burn. A little flesh was also out.

I crawled towards her and checked her feet. Her sole was burnt partially. I glanced up at her.
"Who did this to...--" I was cut off as she hugged me tight and started crying.

"Mom!!" Her voice echoed as she cried loud.

"Shh.." I mumbled.
" I'm here.... we'll get out of here, baby." I whispered.
"Shh.... I know they hurt you, and your dad will surely kill them." I cried along with her.

"He..he.." she hiccuped along the tears.
"He slapped... me and kept a... burning rod... under my feet...." She snuggled closer to me to find comfort.
"Then.. suddenly he started... tearing my clothes... I was scared.." she sniffled hard as it was getting hard for her to breathe.

"Shh.." I brushed my fingers through her hair comforting her.

After a minute, her breathing steadied as she pulled away from the hug.
"Were you in the hospital?" She asked, looking at my hospital gown.

I nodded and wiped her tear stained cheeks.
"Hayden and Hazel are waiting for you." I whispered.

A small smile curled up her lips.
"Even I can't wait to see them." She said in a wavery voice.

I scanned the room, and there was no sign of anyone.

I stood up and carried Nadia up in my arms and walked towards the door. I turned the knob but..

It was locked. I walked towards another door, and it was also locked.

This was a trap.

I put Nadia down and banged my fist on the door to open it, but all my strength was useless.
"Mom.." She called, but I was too busy pushing my body against the door.

"It's useless!!" I heard a voice from behind.

Being alerted, I turned around. It was a man with jet black hair and dark eyes. He had a piercing in his ear. He was wearing a trench coat and underneath it, was a tank top and a pair of jeans. His hands dipped inside his jeans pocket. He had tattoos all over his neck, and it continued below. He was in his middle thirties.

He was smirking at us.

Nadia scooted towards me in terror and hugged my leg in fear. I pushed Nadia behind me and glared at the man.
"Who are you?" I asked.

He clicked his tongue and shook his head, amusingly.
"SAD.... That you don't know me." He pursed his lips.

"Who. Are. You?" I emphasized each word this time.

He smirked.
"Your eyes are blessed because standing in front of you is the most feared and powerful Mafia..." He paused with a Cheshire smile." The one and only Ron Gusevi..." He bowed in front of me animatedly.
"Nice meeting you, Mrs Naomi Kingston."

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