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I was just being nice to him and yet he had to test my patience. Stupid Kingston.


I groaned and pulled my hair in frustration. God!!! Gotta be nice to him because he's still my boss.

But how can he assume things.

Me having crush on that void piece of wood.

Never ever..

What does he thinks of himself??


"Do not have a crush on me because I'm a very busy man." I imitated his British accenty words with a nasty face.

Why the hell would I have a crush on him?

Cool down!! Take deep breaths...123..123...

He's my boss and I gotta be nice to him.

He has already suffered a lot in his life and I should not be a torment to him.

He was just joking, just take it lightly....I'm fine. He's my boss. Smile.

And finally a smile was on my lips because he asked me to call him Harold. Instead of Mr Kingston or king or sir.
A creepy smile formed on my lips.

Maybe he's having a crush on me..

And blaming me of having a crush on him. Narcissistic fool.

I climbed on my bed and laid comfortably before closing my eyes and waiting for sleep to engulf me.


Buzz!!! Buzz!!!

My eyes flickered open at harsh ringtone of my alarm. I sat straight on my bed and stretched my arms above my head. I yawned as I was still sleepy.

Rise and shine girl!!!

The sun is not out yet inner Naomi. I woke at five to prepare breakfast for my boss. I got up from my bed and dragged myself to the bathroom.

After having a shower, I wore a nice pair of jeans and crop top. Then I descended downstairs to the kitchen and started preparing Harold a nice breakfast.

40 minutes later :


I wiped my forehead and looked down at my delicious pancakes. I smiled and poured the maple syrup on top before adding some blueberries on the side of the plate. I poured some fresh guava juice on the glass as suddenly Harold switched the lights on of the dining area. I peeked out of the kitchen and saw him sitting on his chair. He opened a paper bag before pulling a bowl out of it.

I balanced the plate and glass in my hands and walked out of the kitchen. Harold narrowed his eyes in suspicion as his eyes fell on me. And in return I smiled. I walked towards his side and pushed the bowl aside before placing my pancakes infront of him.

"Enough of green grass eating Harold." I placed the fork and a dinner knife beside the plate.
"Have some delicious pancakes prepared by me, the one and only Naomi Nolan, sir." I flashed a smile.

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