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I threw my shorts and top into my suitcase then my underwear and then my jeans and shirt into my suitcase. I sat on the couch before leaning back, a frustrated sigh escaped my lips. I was tired of packing all my things.

I didn't know packing was this tough..

Again I sighed, honestly I really don't wanna leave, this place has become a home to me and I just don't wanna leave. Though previously I hated Harold but I've always loved this house.

Sincerely, I don't even wanna leave Harold, I know he's a jerk narc geek sometimes but I really want him with me. Again I sighed and threw my panty inside my suitcase before standing up. I walked towards my bed and layed down on my stomach. I brushed my one hand across my comfy bed and..

I'll miss you beddy..

I'll even miss this house..

But specifically, I'll surely miss this house owner and his exasperated face.

I smiled when Harold's grumpy face was pictured in my mind. But soon after a second, a picture of us kissing inside the kitchen and in his room captured my mind. Suddenly I felt hot as heat crawled up my neck. I sat on the bed and started fanning myself.

The kiss is still bothering my mind.

The kiss was so intense, it's so unforgettable. I could still feel his lips on mine, it was so warm and soft. Can I ever take my mind off that kiss?

Ofcourse I can.

Right after reaching New York, I'll resume with my job and I'll finally get to see Zach and Kate. But the main thing is. 

Do I really wanna go back to New York?

Yes and no.

Yes because I wanna see my friends and no because I don't wanna leave Harold back.'s all so confusing..

Suddenly a knock on my door was heard as I jolted and came out of my stupor state.

"Miss Nolan?!" Harold's voice was heard.
"Can I come in??"

I stood up from my bed and walked towards the door before pulling it open. Harold stood there, wearing a white shirt and grey formal pants with his hair tousled back in an impeccable way and a small smile was plastered on his face.

Why is he looking so handsome today?!?

"Yes?!" I smiled.

"Do you need any packing?" He asked as a subtle frown etched my face.

Is he here to pack my things and throw me out??!!!!

But I really need a helping hand in packing my things because there are still more many things to be packed.

"Yes!" I nodded while flashing a smile.

I moved aside for him to enter as he got in while looking around my room.
"I'm a very fastidious person." I batted my eyelashes.
"So you need not worry about this room getting dirty." I said.

"No it's not that..." he trailed off and shook his head.
"Well, what should I do?" He asked.

"Just put my jeans and tops inside that bag." I said, pointing towards my suitcase which was on the bed.

He nodded and walked towards my suitcase and as his first glance went to my open suitcase, he took a step back immediately and looked at me with a slightly flushed face.


What was inside my suitcase??!

Oh shoot!!!!

My panty and my undergarments!!

Oh no no no!!

I paced forward towards my suitcase and instantly closed it with a sheepish smile.
"I'll do it... you can go for my other bags, they're decent." I said as he slowly bobbed his head up and down before pulling out my other bag.

One hour later:-

Phew!!!! Phew!!

I sighed and sat on my bed as all my bags were packed and ready. Harold came and sat beside me with his back leaning against the headboard.
"All of your things are packed?!" He asked.

"Hmm.." I hummed silently.

"Are you not happy about going back to New York?" He asked but before I could reply he immediately added.
"Ofcourse you are!! You'll be getting your old fun life back, just the way you like." He said in a cheerful voice.

"Hmm.." again all I could do was just hum.

"Is something bothering your mind?!" He asked with confusion skated all over his face.

The kiss,
Leaving Hawaii, this house.,
And leaving you,
And many other things too..

I shook my head in no and smiled.

"Tomorrow exactly at ten in the morning you'll be leaving the house and will be escorted by my driver to the airport. All the best!!" He smiled and stood up and took a leave.

And I felt gloomy all of the sudden.


The driver was bringing all my packed bags and suitcases downstairs and I was all set to leave. I knew one day I would leave but this sadness is just overwhelming me by time to time.

Harold came out of his room with a smile as I too, smiled at him. As he reached near me I opened my arms to hug him while he simultaneously stretched his one arm out for a handshake. We both chuckled as I closed my arms and gave my one arm for a handshake. But suddenly he pulled me towards him for a friendly hug.

"I'll miss you!" He whispered and pressed a small kiss on my cheek  before pulling back from the hug.

And I just felt butterflies in my tummy and also my heart skipping a beat. A mere electrifying tingling sensation ran down my spine. Something is definitely happening to me.

He snapped his fingers infront of my eyes as I flinched and blinked at him.

"Lost??!" He asked.

"" I smiled.

"Time to leave ma'am." The driver said from the door of the entrance as I nodded at him before looking back at Harold.

"Goodbye, Miss Nolan!!" He smiled but I can make out that it was not a genuine one.

"It's time ma'am!!" The drivers voice bellowed as I jolted and spun around before marching out of the house.

I sat inside the car and looked at the house, Harold was talking to the driver as driver was silently nodding.

After a minute the driver came and sat on the driver seat before revving the engine. The car started moving as I saw the house slowly moving out of my sight.

I felt my eyes burning with tears as I blinked hard to avoid them from falling.

I'll miss you too, Harold.


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