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Why?? Why? Why Dylan isn't coming to kawela.

I almost fainted at his statement, my grip on my phone loosened as my phone was also about to fall. About to. Fat huge sweat droplets appeared on my forehead as anxiety feeling overwhelmed me.

All my excitement died, it's been forty minutes of me sitting inside this car just to have some alone time with Dylan in kawela bay.

"Naomi, are you there?" I heard Dylan's voice.

"Yeah.....yes." my voice was wavery.

"Actually at the end moment an emergency came up and I had to stay back. But you don't worry I'll ask the driver to take you around the city of kawela bay." He said.

"Hmm." I hummed.

To be honest, roaming around the city was just an excuse. All I wanted was some alone quality time with Dylan.

"And you have nothing to worry about, king is there with you." He continued as I sighed in defeat.

That is the MAJOR problem.


"Okay, take care. I'll talk to you later." With that he disconnected the call as I pulled the ear plugs out in boiling temper and turned my upper body around to face the devil Harold.

"You knew Dylan wasn't coming, why didn't you tell me." I gritted with a murderous glare.

He matched me with an equal murderous glare as he said.
"I did try to tell you Miss Nolan but you just ignored me by pushing that futile thing into your ears." He pointed towards my ear plugs.

I scowled in return.

"I'm not coming with you Harold.." suddenly the driver's eyes widened as a shock expression skated all over his face.
"..Turn the car around and take me back home." I stated.

"Are you crazy Miss Nolan, within half an hour I have an important meeting to attend." He bursted.

"To hell with your meeting, I don't care." I bursted too.

The driver's face was priceless as he watched Harold through the rear view mirror.

"Even I don't care if you care or not but my meeting is important. " with a stern voice he raised a dismissive hand.

I huffed out loud and turned around, now facing the windshield.

What a bad luck..

I cupped my forehead in stress as the rest of the driving continued with complete quiteness.

The car pulled in towards a massive beautiful mansion. The driver got out of the car immediately and opened the door for Harold.

I got out of the car as I got a clear view of this massive property, the driver and I followed Harold behind like his tail.

There was a flagstone pathway straight ahead and in between was a also a flagstone pathway in a circular way, encircling the beautiful fountain from which the water was pumping up and down in sprinkles. Again there was flagstone pathway ahead of us leading to a marble stairs. Beside the pathway were bushes neatly cut and a meter away from the bushes were different kinds of trees. We climbed up the stairs coming face to face with a sky blue pool.

Near the pool stood a man in his late forties with two well built bodyguards behind him

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Near the pool stood a man in his late forties with two well built bodyguards behind him.
"Good morning, Mr and Mrs Kingston." A warm smile spread across his lips and my eyes widened.

Do I look like Mrs Kingston??

"Um... she's not Mrs Kingston,  Mr Armstrong." Harold said with a calm posture.

"She's not your wife?" The old man asked further with his old brows dipped together.


"Oh!! Then who is she?" He asked further looking at me.

Why did I even tag along with him.

Oh me!!

"She's...." Harold trailed off, probably wondering on what to say about me.

"Your assisstent?"

"No!" Again the old man's forehead creased in confusion.

"Your girlfriend?"

A big NO.

"No! She's just an employee of my company." Finally the great Harold replied properly.

Though I'm not working for him anymore.

"Oh!! Sorry, I didn't do a background check about you, Mr Kingston. I didn't knew you were a bachelor after all it's my first time working with you." He smiled.
"Come in, all of you."

I immediately glanced at Harold, giving him a look.

"She and my driver won't be coming inside, Mr Armstrong. They have somewhere else to be." Harold said and I sighed in satisfaction.

"It's alright." Mr Armstrong smiled.

Harold and Mr Armstrong spun around towards the entrance of the house and I turned at the side to face the driver.
"So shall we--" I was cut off as Mr driver's phone beeped.

He pulled his phone out and checked it and suddenly a look of horror skated all over his face.

He glanced up straight towards Harold and sped up towards Harold.

"What happened?" I called after him as I followed him behind.

"King!!" He called breathlessly as he approached Harold's back.

I don't know, why the hell these people call him king, because of these people Harold thinks himself as real king.

Harold spun around in confusion as Mr Armstrong also turned around.
"What happened Mr Clark?" He asked with a same stoic face.

"Sir!!" A woman near the door called Mr Armstrong.
"We need you to check the slides once." The woman said as Mr Armstrong glanced at Harold.

Harold gave a nod to Mr Armstrong as he marched inside along with the woman.

"King!!" The driver called with a terrified face.

"What happened?" He asked calmly.

"My mother.... I.. I just got message that my mother had a heart stroke, she... She's now hospitalised.." he fixed his eyes onto the floor.
"I... I have to go." He said as Harold's deep ocean blue stoic eyes softened.

Why didn't his eyes soften, when he informed my colleagues that my alive father was dead.

"You can go." The driver looked up at him with his gleaming eyes.

"Thank you, king." the driver pushed his hand inside his pant pocket and fished out the car keys.
"Here is your car keys." the driver said as Harold held his palm out.

"You take the car and reach the hospital as soon as possible, if you need any help, financially or anything, do not hesitate to ask." Harold said as the driver nodded with a soft smile.

"Thank you, you're so gracious towards people like us, you're truly a king." He said with a glossy eyes and turned on his heels and ran towards the car.

I turned towards Harold and took a deep breath.
"So now, what about me?" I asked pointing my index finger to myself.

He glanced down at me and pursed his lips for a second before saying,
"You are coming with me."


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