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H   A   R   O   L   D

I marched towards my home office with steady pace. I've been waiting for him impatiently and today he's here.

I took a deep breath as I reached the door of my study room.

He was sitting on the couch, poised. As his eyes fell on me, he stood up before greeting.
"Good afternoon, Mr Kingston."

I nodded,
"How is she?" I asked in haste.

"According to your spy, she is fine." He stated as a small smile curled up my lips.

When Naomi left, I was worried sick about her whereabouts and her safety. Some sources of mine informed me that she was in Florida, staying at her parents' house. Since then I've appointed some guards and a spy to keep a check on her.... Just for her safety.

"Where is the..-" before I could continue my sentence, Mr Allison took the envelope from his bag before passing it to me.

Swiftly I opened the envelope and took all the photos out.

In the first photo Naomi and Hayden were standing infront of the ice-cream stall, Naomi's face was seen as she was turned around with a confused frown etched on her face. I couldn't see Hayden as his back was facing the camera. I moved onto the next photo. It was Naomi, sitting on her porch, sipping something from her mug. Hayden was not in the photo. There were many pictures of Naomi but Hayden was not in a single pic. My smile vanished away at the one particular photo.

"Who is he?" I asked pointing towards the man, who was sitting across Naomi in a restaurant and Naomi was smiling at him.

"According to the sources, he's Steve Beckman. A colleague of Mrs Kingston." Mr Allison replied.

Maybe it's an office lunch or something..

"The guy was also found at Mrs Kingston's house around two or three days before. He entered the house at eight at night and exited around eleven." He said and I nodded with a smile.

"Is that it?" I asked.
"Any other information?" I asked.

"No!" He shook his head.

"Okay..-" I was interrupted as someone cleared their throat.

I glanced at the doorframe and it was Daria.
"Your coffee is ready, Mr Allison." She said.

Mr Allison looked at me for my permission as I gave him a nod. He exited the room while Daria walked in.

"So she has moved on." She said with sadness enveloping her features.

I frowned.

Was she listening to our conversation??

"How can she move on... so fast?" She mumbled, more like to herself.

"Daria it's not what it look like." I said but she refused to listen as she shook her head in dismay.

"Why don't you move on king?" She said as my frown deepend.
"If she can move on, why can't you?" She raised her voice a little.

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