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I placed the bowl of Mac and cheese on top of the table and glanced at the door of Harold's room.

Is he not gonna come out?!

It was dinner time and it's unusual of him caging himself inside his room. I didn't see him the whole day. Well, I'm not angry anymore but maybre he's embarrassed of his stupid actions. Like seriously, how can he think that I was about to kiss him again.

My phone suddenly rang, pulling me out of my small trance. It was Dylan's name in the caller ID. I answered the call with a smile.

"Hey Naomi!!!" His voice was vigorous.


"Did you check on king?!"

"" In return he muttered something.
"What?!" I asked.

"Can you please check on king and please make sure he eats something. Since morning he didn't even have a piece of his meal." He said.

"Why?? I mean what happened?"

"King will tell you." With that he disconnected the call and a subtle frown was etched on my face. I was puzzled.

This morning I got up late and I didn't cook anything. Didn't he order anything from epic delight??

But what has actually happened?!

I walked towards his room and knocked but there was no response. I knocked again a little harder but again there was no response.
"Harold!!" I banged my fist on his door.

Still no response.

Did he commit suicide?!

I shook that wrong thought out of my head and called his name again.
"Harold open the door or I'm coming inside....Harold, I know the passcode to your room." But still there was no response.

"Dinner is ready?!" I bellowed.
"Are you in there?!" I banged again on his door.
"Goddammit!! Atleast reply Harold!!" I yelled and banged the hard door but response.

Panic consumed me as without thinking any further, I pressed the numbers and the door clicked open. I turned the door knob before opening the door.

Darkness was surrounded in every corner of the room, only a small dim light was illuminating the room. I walked inside with slow steady pace. The room was well ordered as always but a kind of dejected vibe was in the atmosphere which is unusual. The room has always been bright and cheerful but today something was different.

I walked further more inside to see where Harold was,
"Haro--" I cut my sentence half as I saw Harold, lurked in the corner of the dark room with his guitar lying beside him. He was sitting on the floor in the corner with his torso leaning against the wall and head rested back. He was staring blankly at nothing in particular. I closely glanced at his face, which kind of looked tears stained, puffy and swollen with grief. His ocean eyes were broken beyond repair, I've never seen someone so sad.

Something has surely happened today?

He's in pain and seeing him in agony is hurting me too. I walked towards him and slowly sat down on the floor beside him before slowly resting my hand on his shoulder. He flinched before looking at me and as my eyes met his, I saw the unshed tears that has been wetting his eyelashes. I could feel my eyes burning with tears.
"What happened--" before I could continue any further he hugged me tightly and his breathing ragged.

Slowly I hugged him back by circling my arms around his neck. I softly patted his back was with my one hand and asked.
"What's the matter?"

"Why am I selfish?" His voice shuddered in fear while asking.

I frowned and slowly pulled back before looking him in the eyes.
"Who said you're selfish?"

"Someone died because of me." He whispered in a splintered way.
"I made him risk his life for me." He exhaled heavily while looking at me in the eyes.

"That doesn't make you selfish and I know that you can never be selfish." I gave a gentle squeeze to his arm in order to soothe him.

"But he died." He whispered.

"Fate!! We can never change our fate, maybe that someone was destined to die today, no one can cheat death. This is what life is."

"He died because of my--"

"You cannot blame yourself Harold..." I clasped my hand with his.
"I know what you are and I respect you for who you are. I don't know what happened but I can surely say that you're not selfish and you, surely don't get to think about yourself like that. " I said.

Both our eyes bored as we were sitting close, he gulped and so did I. Suddenly the tension I felt was increasing as I cleared my throat.
" have to go." I was about to stand up when he caught my wrist.

I looked at his hand around my wrist before looking up at him,
"Can you please stay here tonight?" His eyes were pleading with such an emotion that I couldn't say no.

I slowly nodded and stood up as he too did the same. We walked towards the bed and laid down beside each other. This time, there were no barriers, both were facing each other, just a little gap between us, my hazel eyes boring into his. He neared his face as slowly our forehead touched, I closed my eyes as he slowly muttered.
"Thanks for staying." I opened my eyes and nodded.

Both our eyes were gazing at each other and our body being distant with a little gap. Slowly his hands came up towards my face as slowly he drew circles on my cheeks in a sensational way. His thumb grazed my lip as his eyes diverted from my eyes to my lips.

He closed the distance by tilting his face forward as I closed my eyes to relish in this moment. Leisurely, I felt his lips on mine, he kissed me with unknown passion, so fervently. The kiss was tempting, soft and slow. His thumb was still caressing my cheeks sending a chill down my spine. I cupped his neck and moved closer to him before kissing him back with equal fervor. Both our lips molded together in a perfect symphony when suddenly he pulled apart, which left me baffled.

"I'm sorry..sorry...I shouldn't have.."

"It's okay!" I sighed.

"I just got carried away." He said.

I nodded in understanding.

He turned around to the other side as now his back was facing mine. I rested my hand on his torso before softly patting. I just want him to feel better. Whatever sorrow he has should vanish away sooner. I just want to hope best for him because he deserves more than he could ever imagine. He deserves a world.

I want him to always stay happy without a pinch of sorrow in his life.

There's no personal relationship but still I want to see him happy at any cost.


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