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"BITCH!!!" Anthony yelled in pain as his palms were clutching the behind of his head.

Harold took his chance as he got up and crawled towards Anthony before blowing a huge punch on his nose.
"How did you enter my house?!!" Harold had a murderous glare filled with malice as he looked down at Anthony.

A vein on Harold's neck popped out as pure rage was evident on his face. He grabbed his collar and punched him again on his eyes giving him a black eye plus another punch which gave Anthony a busted lips.

Even Anthony looked furious as he was glaring back at Harold with pure hatred.
He grabbed Harold's collar and with all might, he pushed Harold away as Harold fell on the floor and his head hit the leg of the wooden small cupboard.

"You killed my BROTHER!!" Anthony's whole posture was trembling with rage.

"He deserved to die." Harold roared.

Anthony was breathing heavily as he took the knife from the floor and in a jiffy came behind me as my widened in fear. He circled his one arm around my neck with the knife.

"Now you endure the pain of losing someone you love, King." Anthony barked as my throat bobbed with sweat droplets dripping down my forehead.

"Anthony, NO!!!" Harold stood up and he was a meter away from us.

Anthony slightly pushed the knife towards my neck as the knife pricked my skin, I could also feel the small gash on my neck.

"I never thought that you would have someone in your life, you always said that having someone is always a weakness." Anthony said as my breathing ragged due to the fear.

"She's no one to me, so keep her out of this." Harold stretched his hand out, indicating Anthony to stop.

Unknowingly, tears started flowing down my cheeks as fear consumed me.

"No!!" Anthony's voice wavered.
"You killed my brother, you killed Asher."

Asher? The billionaires son.

But Anthony didn't look like a billionaire.

In a swift, Harold bent down and opened the small cupboard before pulling a gun out of it. He pointed the gun to Anthony, who was behind me.

"Let go of her, Anthony or I'll shoot you." Harold warned.

In return, Anthony scoffed bitterly,
"You never shoot King, it's always your men who shoot. You always stay away from violence."

"I don't shoot doesn't mean that I don't know to shoot. Don't force me Anthony, just put the damn knife down.!!" Harold yelled still aiming the gun at us.

"You killed Asher and now I'll kill her, I want you to experience the pain of losing someone you love. You took my big brother away from me forever." Anthony's voice wavered in pain.

A small stream of blood was already flowing down my neck from the small gash.
"Even Asher snatched the most important person of my life from me forever." Harold yelled as his body trembled and his eyes turned bloodshot. He clutched the gun tightly as his knuckles turned white.

"It wasn't Asher, it was you--"


I clenched my eyes shut as Harold pulled the trigger followed by the loud sound of the suppressed air. The bullet was shot.

Slowly I opened my eyes as I didn't feel any hand around my neck or any presence behind me.

I sighed heavily before turning around and gasped in horror.

Anthony was lying on the floor, clutching his bloody arm and groaning in pain. Harold shot his right arm as the blood was flowing down from his right arm. Blood was everywhere as I felt nauseous.

I looked back at Harold,

He sighed heavily as his shoulders slumped, the gun from his hand fell on the floor and he leaned against the wooden cupboard. His face looked weary, his hair messed up.
Maybe he deals with these things everyday, death threats, lethal and hazardous situations are common for him, maybe he's tired of all of this.

Slowly he walked towards me and looked down at my neck.

"Are you okay--" I asked but was cut off as he held his palm out in a dismissive way before walking past me towards his room.

I shrugged to myself.

He's weird..

I was just being nice to him, maybe he thought I would ask him questions about this Anthony dude, who was unconsciously lying on the floor with blood all around him.

I rubbed my neck with my index finger and saw my blood.

God!! Experiencing all these deadly things.

Thank God!!! I am alive, I have so many pending things to do in my life.

I was about to walk out of this lounge when suddenly Harold walked in with a first aid kit in his hand.

"Sit there!!" He jerked his chin towards the couch and I obeyed as I walked towards the couch before sitting down.

He sat beside me before opening the kit. He took a cotton and an antiseptic from the kit, he poured a few drops of antiseptic on the cotton.
"Lift your chin up!" He whispered.

"Sorry, what?"

He gently cupped my chin before lifting it up.

"It's going to burn a little." He whispered as I nodded.

He dabbed the antiseptic cotton on my neck as I winced in pain.

"It's going to be fine." He whispered as he placed his palm on mine.

He bent his head down and blew air to my neck as a shiver ran down my spine and my throat bobbed.

He again dabbed the soaked cotton on my neck as I clenched my eyes shut and clutched his hand tighter.

He wiped the blood off and stuck a band aid onto my neck.

Suddenly, we heard a rushed footsteps approaching us as our gaze fell onto the entrance of the lounge.

Dylan was here with some armed bodyguards and janitors behind him.

The bodyguards carried Anthony's blood stained body and moved out of the house along with him. The janitors cleaned the blood and were arranging the place as it was.

Dylan was staring at us and then his gaze fell on mine and Harold's intertwined hands as a teasy smile again appeared on Dylan's lips.

We instantly pulled our hands away as I stood up from the couch and walked upto Dylan.

"Are you okay?" He asked as I nodded.

Then he turned his attention to Harold with a serious look on his face.
"Who informed you about Anthony's trespassing?"

"Marcel did...." Harold stopped as both Harold and Dylan's eyes fell on me.

"Naomi." Dylan called.


"You go upstairs, to your room. I'll get a hot soup for you, you'll feel better." Dylan said with a soft smile.

I smiled before nodding.

With that I ascended upstairs, upto my room.


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