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One month later :


H      A       R      O      L      D

    My eyes slowly flickered open as the first thing I saw was the white ceiling of my room. I tilted my head to see where Miss Nolan was. And she was right on the bed, sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing my white shirt to cover herself and she was staring blankly at the curtains of the room.

I took my tank top and shorts from the bed.
"Miss Nolan!?" I called while wearing my tank top but she didn't reply.

After wearing my shorts, I pulled blanket away and crawled towards her.
I pecked her cheeks from behind as her body jolted coming out of a trance.

"Harold?" She turned her body around to face me.

She looked tensed as if somethings bothering her.
"Is something bothering you?" I frowned.

She shook her head, being a little nervous.
"No..nothing.." she stuttered with a nervous smile.
"It's just.." she faltered.


"I'm not feeling well, So I'm thinking of taking a leave for a day." She said as I placed my hand on her forehead.

"Are you having fever?"

"No....just a mild headache." She replied.

"Okay, even I'll take a leave today to look after you. I can't leave you on your own."

"No!!" She said incredulously with a subtle widened eyes.

"Why not?" I frowned.

"I..I..I don't want you to miss your important meeting because of me. Remember..." she raised her brows.
"The important meeting with the Garrett's!" She nodded.

"Oh!! But it's okay, I can schedule it to some other day..." I was cut short instantly by her.

"No!!!" She cupped my cheeks.
"I want you to attend that meeting today itself, without fail. I'm fine, I'm just not in mood to come to office today, that's it. " She said.

"Okay." I nodded.
"But I'll finish my work and I'll be home soon." I said and in response she nodded.

I leaned towards her to kiss her but she covered her mouth.
"No.... not the lips. I didn't brush."

"Oh come on." I groaned and rolled my eyes and she narrowed her eyes into a glare.

"Are you imitating me?!"

"No!!" I replied in amusement.
"Well, that's an impact of staying with you." I chuckled.

Well, I never groan like that...I mean like a child.

"Okay, not the lips.." I faltered and pressed my lips onto her forehead.

Then to her cheeks and tip of her nose and slowly trailing down towards the hollow of her throat. I slowly unbuttoned the first two buttons of my shirt that she was wearing. I placed a soft kiss on her collar bone as a small moan left her lips. My hands went towards the third button and that's when she pulled away.

"You're gonna get late." She buttoned herself.

"No.." I whispered and cupped her thin long neck before pressing a long lingering kiss on her forehead.

Being in a relationship with her for the whole month has been the best.
Actually the whole month was best. Firstly, I was with Miss Nolan the whole time. Secondly, I didn't receive any empty threats from Marcel nor did I face him. Thirdly, the committee has saved many girls this month from being trafficked.

I pulled away from her as she got up and marched towards the washroom.

I sighed.

I do not fear anymore, I feel alive and complete. I will keep Miss Nolan safe with me at any cost. I will not let any harm touch her in my presence. It should pass through me before her. The fear of losing her is still there but the happiness is beyond it.

"Get up Harold or else you'll get late." Miss Nolan bellowed.

She paced towards the door before moving out of the room.
I got up and marched towards the bathroom, to have a bath and get ready.


I was done getting ready, I marched out of my room and then towards the dining area to have my breakfast. The breakfast was placed on the table and Miss Nolan was nowhere.

I peeked inside the kitchen and Miss Nolan was staring at the sink in disbelief. Her eyes were wide. I frowned and walked towards her before placing my hand on her shoulder. She flinched and spun around.
"You!!!" She exclaimed incredulously before turning the water on the sink and pouring it around.
"Breakfast is ready, it''s on the table." She clasped her hand with mine before pulling me out of the kitchen.

She pulled a chair out for me and made me sit on it hastily. And my frown just got deeper and deeper.

What is wrong with her???

While eating, I scrutinized her, she was staring blankly at plate without eating, she was just fiddling with her spoon. She looked subtly petrified. There was no point in asking. She will only say it's nothing.

After breakfast, I stood up and along with me she too stood up. I cupped her cheeks.
"I love you..." I trailed off and leaned in.

As are faces reached inches apart, she suddenly turned her face to the other side to skip the kiss and my lips landed on her cheek.

I pulled away from the kiss with a frown.
"What is it that..--" she cut off.

"You're getting late...I mean you'll be late. Come on.." she dragged me out of the house and threw me out before closing the door with a loud thud.

What has gotten into her today??

I pulled the hem of my suit down and fixed my posture before walking towards my car.

My driver, Mr Clark was already waiting for me inside the car. He opened the back seat door for me and I sat inside.

My mind was bothering me..

Fear was eating me up.

Why is Miss Nolan acting weird??

Is it just a normal mood swings??

Or is it....

I hope it's just a normal mood swings because I can't live a life without her?


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