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Ten thousand dollars? For what?

I just bought a pair of gorgeous heels and a gorgeous dress and now look at the bill.

We were inside the car, Harold was driving and I was on the passenger seat with my eyes glued on the bill paper.

"Staring at the paper continously will not deduct the zero in it, Miss Nolan." Harold said but his eyes were on the windscreen.

I opened my mouth to reply but closed because I didn't know what to say,

He is right.

I crumpled the paper and kept it aside.

"I'll return your money, once I reach New York."

For God sake, I have to give him ten thousand dollars.

"It's not needed, think of it as a gift from me." He said and with that he stopped the car infront of a boatyard and facing it was a marine. Again the same mischievous sly smile curled up his lips.

"So shall we...?" He said and got out and I did the same.

We both walked up towards the yatch, which was parked at the edge of marine. We both climbed up the yatch.

Gotta bad experience with water transports.

The Yatch was decorated with scented candles and flowers. They were many other people, men and women sipping their champagne. I looked around the saloon of the yatch, where the party was held. But Dylan was nowhere in sight. Suddenly there was a honk followed by the movement of the yatch.

Some men came and gathered around Harold to talk as I walked away from him to search Dylan. But Dylan was nowhere.

Suddenly, there was a beeping of mic followed by Dylan's voice through the speaker.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like everyone to gather on the dine area." I smiled as I heard his voice.

I made my way towards the dine and saw everyone sitting on their seat. I walked towards the table and sat on one chair as Harold also came and sat beside me still with that mischievous smirk on.

I narrowed my eyes at him and in return he smiled.

"What?" I snapped.

"Nothing." He shrugged.

"I'm getting suspicious." I said with narrowed eyes.

"You should be." He smiled.


I was cut short as I saw Dylan walking  down the stairs of the yatch--

But wait--

Along with Dylan, was a girl walking down the stairs with a smile plastered on her face.

Might be his sister.

Yes, think positive, be a optimist.

As they both neared us, I got a clear view of the girl. She was wearing a red fish tail off shoulder dress, her pale skin brightly shining under the moonlight. Her read hair was pushed on one shoulder with soft curls at the end. Her mesmerizing green eyes was beautiful.

She doesn't look like his sister though.

Might be an adopted one.

Optimistic much.

With that inner Naomi closed down and outer Naomi was getting insecure plus anxious. I could feel Harold's eyes on me and again I snapped my head towards him and he flashed me a smile correction... grin.

Dylan and that girl walked towards the end of the table. The girl was continously smiling up at Dylan. Suddenly Dylan fell onto his knees as the small crowd let an aww together.

What is he doing?

He's not gonna do what I'm thinking he's gonna do, right?

I gulped as I watched the scenario infront of my eyes. He pulled a ring out of his pocket before showing it to her.
"Gwen!!" Again the crowd cheered.
" you and...." piece by piece my heart crumpled.
"And you mean a world to me, you're my life, my love, my inspiration, my strength and now I want you to become my better half.... my soul mate..." again the crowd cheered.

A huge lump was already formed on my throat as it was really hard to breathe. Tears pricked at the back of my eyes but I blinked it away as Dylan continued, as the constant pain was crushing my heart.

"... you changed me in a good way, you were always there for me no matter what and now I want you to stay beside me forever...."

My hope, my heart, my dreams were just crushed in a single day. I had so many plans for us but his heart belonged to someone else already.

"....let's lie beside each other, let our love be forever without an end, let's cheat death and make the most of our happily ever after..." Tears were already rolling down from Gwen's cheeks.
"So Gwen Martinez....." Dylan let out a shaky breath before continuing.
"Will you make me the happiest man in this world by accepting my proposal..." He paused.
"Will you marry me?" Gwen chuckled with tears and vigorously nodded.

"Ye..yes...YES!!" She screamed as the crowd clapped.

Dylan stood up and captured her lips with his in a tender kiss. I looked away from them as I felt like crying.

Why is my love life so doomed?

Don't be a villain in their story..

Inner Naomi suggested.

Swallowing the huge lump and ignoring the tight pain in my chest, I forced a smile on my face and clapped along with the crowd.

Everyone cheered and raised a toast in their happy moment.

The dinner was served but I had no appetite as the pain was slowly killing me.

After dinner, I was about to walk on the corner when Dylan called me. He walked towards me along with his Gwen Martinez.

"Hi!! Glad that you came."

And I'm miserable that I came..

He indeed looked happy in her arms.

I forced a smile.

"Gwen, this is Naomi and Naomi, this is Gwen, my girlfri- I mean fiance" He glanced down at her with adoration glistening in his eyes.

"Nice meeting you Naomi, Dylan keeps telling me about you." Gwen said with a smile and now I wanted to cry.

"Actually, I have to go to the washroom. I'll see you guys later." I excused myself as they nodded.

I walked far away from them before climbing downstairs. There, in downstairs was a small bench near the railing. I quickly sprinted towards it and sat on it.

And soon all my suppressed tears were now flowing down freely.

Why it always happens to me?

At first, it was Mike.

Then Peter

And now Dylan.

Why is my love life so doomed?

Why the men I love never love me back.?

God!! This is so painful.

I hiccuped and wiped my tears.

Suddenly I felt a presence sitting down beside me on the other end of the bench. I, instantly snapped my head to glance at the person.

He passed me a handkerchief and with trembling hands, I took it from him before wiping my tears.

I fixed my gaze onto the roaring water, ahead of us which was twinkling under the moonlight, before asking.
"What are you doing here?"


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