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I just ate a delicious chicken cheesy lasagna prepared by myself. Today I just randomly saw the recipe of lasagna and immediately I prepared it as all the ingredients were present inside Harold's million dollar kitchen.

I pouted sadly as I looked down at the kitchen sink, there were so many dishes to wash. For four days, the cleaning agency won't be coming to this house, so I had to clean the vessels by myself.

It's been exactly two days after the attack and Harold didn't fire the security guards in here for Anthony's dangerous trespassing instead he appointed more guards infront of the gates, so that no unknown person can enter this house. So now the security in here is triple tight. Not even a single harmless leaf can move inside this property without Harold's permission. So soooooo tight.

I sighed as I glanced down at the dishes.

No worries.... I can do it in a jiffy.

I hastily sprinted upstairs to my room and took my phone along with my headphones. I descended downstairs towards the kitchen again before putting on the apron. I put on the headphones before connecting my phone to it. I played one of the songs from my Playlist before standing infront of the sink.

You can do it..

The song closer was playing as I took one dish and started washing it.

I know it breaks your heart,
Moved to the city in a broke down car. Yeah..

Four years no calls,
Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar,
I..I..I can't stop.

I shook my hips in the rhythm as I was really enjoying this song while washing the dishes.
" 🎶 So baby pull me closer in the back seat of your rover that I know you can't afford,... bite that tattoo on your shoulder ...pull the sheets right of the corner that you stole... from your roommate back in Boulder we ain't never getting older. ...🎶 " I was singing along with the chainsmokers and Halsey.

Shaking my hips and singing loudly the
song was fun.

I was singing loudly while washing the dishes when I suddenly felt a single tap on my shoulder.

In haste, I abruptly turned around to only face Harold.


I pushed my headphones down to my neck and with a bored look I asked.

"Don't you think you're putting too much pressure on your voice while singing." He asked as I blinked in confusion.

"Huh? What?!"

"You have to adjust you're vocal cords and vocal timbre and master in your breathing. Your breathing is soo....harsh." he waved his hand in disapproval.

Vocal cord? Vocal timbre.?

What is that?

"What?" I was puzzled as hell.

"In common words, you're really a very VERY bad singer Miss Nolan." Now he shook his head in disapproval.

Bloody hell!!! What a straightforward dude?!!.

"Excuse me?!" I glared at him.

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