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Third person's pov ::

Harold's age : 15

The flight landed as slowly Helen got out of it. She was directed outside as already two cars were waiting for her, she climbed onto the second car as the appointed guide for her was already waiting for her inside the car.

"Good morning ma'am!!" The guide greeted as Helen could only nod in return as the feeling of fear was engulfing her.
"Are you sure about going there?" He asked with a worried expression.


"Are you sure about going there.... to that forbidden place.?" The guide repeated as Helen's face contorted in confusion.

"Forbidden place?"

"That place is owned by one of the most deadliest mafia Don, now his son is ruling that area. The place...." the guides  face contorted in disgust.
".....alcohol and drug smell lingers on the air of that forbidden place, it is the dark...loomy area of the whole Pisa which only gives you a dangerous vibe."
He sighed,
"Still you wanna go there??" He asked.

Helen nodded. "Ye...yes." she stuttered.

The guide sighed again as he turned around to face the windscreen.

The whole bright Pisa turned dark once they entered the Don lair, which only gave a bad, dirty and dangerous vibe. They entered the huge metal gates of the dark place and in front of it stood a tall, large building which was more like a forbidden haunted building.

Helen gulped before getting out of the car. Holding the file tightly across her chest, she started taking her steps towards the large metallic doors. As said by the guide, the mixture of drug, blood and alcohol lingered in the air which made Helen feel nauseous, at corners of the walls of compound stood tattooed men's wearing t-shirts or tank tops along with the ripped jeans. Their heated scrutinized gaze falling on Helen as she walked along with her guide beside her.

She reached the metallic doors as her guide spoke to the guards in some unknown language. The guard infront of the door nodded.

The guide turned to Helen,
"I'm not supposed to get inside because only you are permitted for now. Just finish your business and get back here soon, ma'am." Helen nodded in return.

She entered inside the huge doors, everything felt weird for her, she took a deep breath before taking large steps inside the building. She walked in but there was no receptionist anywhere, she didn't know where would she find Marcel. She walked further more inside where she spotted some janitors mopping the floor.

She was looking around when she suddenly dashed with a young man nearly of age 22 to 23.
The young man groaned in exasperation,
"Watch where you're going woman." The boy rolled his eyes.

"Sorry...I'm sorry." She looked up at the boy with hope filled eyes.
"Can you please direct me to Marcel Dèlacourt? Please." She whispered.

The young man's eyes widened,
"You mean Don, you're here to meet Don." She nodded in return.
"Who are you and where are you from?" The man asked.

"I'm Helen Dèlac--" She stopped herself for a second before resuming.
"Just tell your Don that I'm Helen from Hawaii."

The man nodded,
"Wait here, I'll return within fifteen minutes." With that the man walked off as again Helen's eyes roamed across the place.

Unknowingly she walked further more far toward the janitors, eyes still roaming around the place. While walking her eyes wandered to something wild.

A frown of disgust etched her face as she looked straight into the huge glass container and inside the closed container, she spotted 10 - 15 girls...looking drugged... there were high.. with an oxygen mask, bare naked, some were even wearing diapers.

Helen covered her nostrils and mouth as the smell in here was also nauseous. Mixture of urine and excretion was the smell.

She walked towards the janitors and looked at them, there were silently mopping the floor as if they were used to it. She looked around and spotted a lady in her forties and she also looked like an Anglo woman while the rest were italian. She paced towards the English woman but the woman's eyes were fixed on the floor.

"Hey!!" Helen called as the woman looked up at her with her broken eyes.
"Can you tell me what is going on inside that?" She pointed towards the huge glass container.

The lady shook her head in no before resuming her job.

"Please tell me. Maybe I can help." Helen whispered.

"No one can help." The woman whispered back in a broken voice.

"I can!!! I'm Marcel's wife." The woman abruptly looked up at Helen in disbelief.

"But master isn't married. They are not supposed to get married." The woman stated.

"It's a long story. But please can you tell me about that." Helen pressed on, pointing towards the glass container.

The woman gulped before looking around, every janitors were busy doing their work. The woman nodded and asked Helen to follow her. They both entered a dim litted store room and the woman quickly closed the door before latching it.

"Those girls..." her lips trembled in fear.
"They've have been kidnapped from different countries and are brought here to this evil place....the people in here inject some hazardous drugs into their body to make them lose their partial consciousness. Those kidnapped girls are put inside the container in which they provide an oxygen mask, little amount of food and diapers for them to pee and poop..." Tears were already flowing down the woman's eyes.
"You know.... a year back they kidnapped a 14 years old beautiful girl from Kazakhstan, her name was Ira. But the animals in here didn't let her live. They injected those drugs into her body and then.." she hiccuped as an enormous amount of tears were already flowing from the woman's eyes.
"They...they snatched her innocence, they..were..around five men who raped her together and then they killed the little girl brutally, her thighs were covered with blood and her naked body was lying on the floor just like a used tissue paper, they threw her body somewhere." The woman wiped her tears as Helen's eyes welled up.

'How could Marcel be this cruel? How could Marcel let this happen?'

Helen thought to herself.

And the woman continued,
"After a period, they start selling these girls to different countries, some are sold for slavery and some for prostitution. All the girls in here are virgins and if they are not, they turn them into a virgin by stitching their genitals. Once their masters are done with them, they get them back here but the animals in here resell them to other countries again." The woman's feet gave up as she dropped onto the floor.

Helen crouched down to her with tears in her eyes.
"What's your name?"

The woman chuckled humorlessly with tears still flowing down her cheeks,
"I forgot what my name was... I was brought here when I was sixteen. Just like the other girls, even I was injected, trafficked to different countries, had different masters.. who addressed me with different names, finally I'm old now and they don't sell me anymore. Now I'm just a servant in this place... but I named myself again, I named myself as Noel, I really like that name. So now my name is Noel." The woman passed a sad smile.

"Noel.... nice name." Helen hugged her.

"If you can, please save us." Noel whispered while hugging back.

"I will, I promise."


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