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H    A    R    O    L    D

Our date ended with the dinner, dance and a little talk. Now we were inside our room and Miss Nolan was getting ready to have her sleep time. I had some of my pending files to be checked so I walked towards my study table.

"Harold!!! What are you doing?" Miss Nolan bellowed from the bed.

I sat on my chair and without turning, I replied.
"I have some work to do." With that I opened one of my file.

But suddenly the file was snatched away from me as I looked up to meet Miss Nolan.
"Your not doing it now, it's our sleep time."

"Give me my file back Miss Nolan." I stood up to match her height with a stretched hand.

"Nope!!" With my file in her hand, she started running across my room.

"Wait!! Miss Nolan!!" I paced behind her but she sprinted like a fly.
"Miss Nolan!!" I tried to catch her but she escaped.

Finally like a monkey she jumped up on my bed and stopped near the headboard before turning around. I climbed up the bed too and caged her between my arms.

Her head was rested back, her face was half covered with her hair and her chest was heaving up and down as she was panting hard.

I slowly tucked her hair behind her ear as her eyes met mine and she passed me a shy smile. The file fell from her hand down to the bed. I glanced at the file before glancing back at her. I placed my both arms on the either side of her waist and pulled her closer. Her hands automatically rested on my shoulders as a permanent soft smile etched her face.

"You have a punishment to do because of the naughty behavior you committed." I smirked.

"What is it?!" She whispered in a husky tone and a raised brows.

I tilted my face to a side and smiled,
"A kiss on the cheek would just do fine!" I said.

She chuckled,
"Is that it, I expected a little big one!" Before her words could sink in, she cupped my cheeks and pulled my face towards her before locking her lips with mine in a fervent kiss.

I pulled her closer by her waist and gently squeezed it. As if it fueled her, she deepend the kiss by dominating me. She took the incharge. Her hands went  up to my hair. We pulled apart from the kiss as we were short of breath.

Now I took the incharge and started trailing kisses down her neck. She moaned as her hand pulled my hair hard. I kissed the hollow of her throat as her hand came trailing down to my neck and then towards the buttons of my shirt.

She unbuttoned the first two buttons when I suddenly pulled back.
"What happened?!!" She exhaled with a frown.

I blinked.
"Don't you think we should take everything a little slow?"

"Oh screw it!!" She groaned before pulling me towards her.

I leaned back,
"It's time to sleep." I softly pulled her hands away from me and took my file from the bed before climbing down.

I stretched my one hand out for her to climb down but she looked kind of lost,
"Miss Nolan?" I called as she was back from her trance.

"Yeah.." she looked at my stretched hand and took my hand before climbing down.
"I have to use the washroom." She said.

I softly pecked her lips before nodding. She silently walked towards the washroom.

I know, I just destroyed her mood but I truly want to take everything slow without any rush. I want us to get to know each other very well.

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