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I was still staring at the Card, which Marcel left on the counter for me. Marcel Dèlacourt.... I guess he's the rival mobster of Harold. Maybe he's the one who killed Harold's beloved. But why?

I was standing infront of the stove as I was preparing spaghetti for myself for dinner but my mind was still deep rooted into this card as I was trying to join the dots... to solve the mystery.

Come on Naomi, it's the same cliche mafia story, you can solve it.


So I think it was a love triangle, Marcel and Harold both loved the same girl. But the girl chose Harold over Marcel, maybe because Marcel is too old...I guess so. And Marcel didn't like the rejection because it hurted his ego and in vengeance he killed the girl.

Maybe Marcel's thinking was same like of those mafia villains.
If she cannot be mine, she cannot be anyone's.
With that he killed Harold's beloved.

But why didn't he kill Harold.?

Yeah, in most of the sad ending movies, the villain kills both hero and heroine.
Again the same question rendered in my mind.

Why didn't he kill Harold?

Yep... I got it.

Maybe he wants Harold to suffer alone in this agony of losing her. Marcel wanted to make Harold's life a living hell. Every day without her for Harold might be like hell.

Finally, I solved the mystery..

I smiled in victory.

I turned off the stove and spun around as suddenly Harold entered the kitchen. He passed me an unconcerned glance and walked towards the fridge before opening it and taking a bottle of cold water.

Let's see, does Marcel's name effect him or not.

His back was facing me as I asked my first question.
"Who is Marcel?" I asked as his body stiffened.
"I mean... is he a good guy?" I asked further more as he slowly spun around with his jaws clenched and with a murderous glare. I fixed my eyes to the card.
"He has asked me out for a date, should I accept it. I know he's old but... you know.... old is gold." I could hear his slow footsteps as he approached me.
"And he has also given me this card..--" I swallowed the rest of my words in as I glanced up at him.

And oh my god..

I'm so dead.

He looked deadly, with his eyes turned into slits as he muderously glared down at me. His face red in thrumming anger, he was shaking with rage as a vein on his neck popped out. He was intimidating me as his not so tall figure towered over me.

"I was just--" I was cut off as he harshly snatched the card from me.

Within a second, he pulled a fire lighter out of his pocket and ignited it before burning the card into ashes.

Is he into smoking?

I don't think so.

Then how come he has a light--

Shut up inner Naomi, the case in here is complicated. I might even die tonight.

"I --" I tried to explain but was cut short as he...

"STAY. AWAY. FROM. HIM." He gritted emphasizing each word clearly.


"IS THAT CLEAR!!!?" He roared as I flinched at his tone and fixed my gaze onto the floor.

I slowly nodded as I was terrified as hell.

"WORDS Miss Nolan!!!" He roared again as I quickly added.

"Ye..yes Mr Kingston." My eyes were still on the floor as I felt him turning on his heels and with that he marched out of the kitchen.

I threw my head back and sighed in relief. I'm never gonna put myself into the hell again. It just scared the shit out of me.

He just barked like a dog.

He is a dog, son of a swine..


After dinner I went to my room and then towards my bathroom to have a long relaxing shower.

After my shower I marched inside my room, wiping my hair with the towel. I was already in my pajama and was ready to go to bed.

Before going to bed I have to set my alarm for tomorrow..

But where is my phone, I usually keep it on the nightstand but today it wasn't there. Maybe I left it in the kitchen while preparing my dinner.


I don't wanna go downstairs.

Groaning aloud, I marched out of my room before descending downstairs.

I was about to enter kitchen but stopped in mid tracks as I saw Harold and Dylan inside the kitchen talking. Harold was leaning onto the counter while Dylan was standing straight, facing Harold.

I stood outside the kitchen as I was too scared to enter inside as everyone know what happened inside the kitchen with me a few hours ago.

"So Marcel came here but didn't recognize her?" I heard Dylan's voice followed by silence.

Probably Harold must have nodded in return.

"The day after tomorrow, we have an important meeting in Molokai for two days and we can't leave Miss Nolan here with Marcel being here." Harold stated.

"Right!!" Dylan agreed.

I slowly tried to take a peek inside the kitchen but suddenly Harold's voice boomed through the kitchen.

"Miss Nolan!!!" I flinched and leaned back before shutting my eyes and groaning inwardly.

Oh God!! He has good reflexes.

"Come in." He called.


Sighing in defeat I slowly tiptoed inside the kitchen. My eyes were fixed on the floor, I did not dare to look up.

"Is eavesdropping your habit?" Harold begin as I slowly lifted my head up. He was subtly glaring down at me as I gulped.

I tore my gaze from Harold and fixed it towards Dylan.
"I was just here to take my phone." I said to Dylan and took my phone from the counter.

"Hey, it's okay Naomi." He smiled as I smiled back too at him.

"Well, we have another important meeting coming up the day after tomorrow at Molokai, so if you don't mind, will you accompany us. And as you know even Daria isn't around and we have meeting for two days." Dylan proclaimed as Harold's head snapped at him.

"Yeah, sure. I don't have any problem." I said as I knew I was kind of in danger here without them being around.

"The day after tomorrow, sharp at 7am." Harold's emotionless voice butted in.

But I didn't turn my head towards him. With my face still facing Dylan, I said.
"Sharp at 7am, I'll get ready."

"You'll enjoy yourself in Molokai. It's a beautiful island." Dylan smiled.

I smiled back and turned on my heels before exiting the kitchen.

So another trip with Mr Harold Kingston..

And I hope, at the end moment Dylan won't cancel his trip like he did last time.


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