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I made cherry tomato salad with some olive and some mixture of sesame for myself for dinner. I took my bowl along with me and sauntered out of the kitchen. I was about to walk towards the dining area, when I spotted Dylan and Harold walking out of their home office which was right beside the lounge. I immediately spun around with the bowl in my hand. I hastily walked towards the staircase and was about to climb the first stair, when Dylan called me.

"Naomi!!" I clenched my eyes shut in agony.

Why? Why he has to call me....especially infront of that beast Harold.

Sighing, I turned around with a smile.

Dylan and Harold were in the dining area. Dylan was smiling at me and now I sighed in relief.

Harold still hasn't shown him the audio of mine.

"Even we are having our dinner, come join us Naomi." Dylan said.

"Yes Miss Nolan, come join us." Harold butted in with a mischievous smile.

I gulped and nodded with a small smile.

With my bowl in my hand, I strode towards the dining area before placing my bowl of salad on the table. Harold and Dylan were sitting beside each other and I sat across them.

They were two bowls infront of them, which was covered with the aluminum foil. They opened it, revealing a tomato spaghetti and a grilled chicken at the side.

But I had no appetite due to the fear feeling overwhelming my each and every nerve.

I was fiddling with my spoon, tossing the vegetables up and down inside my bowl.

"Miss Nolan!!" I flinched at Harold's voice as I looked up at him.

He pulled his phone out from his pocket as my stomach churned in fear.

My fear..

Is he going to... positive.

Fat beads of sweat appeared on my forehead as my hand started shivering.

"How was your day?" He asked as I sighed.

"Good.....good." I stuttered with a smile.

"Dylan!!" Harold called and again I was in panic mode.

He never talks during dinner, lunch or breakfast. Why the hell is he talking now??

Can't he just shut the hell up and eat silently.

Cunning asshole!!!!

"Yes, king?" Dylan asked.

"Dyna and Milan, how are names? Are they good?" Dylan looked puzzled at his question and I almost, almost choked on my food as my face was as white as a paper, so pale.

"Dyna and Milan? Names? What?" Dylan looked more puzzled than ever.

"It is Miss Nolan's kids names, she has decided to keep her kids name like that, Dyna and Milan." He emphasized at the name.

And here I couldn't breathe, I was short of oxygen. God help me. Maybe I'm gonna die tonight out of anxiety. But before dying I'm surely gonna kill Harold by secretly adding poison to his food or by stabbing his back or by strangling him while he's asleep.


Dylan looked at me with a smile.
"Nice names, Naomi."

"Huh??" My brain wasn't functioning.

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