Chapter 3

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Pearl Harbour - Azur Lane Pacific Main Base

When sirens launch their attack for the first time on humanity, they also target this base, the base literally destroyed with nothing to stand, but sirens abandon this base for an unknown reason.

Now Azur Lane rebuilding this base and using this base to push sirens from Eagle Union mainland. Also Royal Navy helped to rebuild the base so some buildings have Royal Navy standards. Of course, a tea maker.

With Sakura Empire, Iron Blood, Vichya Dominion, and Sardegna Empire forming Crimson Axis because of a stupid debate about using siren tech, also increasing siren activity in the Pacific, Pearl Harbour slowly become Azur Lane's main base.

"Pearl Harbour, this is task force 11, we find something interesting "

"This is Pearl Harbour, task force 11 what do you find?"

"2 battleship, one Sardegna's and one is natural summoning, very high possibility the natural summoning one know something about 'that', both requesting to dock."

"Wait, tell me about what the Italian doing in the middle of the Pacific?"

"They want to rejoin us."

"Ok, tell me about the natural summoning."

"She has a very unique design superstructure, also has 4 triple 406 mm like project 'BB-65-8', some wings, and the length approximately more than 400 m."

Montana alone is not that long, wings? Is she a flying battleship?

"Tell them their request is accepted."


Pearl Harbour - 07.00

"That's a very big ship."

"If not for an extra 1 main gun I believe she is New Jersey."

Everyone looking at a new ship, a big black ship in front of them, but where are the AA gun and secondary gun? That is what everyone thought. 

Prince of Wales and Andromeda now talking to each other at the near warehouse and Illustrious approaching them.

"What Soyuz what ar-, oh sorry I almost mistook you as someone else."

"You almost look like one of our vodka friends, Andromeda."

"Is my appearance look like her?"

"Only your eyes colour the only difference."

"Also your ship has a very unique design, also what happened in the future?"

 "Not from the future of this world, but an alternate future."

"Alternate future, is there your world had an alien attack?"

"Well, two times, one against Garmillas and before I summoned here, Gatlantis."

When she said Gatlantis, her face become a little sad, and Wales noticed that.

"Sorry about that, now what are you doing in this world?"

"Protect this world from foreign civilizations, including sirens."

Wales and Illustrious said both at the same time

"Welcome to Azur Lane."

"Now we will discuss with Littorio, Illustrious call Cleveland to help our new member to tour at this base."

"You must be the new member, my name is Cleveland and your guide in this base!"

Is she a tomboy? She looks like a boy lol.

"Oh yeah, I need to remind you tomorrow you will do a demo?"


They probably want to see my power, but now is 07.30, almost at the time the Japanese strike this base.



"It's Zeros and Sirens! Sakura Empire attacking us!"

"Sorry we need to delay the guide, and please help us."

"No need to ask."

They both run to dock and turn their ship into rigging.

"Main gun use sanshikidan, AA laser!"

Hidden AA turrets emerge from Andromeda rigging and kill a lot of enemy planes

"Wales! Can I borrow your rapier?"

Wales were still dumbfounded by Andromeda's AA capability


"Oh-oh here the rapier."


"We, Crimson Axis declared war on Azur Lane!"

Two fox girls attack this base with zeros and a big fox almost kills Unicorn, but fortunately Enterprise save her.

"Why?!" Enterprise shout at them

"The future of humanity is decided by the strongest one, and the strongest is CRIMSON AXIS! Enterprise."

"You Azur Lane just stick with your inferior tech, and we will lead humanity with our better tech!"

But there is an odd thing, Littorio is literally in front of them, but they not saying anything to her.

Andromeda warps behind them and quickly stabs the red fox. 

The blood that spill are yellow instead red.

That means they are not kansen.





They are siren.





"Siren pawns?"

"Now I will ki-"

"Sanshikidan Fire!"


12 406 mm shell struck at the white fox girl (?) and quickly deleted her from existence.

Kure Naval Base - At the same time sirens attacking Pearl Harbour

You can see this base literally destroyed and several B-25 flying searching for prey.

"Why!" Nagato shouts at a blonde hair girl.

"This is because you using siren tech, now Azur Lane declared war on Crimson Axis."

"Hornet, now we will leave this destroyed base."

"Okay Enterprise-nee-sama."

Nagato crying on the ground and thinking if she made a bad decision using siren tech against sirens.

"Kaga! Where are you?!" shout a red fox girl.

"Here Akagi-nee-sama." said the white fox girl

Akagi and manjuus quickly help Kaga from debris and treat her.

"I hope Amagi nee-sama is not mad because her house was destroyed by that bitch."

Akagi begins to cry remembering her sister who died some years ago.

[To be continued]

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