Chapter 12

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Pearl Harbour - Post-battle against Harvest - Nighttime

"So how the prototype weapons?"

"Pretty good, I am sure they work perfectly when we are against a siren fleet. But it looks like they need to get used to new weapons."

"Honestly I was thinking something bad will happen to the prototype weapons, but after your review now I think we will replace old weapons with the new ones, not everyone will be retrofitted because we still do have not enough resources to maintain them."

"Okay then, is there anything else?"

"Your duel with Warspite will start in 2 days, but can you use a special close combat weapon? If you still use a normal knife it surely dishonours her. Who knows if she felt like that in a duel?"

"Okay then, I will make my special weapon tomorrow."

"Thanks, also do you want a maid to assign with you?"

"Well, for now, I don't need any maid, maybe in the future."

"Well then, goodnight, Captain."

Pearl Harbour - Andromeda's dorm

'If I use a pistol I can just make a fancy-looking Garmillan pistol design, but if close-range weapons I don't really know what I will use. Maybe katana, just like Yamato-san when going on a voyage to Iskandar? Worth a try.'

And then Andromeda goes to sleep.

Pearl Harbour - Canteen - Breakfast time

"So Commander, you will do a duel with Warspite tomorrow?"


Entire Andromeda's Fleet having breakfast with Andromeda on the same table.

"I sure Commander will win! I believe you are the strongest here!"

"Thank you, Cleveland, but overconfidence will bring bad results."

"Anyway Captain, do we have a new mission for today?"

"No, why?"

"Because I want to do a BBQ party this evening for defeating an Enforcer!"

'Enforcer may be a formidable enemy for them, so when I defeat an Enforcer their morals become high. Well then, let them have fun before we got another mission.'

"You want me to approve the party?"


"Okay then, I will notify high-ranking members."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome. Finish your meal now."

'Analyzer, make a titanium-nickel alloy katana'

Pearl Harbour - HQ

Wales doing a hologram communication with another kansen in her office.

"So here is my report, all prototype weapons are working fine, but we don't have many resources to do retrofit for many of our ships."

"Who is the one doing testing of prototype weapons?"

"Experimental Fleet 3, commanded by Andromeda."

"Oh, the natural summoning, I heard she is a powerful battleship, is she capable of leading a fleet?"

"Yes, the one who they fought is an Enforcer, and the fleet comes back here without any major damage."

"So she has experience being a fleet commander, now I want to meet with her."

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