Chapter 10

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Operation N - Daily Entry - Ulrich von Hutten

Day 1

We depart from Kiel and go to Napoli port with our full-form ship and sailing near Iris' coast.
No siren detected, and we arrive at Gibraltar strait at nighttime, so we rest on our ship and left recon planes on auto mode.

Day 2

We bought some pasta from Sardegna Empire's port and take a rest for 6 hours, then departed from Napoli port to Suez Canal. One of our recon planes saw a military base, most likely a Royal Navy base, but we ignore the base as that base is not in our objective. We arrive at the Red Sea and saw several siren fleets, Wesser and Elbe destroying all enemy fleets with Junkers Ju-87 D-4, all planes come back safely.

Day 3

We left the Red Sea and arrive at Aden Gulf at 10 o'clock. We find some abandoned oil drilling bases, so we take a look at these bases. We find so much oil there, so I have a plan to claim these bases after we completed our current mission.

Day 4

We left the Aden Gulf and sailed to the open sea, the Indian Ocean. We met some siren fleets, but they are weak compared to siren fleets in the Norway Sea. But the only odd thing is some of the siren fleets are destroyed but nobody was there. Because there is some siren that still burned, we thought if the attacker is in this ocean, very high possibility this was META. Making META join our faction is the secondary objection, but a new META member is surely welcomed. Anyway, we still set sail on the Australia Continent.

Day 5

We are halfway from Aden Gulf to Australia Continent. And we found more destroyed siren fleets, again. Magdeburg suggests setting sail to the Greater Sunda Island. And I accept her suggestion, for safety. We will go to Java Island to get more supplies.

Day 6

After resupplying on Java Island, we sail to the northern coast of Australia. And we find the one kill lot of siren here. She is Gneisenau, or her META counterpart.

"Wait is that Gneisenau? I don't think she is going with us here" ask Magdeburg

"Of course not, she is not our Gneisenau, very high possibility she is the META counterpart."

"Can we approach her without making her mad?" ask Aldabert

"I will approach her, alone."

"Wait that is dangerous, Ulrich! At least I'll go with you" said Wesser

"Just me, don't worry I can handle her."

"Okay then."

"Siren pawn? They won't approach me so carefully, unless you are a kansen, can you tell me your name?"

"I am Ulrich von Hutten, and I am a kansen, just like you."

"So why are you here, in this empty sea?"

"I was going to the far east archipelago, and found you accidentally."

"Okay then you are not a siren, but I still don't trust you. Tell me your affiliation and your leader name."

"I am from Iron Blood, and Bismarck is our leader, but something happens to her and Friedrich der Grosse is take the leader position."

'Bismarck? No way she will rename Iron Cross back to the original name. Friedrich der Grosse? Who is she and why is she taking control of Iron Blood?'

Ulrich sees Gneisenau's confused face and gives her a paper, after Gneisenau receives the paper she began thinking something.

'This is definitely Bismarck's handwriting, Bismarck of this world maybe, she is just like my world Bismarck before that, oh she asking me to join her? Maybe worth a try. Wait a minute, is she using that cube to save her comrade? And she failed the METAfication? Why is another Bismarck suffering just because she lead her faction? I'll give my thank to this Friedrich der Grosse after taking control of this world Iron Blood in Bismarck's absence.'

"Very well, I'll join you, after we do a duel, just we both. I want to see your power, H-class."

"Ja, when we will do it?"

"Right now."

Immediately after Gneisenau META says that, she fires homing torpedoes at Ulrich, which is lost their target as Ulrich jump and runs straight to Gneisenau META and fires all her secondary guns.

"Not bad, Ulrich!"


There is no winner, as Gneisenau META and Ulrich von Hutten point at each other with their main gun.

"I see your power, you still have room to improve your power, and I will join you go to the far-east archipelago."

"Well then, let's meet with my fleet."

"So you are Gneisenau META, you are stronger than our Gneisenau!"

"Of course I am, because I am a META."

"So you want to join us?"

"Yes, do you have a beer anyway, because I haven't drank beer for a long time."

"I still have 6 beer barrels! You can have some too!"

"What? Why did you bring so much beer on your mission?"

"If she not we won't believe she is Elbe after all, bring some beer barrels is her habit."

Day 7

Now we have a META on our side, we have completed our secondary objective. And now we in the eastern coast of Australia, and tomorrow we will have sight the archipelago. I hope we can get Bismarck cure here as Friedrich tells us.

[To be continued]

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