Chapter 7

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"Schwester, where are you?"

"Detected, a siren carrier group 20 km in the west " said a robotic voice to the META.

"Missiles launch!"

Sirens POV

"Look at my magnificent fleet! Nobody can't defeat me unscathed!"

"You sure? I mean there is the sea wolf around here..."

"Nah, she is must be-"

"META ships detected, 97% it's the sea wolf." said a robot voice




"Enemy vanguard 69% destroyed."

"Fast torpedo group, engage them!"


4 destroyers and 1 light cruiser charged to the sirens

"Laser beam fire!"

Red lasers fired from a shipgirl's rigging and slammed a siren heavy cruiser.


"Destroyers, use laser beams!"

The destroyer fires lasers at the siren vanguard and completely destroys the siren vanguard

A battleship fires the main gun and hit a destroyer


"Cih, you will pay for hurting my sister! Missiles launch!"

36 ASM launched from a destroyer and destroyed all siren fleet except an aircraft carrier.

Another destroyer does a fast maneuver and fires her laser.


The last aircraft carrier destroyed

"This is Kinu, all enemy fleet destroyed, Yuudachi suffers light damage, however Yamakaze launches 60% of her missiles."

"Better than all our previous battle, tell Yamakaze to not launch so many missiles just for 1 small battle."


"Why do you still hold to use your Rommelaze, Bismarck-san, also why you built this ship anyway? You can use your own full-form ship."

"They are just a small fleet, not a big threat to our group, Hiryuu, I expected there is a bigger fleet out there and Rommelaze will surely defeat them."

"You put so much trust in your flagship, is this ship that strong anyway?"

"You can slam this ship with 500 Ohkas and this ship still afloat."

"Oh, can I do it?"


(Rommelaze is just smaller, ww2 version of Zoelguut-class superdreadnought)

"An elite-class siren detected 30 km in the north, 89% it's Purifier."

"Hiryuu, I need your help."

"You don't need to ask me!"

Purifier POV

"Fufufu, those stupid mass-production sirens never think they are just a bait! Fleet summon!"

Many siren humanoids came from portals, 100 Oceanas, 30 Peace Breakers, and 10 Strategists.


"Oh, they came this fast, wait is that the sea wol-"


Hiryuu META slam Purifier body with 10 Ohkas and delete her from existence.

"Rommelaze, All-out-assault!"

Rommelaze start a massacre with all her weaponry, some siren jets doing kamikaze to her and nothing happens to the hull.

(5 minutes later)

"Now I see her power, do you want Rommelaze to become a kansen too?"

"Maybe in the future, I still enjoy controlling her manually, do you want to continue search your sister again?"

"Of course! But I gonna stay with you for 2 months."

"Okay then, let's meet my fleet."

Destroyed Kure Naval Base

"What? How?"

A META ship looks at her alternate universe base with confusion.

"Is siren strike this base, or the Eagle Union?"

And she saw a destroyed B-25

"So it's the Americans, I'll do a revenge for this base!"

(Gonna do a beer hall in the future)

Yokosuka Naval Base

Akagi and Zuikaku still playing with Nemu.

And Kaga looks at Nemu with an angry feeling.

"A mere fox get more attention from onee-sama than me? I'll do something to regain onee-sama attention!"

"Ara Kaga, why you did not play with us too?"

"But Azur Lane will strike us anytime!"

"Don't worry, Shokaku nee-sama already do a recon patrol."

"But still, I-"

"Come here and play with us, Kaga."


She stared at Nemu with a defeated face.

'You won this time, but next time I will win!' said Kaga in her mind.

Now Akagi always has a good mood thanks to her pet, and sometimes she brought Nemu to the port and let destroyers play with Nemu.

"Thanks to you the destroyers now have a good mood too, even after the attack."

"Thank you, Mikasa dai-senpai, I hope we can heal their PTSD after those bitch attacked us without a war declaration."

"Watch your language, so many children here."

"Sorry, but..."

"I know, because I feel the same way when Amagi pass away, if you need something you can tell me."

"Thanks, Mikasa dai-senpai."

"Anyway the school will start at 30 minutes, see you later!"

Somewhere in the Indian Ocean

"Schwester, Kommandant, where are you two?"

A Scharnhorst-class META searching for her leader and sister, hoping she will find them in the Indian Ocean, instead meet another siren fleet.

[To be continued]

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