Chapter 4

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saraba chikyuu yo tabidatsu fune wa
uchuu senkan Andromeda



Yokosuka Naval Base - Post Attack by Enterprise (?) and Hornet (?)

Look, someone just woke up at the hospital.

"Prinz Eugen!" a loli shouted at the bigger girl.

"Urgh... Nimi, what happened before?"

"Eagle Union attacked us!"

"What? Is that true?"

"I also can't believe it but, those aircraft definitely Eagle Union aircraft."

"Tell about it later, I gonna sleep again."

Eugen back to sleep again and tease Hipper in her dream.

Outside Hospital

Akagi is now bored because Kaga is still in the hospital and she definitely knows if she goes for revenge, she will die.

"Akagi, please alive for me."

A brown fox approaches her from the forest.

'A fox, especially the color.'

Akagi checks the fox.

'A female one huh, gonna keep her as a pet.'

"Hey Akagi-san, now you have a pet?"

"Yes Zuikaku, her name is Nemu."

And they both play with Nemu outside the hospital

"Bismarck still sick, Azur Lane declared war, I hope something will help Sakura Empire survive this war."

"But you sure they are declared war?"

"What do you mean?"

"I just feel something wrong with Enterprise and Hornet, especially when she has medium bomber in her deck?"

"You have a point Mikasa-san."

"But now how we establish contact with Azur Lane, and I sure many of our kansens want to revenge."

Pearl Harbour - Post Attack

"Siren pawns are not uncommon, but disguised as Sakuran kansens and literally copying their personality is a very dangerous one."

"If not for Andromeda we will be fooled by those sirens."

"Yeah, her AA and firepower are very strong, also her evasion is really high."

"When I talk to her, she has rank Captain so I believe she has the experience to help us."

Andromeda using Yamanami rank.

"Andromeda-san, your power is really strong!"

A lot of girls surround Andromeda.

"You must be a hero in your previous world!"

'Oh, Theresa-sama please help me.'

'Analyzer, order the base to start building 4 D-class and 6 Kongo-class'

'Start building 4 D-class and 6 Kongo-class'

Kiel seaport

Ulrich and Aldabert prepare supplies for operation N.

"Only 3 days left, have you repaired the transmission, Ulrich?"

"No, can you help me with those, Aldabert?"

"Of course Ulrich, I am the best Iron Blood mechanic after all!" said Aldabert proudly

"If the transmission broke in the middle of the operation, you have no meal for a day."

"Trust my skill, Ulrich!"

"Are you gonna carry that 10 beer barrels, Elbe?"

"Of course, those are mine after all!"

"Literally unimportant thing to carry."

"Shut up Mainz I know you will do the same with coffee."

Duke of York spying on them and writing a note

Iron Blood is not the reason for the radio signal incident, but they want to go to an abandoned archipelago in the far east, maybe they want to search for something there, a possibility for their leader's cure. 

10 December 1941

"What?! Azur Lane attacking Sakura Empire?"

"Yes, and Kure base is toppled to the ground, fortunately no one died, and Sakura Empire's main base moved to Yokosuka."

"Prepare base to alert if Royal Navy attacking us, if they attacking us then operation N will be halted."

Sardegna Empire - Sardegna Island

There are 2 purple-haired girls near the coast, a heavy cruiser and a destroyer.

"Heeh the Azur Lane strike Sakura Empire?!"

"Yes, and now we must be on high alert since the attack."

"Noo... less sea to explore" the little destroyer almost crying.

"If the negotiation succeeds, you can definitely explore the Pacific. I sure of that."

"Please next news the negotiation success."

"Yeah, let us hope that will happen."

Taranto Port

"The attack, it's too odd."

"Yes it is, even Azur Lane attacked at the same time."

You can see a silver-haired girl using a ww2 era telephone

"Anyway you sure want to rejoin us?"

"Of course, I already planned this for months."

"Okay then, also there is information about a new member."

"Oh, interesting, tell me about that."

"Her appearance looks like me, with the exception of eyes color, she has 4 triple 406 mm gun and hidden AA gun, the superstructure is quite unique."

"Interesting indeed."

"Back to the attack incident, both sides receive attack, if not sirens then METAs."

[To be continued]

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